The Lost Gold Mine of Jacob Waltz, not Peralta stones related

Quote from: cactusjumper on Today at 09:07:44 AM
Don Jose,

Scott, like Roy, is something of a saint for putting up with bb all these years. I think he has seen just about everything over his career, but someone throws him a curve now and then. He deserves better than what he occasionally gets here.

Take care,


Joe I told you I will not stand for this any more if you really must step on me you face the react I make ,,,

bb quotes:

[Just explain it it step by step Joe .. Let see if you can read a map ..., better yet lets see if you can read the stones ... ]

[I guess the question is how do you base your theory that the dagger points north..?

Watch this ,you get to learn something ]

[Sounds more like quality of your and Cubs replies .. Grow up .. !I exspect it from Cub .. He still has a good veiw or over sight .. But your just acting like a troll...

I hate to tell you this , but if you think the LDM is going to be easy you should stay home and read about it on the computer ...]

[I would like nothing more then to shut you and CUB up permentally .. But I dont focus on confused ...

[If you guys acted your age it would like much better on the topics ...]

[You guys just dont do the research the same way .. It dosent mean your right or I am right .. It means you have nothing better to do then act like childern .. ..

And dont worry your little minds .. I can and will prove that I have found the real LDM ..]

[So grow up and act your age you two ,... It waste time and effert and shows just how much you dont know ...]

[How do you guys come up with this stuff ]

In addition to actual threats, this list of disrespectful comment could go on for many, many pages, starting from your first posts on this site. What's really funny, is you have no idea how many times we have all asked the same question about you. If we were to look up disrespect in the dictionary, it seems likely your face would be right next to it.

This post may be deleted, but that will not change the history of this guy. Once the moderators delete it, I will put him back on IGNORE!

Joe Ribaudo

I think there are times when "off-topic" can actually be very "on-topic."

On any forums, when a real, live, Troll comes along, it can go several different ways, with the members.

One strategy of the trolls, is to simply get on the forum and start blasting everyone, trying to drag the discussion off topic, and into nothing. When this happens, the members will finally get their fill of it and tell him so, and moderators will take him off.

Another strategy is to come on like a nice, regular person, and gradually start nit-picking, more and more, until it turns nasty. People give this kind more of a chance, because, after all, he was a "nice guy." This M.O. only buys the troll a little more time, and confuses things more, because members think that maybe he will see the light, and lay off. Come to his senses. But if not, they let him know that he sucks, and the moderators will handle it.

But the third type is a real hum-dinger. He will insult people, and build it up more and more. But here's the twist: He will make people feel sorry for him, one way or another. Be it by handicaps, family misfortunes, or even occasional apologies. These things all buy this guy extra tolerance, and thus extra time.

But wait...there's more!

The real good ones will do a hold-back. That is, they will withold something which makes others curious. Everyone loves a mystery! So the members grant this one even more tolerance, and his time on the forum can go on forever, simply be going through these cycles repeatedly. Changing the "hold-back" from time-to-time, and dribbling out a little non-information once in awhile, enhances this effect.

Some people may consider the ongoing mayhem of these types to be kind of funny, and it often can be.

But when it starts right in the middle of a good discussion, and drags it off into never-never land, it can really tick people off, and even start them arguing amongst themselves, just because of the mood it can set.

Of course, I wouldn't mention any names, or even suggest that there is one of this type on this forum. That's for others to decide for themselves.

...Just sayin'....


the blindbowman
Posts: 1449

Re: The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?
Reply To This Topic #377 Posted Dec 14, 2006, 10:07:10 AM

we did find the place where the peralta _ ruth map was made from ...

it was not where we thaught it was ..

but yes the mts are all in one photo and look the same way ....

but the photo was taken from a hard place to get to .. a climb i dont welcome again ....

and yes the knife points north ...

has anyone try to under stand what would happen if you mirror the image and than go to the opsitie side of the photo in the mt's ? we did ...

BB you remind me of FRY in Futurama,


furness said:
the blindbowman
Posts: 1449

Re: The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?
Reply To This Topic #377 Posted Dec 14, 2006, 10:07:10 AM

we did find the place where the peralta _ ruth map was made from ...

it was not where we thaught it was ..

but yes the mts are all in one photo and look the same way ....

but the photo was taken from a hard place to get to .. a climb i dont welcome again ....

and yes the knife points north ...

has anyone try to under stand what would happen if you mirror the image and than go to the opsitie side of the photo in the mt's ? we did ...

BB you remind me of FRY in Futurama,


OOooooH SNAP! :sign10:



  • OHOH.jpg
    31.5 KB · Views: 925
Blindbowman said:
so when someone tells you the dagger points north .. you know he is holding something back , the fact he cant read a map :thumbsup:

now back to the topic .. :coffee2:

I think everyone has the right to withhold some things. Certainly business affairs, personal finances, things about their spouse and family, who they voted for, and stuff like that. And key treasure hunting information, of course.

The type I was referring to just talks a big talk, and withholds everything. Obviously, they have that right, but then why tell everyone about it? A secret is best kept if it's all kept secret. The type I was referring to brags about everything but has nothing to show for it, and when asked, manages to change the subject by starting an irrelevant argument.

You've probably seen the type.


the blindbowman said:
and yes the knife points north ...



Re: your all being played for fools .
Reply To This Topic #460 Posted Jul 06, 2011, 05:44:15 AM

Reply with quoteQuote
i have misled and made statements i know were not true .. in many cases i have played the wild cards to distract others when needed .. it was not my focus to do so but it was needed at the time .. i felt some of the things i have done i would not want others to do to me .. but as i found out Waltz felt the same way we he realized what the mine really is ...

for those things i am not sorry .. only disapointed the legend was not solveable with out that beheavior...

i am not this type of person ..

in fact i very seldom talk to anyone one side my own family members ..

i hope after expedition 5 i can prove that it was all worth the effert and the time and changes i had to make to see the research to its concluetion ...

to me its not about the gold or greed or even winning .. its about proveing something to my self .. any no one else played a part in my choice to solve the legend the way i have ... yes i had to do things i dont agree with personaly .. yes i have risk my life a few dozen times and yes i have spent way more then i should have .. and yes i would do it all over again in a heart beat knowing what i know now ...

to those i have wronged i am truely sorry and i appolgize for my actions .. for those that think this has all been a joke i feel sorry for you .. for those that dont under stand whats going on .. sorry that was by design ..

for those that wish me luck thank you ..

for those that dont under stand why i have done what i have ...

put your self in my shoes ... you only need think one thing to under stand why ... wholly --deleted-- it is real ! the rest just happend ..."

Blindbowman said:
i can misdirect cant i

this all started when joe needed a bunch of funkyies to stick up for him

because he could not answer a simple question ...and look your all doing it again , your not on topic joe got you all after me and where is he setting back useing you ... lol behind your backs ...

this roy's thread latter ...

Yes we know........You was only kiddin

Springfield 12/30/2010:
Yes, ignore indeed. Everything the fellow has posted is nonsense intended to attract attention to himself. IMO, the fellow is either a troll with tremendous patience or institutionalized. Very sad, but life goes on.

Ignore or quit complainin'

Well they can't say we didn't try to have a civil discourse, and it wasn't derailed the way I expected it would. Sorry for doing this but I am locking this thread. I give up.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


All - I have unlocked this thread, will give it another try. :icon_thumright:


I'm not sure if the gentleman will be at the rendezvous again this year - but, there was a man who had your exact attitude and explanations about "the mine". And, we all sat and listened to everything he had to say, and a little bit more.

If he is there again this year, it will make for an interesting discussion.



"The geology of the Superstitions is not the most promising for finding rich gold deposits. Mostly it is volcanic type rock, practically barren of gold or silver except for small areas tending along the southern edge of the Wilderness Area. To be sure there is gold there, you can pan out some color in a number of places, but if you are out to find gold I would suggest almost any other gold district of Arizona before the Superstitions."

It's been many years ago, but I remember talking to my uncle about this subject. He took out a map showing mines in Arizona. As I remember, there were mines running in a belt from the northwest to the southeast. They ran right up to the Superstitions and stopped. Nothing to speak of until you got over on the east side, where the picked up again and continued to the southeast.

My memory ain't so good anymore, but that's how I remember it. Maybe someone knows what I am talking about, or knows that my memory is worse than I thought. :dontknow:

Take care,


This is good!!!

Someone in one of the threads mentioned that the Starr Brothers, who were neighbors to Waltz in AZ census 1880 were actually named Starrar or something like that? Can anyone tell me where this is and why they would use another name?

Thank you,


That information can be found in many places, but if you have Dr. Glover's book, that would be a good place to get the families history.

If you have the book, he will be at the Rendezvous and would probably be happy to sign it for you.

Hope to see you there.

Take care,


cactusjumper said:

"The geology of the Superstitions is not the most promising for finding rich gold deposits. Mostly it is volcanic type rock, practically barren of gold or silver except for small areas tending along the southern edge of the Wilderness Area. To be sure there is gold there, you can pan out some color in a number of places, but if you are out to find gold I would suggest almost any other gold district of Arizona before the Superstitions."

It's been many years ago, but I remember talking to my uncle about this subject. He took out a map showing mines in Arizona. As I remember, there were mines running in a belt from the northwest to the southeast. They ran right up to the Superstitions and stopped. Nothing to speak of until you got over on the east side, where the picked up again and continued to the southeast.

My memory ain't so good anymore, but that's how I remember it. Maybe someone knows what I am talking about, or knows that my memory is worse than I thought. :dontknow:

Take care,

no joe , i would have to agree with that . i will even go on record as saying the LDM is not normal for the over all area .. in fact its not even close ..we see it in Gem hunting a lot the deposite is just there and no where around there ..for 10 miles

i beleive thats what makes the mine difrent then all the rest ..qualities and purities and the fact it should not be there at all ...qualities of the ore it self vs the purites of the deposite it self and the matrix ...

Thank you Joe, I knew I saw it somewhere... and yes I plan to be at the Rendezvous! Health cooperating with me, I'll be there.

(can you have ATVs at the campgrounds?)


While I agree that the "looks" of the Supes might not make an ordinary prospector drool with anticipation, I got over the idea that volcanic tuft and caliche and all the "non-ferrous" types of things in the Supes is a downer.

To tell it straight and narrow - the gold mines that we have had for many many years big red volcanic rock on one side, and one big cemented dirt and other non-metalic crap on the other.

However, I compare every gold spot I go to against that place - it is full of nuggets (well hidden), but, when you know exactly where to get them, you forget that it looks like the most unmineralized place in the world. We almost - almost - let it go the year we first went there. I just couldn't get out of my head, the fact that there were hundreds of feet of adits. No oldtimer would dig THAT much for a little dust. So, we went back and did it right.

I equate the Supes (and always have) with those mines. We have panned gold in many different places in the Supes - not enough to make me want to go psycho, but enough, in some places, to want to follow it up. One of the biggest "glory holes" in California was found under 50 or 60 feet of red vocanic rock. Nothing about the "experts" opinions will ever change my mind that there is gold in the Supes, just because there is volcanic rock. In fact, when I SEE volcanic rock, and caliche, and chalcedony - and, a certain type of quartz, of course - it doesn't compute that it is totally barren. I think the volcanic rock is possibly covering up the gold bearing strata, I'm not thinking that there is gold IN the vocanic rock.

You are correct - your memory is perfect - as I saw a similar mapping of minerals in Arizona (in fact, I believe we have a copy of an old map of Arizona deposits) - when I look at it, rather than think that there is some gold going up to the Supes, and then down on the other side of the Supes, what I see, is that someone is either missing the "source of the gold" or WANTS to miss the source of the gold. (knowing that you always pan up to, hopefully, the source. And, since most of the gold that we have come across over the years was NOT the source.

I know - die hard - hard headed, prospector :laughing7: :laughing7: :help:

However, that's what I think it will take to find "the" real gold in the Supes.


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