the everything site ...?


the blindbowman

Bronze Member
Nov 21, 2006
latter tonight when i have time i will walk threw each part of the research and how it fits the sites and why i bleive this site related to the diffrent legends .. dont judge me yet ..untill you hear the data and how it relates .. it may change what you beleive about these legends .. the real reward is that 4 legends become true with facts to prove it and even if we disgree about those fact we all find our selfs not just the fools who look for lost treasures we become the winners , those willing to try to solve the wildest of legends even those legends we never knew even apply to a given area ,yet we defind the hunt and the search for lost treasure and histroical wisdom ...

right or wrong i have nothing to be ashame of and i am a better preson for getting to know each of you . and this beautful part of the country at the same time ...

you never need to agree with me or my findings .. but lets ask the specialist and find out if this discovery stands .. because it dose fit this site 100% .. and yes IMHO this is legendary site of chicomoztoc ...have we found the legendary site of tayopa , have we found the legendary site of somberro mine ,have we found the legendary sorce of waltz's ore ...are they all confused within one legendary location ...maybe legendarys are easy to slve then we know .. maybe it is being openminded and willing to cross the country 3 times and spend my life saveings .. maybe i will lose i could be wrong ... but i know i tryed ...

dont judge me let the specicalist come forward .. i welcome it .. we are treasure hunters and we do not give up easyly .. we live the search and it has taken many of our lifes to find this location and we all share in this discovery ...

will the secerd site of chicomoztoc become more then just a fade away legend ..

all those people that hunted for the LDM ... is it all in vein ...

let them come and judge tis site .. let the world judge site 4 ...

time will tell


Hero Member
Jul 26, 2007
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Eyes, ears and common sense
the blindbowman said:
latter tonight when i have time i will walk threw each part of the research and how it fits the sites and why i bleive this site related to the diffrent legends .. dont judge me yet ..untill you hear the data and how it relates .. it may change what you beleive about these legends .. the real reward is that 4 legends become true with facts to prove it and even if we disgree about those fact we all find our selfs not just the fools who look for lost treasures we become the winners , those willing to try to solve the wildest of legends even those legends we never knew even apply to a given area ,yet we defind the hunt and the search for lost treasure and histroical wisdom ...

right or wrong i have nothing to be ashame of and i am better preson for getting to know each of you . and this beautful part of the country at the same time ...

you never agree with me or my findings .. but lets ask the specialist and find out if this discovery stands .. because it dose fit this site 100% .. and yes IMHO this is chicomoztoc ...have we fount tayopa , have we found the somberro mine ,have we found the sorce of waltz's ore ...

dont judge me let the specicalist come forward .. i welcome it .. we are treasure hunters and we do not give u easyly .. we live the search and it has taken many of our lifes to find this location and we all share in this discovery ...

Que the theme from All My Children, lights, camera, action.....


Silver Member
May 1, 2007
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Somehow,I expected that one would have had to actually hike 15 miles thru hell to get to your discovery.That a navigator possessed of such talent and outer- worldly insight such as yourself could,by admission walk 15 miles for nothing,leaves me speechless.Almost.
For those who may wish to peruse the source of some of BB's data,go here----



Gold Member
Dec 10, 2005

[latter tonight when i have time i will walk threw each part of the research and how it fits the sites and why i bleive this site related to the diffrent legends .. dont judge me yet ..untill you hear the data and how it relates .. it may change what you beleive about these legends .. the real reward is that 4 legends become true with facts to prove it and even if we disgree about those fact we all find our selfs not just the fools who look for lost treasures we become the winners , those willing to try to solve the wildest of legends even those legends we never knew even apply to a given area ,yet we defind the hunt and the search for lost treasure and histroical wisdom ...

right or wrong i have nothing to be ashame of and i am a better preson for getting to know each of you . and this beautful part of the country at the same time ...

you never need to agree with me or my findings .. but lets ask the specialist and find out if this discovery stands .. because it dose fit this site 100% .. and yes IMHO this is legendary site of chicomoztoc ...have we found the legendary site of tayopa , have we found the legendary site of somberro mine ,have we found the legendary sorce of waltz's ore ...are they all confused within one legendary location ...maybe legendarys are easy to slve then we know .. maybe it is being openminded and willing to cross the country 3 times and spend my life saveings .. maybe i will lose i could be wrong ... but i know i tryed ...

dont judge me let the specicalist come forward .. i welcome it .. we are treasure hunters and we do not give up easyly .. we live the search and it has taken many of our lifes to find this location and we all share in this discovery ...

will the secerd site of chicomoztoc become more then just a fade away legend ..

all those people that hunted for the LDM ... is it all in vein ...

let them come and judge tis site .. let the world judge site 4 ...

time will tell]

" have i lost my way ? or am i just a being of lost ways ? "

" a wiseman once told me a wiseman that thinks he knows everything has already failed because he thinks "

© the blindbowman ,2007

That would be good. Let's see it.

Joe Ribaudo


the blindbowman

Bronze Member
Nov 21, 2006
dont you wonder why i would just give the location away ... makes you wonder if i know something you dont about this site ...

almost like it was timed ...

makes you wonder why ...

think about it .. what will happen if this site is chicomoztoc ..

you deface one of the most secerd site in the history of the american indain tribes ...

you find evidence that the roman vatcan killed thousand apone those of indain saying they were just savages so they could taste the wealth from the spainish plates like craps to a dog ...

vast wealth just setting there for our goverment to step in and take it ..

dont be the fool .. never steal for the thunder Gods ...

dont touch anything there . a sickness well befall the earth like you have never seen ....

go ahead reach out and touch wat dose not belong to you ...

it belongs to me and me alone ...

remember i have warn you all...


the blindbowman

Bronze Member
Nov 21, 2006
dont you just love it when the gods take their rath out on the humans just because they can ...remember that ends of days thing .......LOL

you cant stop it now . its to late . its already started .. the greed of the human race will prove me right ... you will watch as the war brakes out between the religions . the past will come back to haunt them ..

their sins will be free and they will fall before the axe....

how simple is the human race .. your culture is about to learn a lesson it will never forget ...

i am just one old crazy an what could i do

so what did cause the depression , did the value of gold drop or what...LOL

what could cause something like that ...

who cares


Silver Member
May 1, 2007
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
BTW---I found the above link with a simple entry of-"yoneda 1991 chicomztoc"-in my search engine.
BB: I have just finished reading the linked page and am sorely tempted,in part because of several interpretations of what is depicted on MC2 that are discussed by the authors,as well as the illustrations on the page,to shift your attention to another location.A 15 mile hike too far might have given you a better perspective,as well as evidence that would afford you a greater chance of obtaining that permit.


PS:having just having read your last post,BB,I seriously doubt that your "timing" is going to influence the hiking destinations of any of the attendees of this year's rendezvous,nor any decision regarding your permit application.


the blindbowman

Bronze Member
Nov 21, 2006
somehiker said:
BTW---I found the above link with a simple entry of-"yoneda 1991 chicomztoc"-in my search engine.
BB: I have just finished reading the linked page and am sorely tempted,in part because of several interpretations of what is depicted on MC2 that are discussed by the authors,as well as the illustrations on the page,to shift your attention to another location.A 15 mile hike too far might have given you a better perspective,as well as evidence that would afford you a greater chance of obtaining that permit.


PS:having just having read your last post,BB,I seriously doubt that your "timing" is going to influence the hiking destinations of any of the attendees of this year's rendezvous,nor any decision regarding your permit application.

i dont care i dont want premit ... watch and learn

...who cares a bout gold ...greed is the down fall of the human race ... it always will be ...
dont you get it yet cort is where treasure are won and lost every day ...


Silver Member
May 1, 2007
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
BB: I could,of course,after your last post,wonder if you actually meant grams instead of miles.If that were the case,then much of what you speak is...... :icon_scratch:



the blindbowman

Bronze Member
Nov 21, 2006
somehiker said:
BB: I could,of course,after your last post,wonder if you actually meant grams instead of miles.If that were the case,then much of what you speak is...... :icon_scratch:

you have your fun why you can , it wont last long ...

did you read the fine print on the premits guide line ..i did

they cant give a premit to a site with out makeing sure someone has not applied for a premit for that site before .. guess what ... anyone that trys will end up in cort .. its a simple law ...


Silver Member
May 1, 2007
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Nice try,Kasparov,but I'm afraid that you will have to post a scan of your "premits guide line",so that I might read it.That is if it's not too blurry of course.I will be making no claim to anything that I may find out there.Now or ever.Simple.

Regards:SH. ;D


the blindbowman

Bronze Member
Nov 21, 2006
somehiker said:
Nice try,Kasparov,but I'm afraid that you will have to post a scan of your "premits guide line",so that I might read it.That is if it's not too blurry of course.I will be making no claim to anything that I may find out there.Now or ever.

Regards:SH. ;D

thats good no one miss you


Silver Member
May 1, 2007
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Oh,and by the way.
The track of a mountain lion bears no claw marks.
But I was waiting to see if a shaman
Would notice.



Gold Member
Jan 21, 2005
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Tesoro Lobo Supertraq, (95%) Garrett Scorpion (5%)
HOLA amigos,

I had figured this was pretty well "done" but one never knows. There are several points I guess I have to address here. So I must beg your indulgence as this will be a long reply.

Blindbowman wrote:
dont you wonder why i would just give the location away ... makes you wonder if i know something you dont about this site ...

almost like it was timed ...

makes you wonder why

As for your timing - well this could be several reasons, one being to build suspense, "high drama" etc or just for the pleasure of teasing folks with tantalizing hopes. I can't say that I would have done it this way, but that is a personal view.

Blindbowman also wrote:
you deface one of the most secerd site in the history of the american indain tribes ...

you find evidence that the roman vatcan killed thousand apone those of indain saying they were just savages so they could taste the wealth from the spainish plates like craps to a dog ...

vast wealth just setting there for our goverment to step in and take it ..

dont be the fool .. never steal for the thunder Gods ...

dont touch anything there . a sickness well befall the earth like you have never seen ....

go ahead reach out and touch wat dose not belong to you ...

it belongs to me and me alone ...

remember i have warn you all...

Hmm well "the gods" are something I have trouble with; as I did research the origins of quite a few "gods" who proved to nothing but early to mid-Bronze age rulers and heros. With no clue to actually pinpoint any treasures at your sites amigo, how would I (or anyone else) ever touch them? I think your fears about anyone removing what ever it is that you believe you discovered, may be un-founded. For instance, you mentioned a pillar or totem (stone I presume?) well can you picture someone hacking a huge block of stone loose and packing it out of the Superstitions? I can't.

Blindbowman also wrote
how simple is the human race .. your culture is about to learn a lesson it will never forget ...

i am just one old crazy an what could i do

so what did cause the depression , did the value of gold drop or what...LOL

what could cause something like that ...

Well amigo you should know what caused the Great Depression, it is a matter of history. True, "we" are following that pattern to a degree but not in every way. The value of gold did not drop, the price was set by federal law - however the buying power of gold and silver increased dramatically. A prediction of hard times ahead is a fairly safe prophecy as things stand, barring some miracle.

Blindbowman also wrote
dont care i dont want premit ... watch and learn

...who cares a bout gold ...greed is the down fall of the human race ... it always will be ...
dont you get it yet cort is where treasure are won and lost every day ...

Hmm if you don't actually WANT a Treasure Trove permit, why go through the red tape to get one? That doesn't make too much sense to me. Unless your whole purpose in applying for a TT permit was in order to have it denied, thus providing a "perfect" excuse for why you can't show the actual treasures, mummies, etc since the Government is blocking you. You would then be free to publish your discoveries, and no one can prove them wrong. That would be rather "bad tucker" as they say, but would serve your purposes IF you did not ever actually want the gold, treasures etc in the first place. Who cares about gold? I do, it is real money unlike paper currencies that devaluate in your pocket. As for "winning treasures in court" well really court is supposed to "make you whole" monetarily, re-dress a wrong, not grant huge windfalls to people. So I have to respectfully disagree on that point.

Somehiker wrote
Oh,and by the way.
The track of a mountain lion bears no claw marks.But I was waiting to see if a shaman
Would notice.

I agree in part and respectfully disagree in part - under most circumstances a Cougar keeps his claws retracted, but they will extend them when moving fast (as in pursuing a quarry) or in slippery ground (mud, sand, steep rock) and the tracks shown in the photo do look like Cougar tracks to me, with the claws extended. They are partly blurred/blotted due to the overstepping/superimposing, which leads me to believe that cat was chasing his or her dinner. Alternatively it is possible those tracks are of a large canine, like someone's Saint Bernard, or we know that the Feds have been stocking Mexican wolves in Arizona and the wolves have not remained in the Blue mountains but have spread out quite a bit. The layout (arrangement) of canine toes is a little different from cat tracks, (more curve to the outline generally, for one thing) but my money would be on a mountain lion for that set. I could be wrong, but am certain that is a pair of footprints that is superimposed by overstepping. If we could make out the un-blurred print of the footpad we could tell for certain whether it was canine or feline, but from the looks of it there is no hope for that. Either way there is no giant mountain lion on the prowl there for folks to be concerned about - at least not based on the tracks. If I had thought to take some photos, I could show some examples of this as I tracked a cougar on my boss's ranch a few weeks ago that was apparently shadowing the sheep flock. It left no trace of claw marks until it got to the river bank where it was slick, there the cat used her claws to keep from slipping into the water but retracted them again as she continued on south away from the river.

*Before any animal-lovers out there jump to any conclusions, I did not shoot the cat nor was there any need to - it apparently was interested in the sheep but found other prey for dinner (a jackrabbit) and traveled on up the river away from the ranch. I don't go shooting animals out of suspicion, so no need to send me an angry PM! :o ::) ;D :D :wink:*

It will be interesting to see where you take this Blindbowman, however if you decide not to publish it I will lose some respect for you - it takes courage to put your ideas out in print for the public to judge, no courage to simply keep it to yourself. That would be just a little bit cowardly, IMHO.

A last thing amigo Blindbowman - I am not judging you, have not been and don't plan to. We are treasure hunters so we have things in common, whatever differences we have in ideas has no weight in measuring friendship. Not in my book. I expect the same courtesy in return - "don't be judging me"! ;D

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


Silver Member
May 1, 2007
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Don't forget that,by his own admission,this is all nothing but a game.
My own experience tells me to also look at the soil deformation in order to determine the gait of the animal being tracked.Observance of cats,large and small,indicates that they also spread their toes concurrent with claw extension.
We also must rely on a verbal description of size in this case....



the blindbowman

Bronze Member
Nov 21, 2006
humans talk a lot of sh-- !

your opioions are your own . and i hope others enjoy your input even if you have forgotten one fact ..

what if i am right !

it dose not matter if you agre or even under stand the data or the legends true path .. the fact is i could still be right ..!

IMHO the 4 bells of tayopa do show up in the codex

a water fall get real ...

he said , Fingers of God ,,

it was the only known discriptive wording to the somberro mine

did you ever wonder why waltz told dick holmes , threw the saddle .. and not over the saddle .. it dose make a lot of sence when you under stand the small details .. but this is not about the details or the legends is it ...

fact ,i am correct and nothing you can say or do will change that ...

i have requesed a premit and untill the NFS has proven i am right or wrong ,the request stands and no one will be able to make any clams at that site .. you are so bent on no one finding these legends ..other then your self ..

as i said ,watch and learn 4 is chicomoztoc ...

go ahead messure any part of the simbolic drawing compair the scale to the geological hill .. i am right .. this is chicomoztoc . and no matter what insaults you make to me presonally .. you will be the fool when this is over ...

the fact remains i will be proven right ..this is chicomoztoc

stay safe stay free


the blindbowman

Bronze Member
Nov 21, 2006
i do find it funny how you over look the details and agree with only your own opioions right or wrong ,

how one acount has waltz killing the prealta for the mine ? and takeing the mine by force yet here is the somberro mine and a mine own by the prealta familiy that dose relate dirrectly to one of waltz's acounts if not all of them ..

i have been to this mine shaft and you dont know it yet but there is evidence to suport what i am saying . but i am only one man, i could not move the mine shaft any more then anyone else could .. and what if , with all your ego and opioions you are all wrong and i am in fact right ..
none of these legends have been solved and documented as of yet ...

post any artifact related to any of these legends , anyone of you ,willing to step up and post a picture of anything from chicomoztoc, tayopa ,the somberro mine or the LDM ...

come on step up .. lets see what evidence you have ...i have a lot more you dont know about and you may be way over your heads and dont even know it yet


the blindbowman

Bronze Member
Nov 21, 2006
i have one more piont to make .

i am sorry ,
very sorry.

i did not preceive how navigationally illiterate the human race is ...

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