Two Pound Gold Nugget found in Gold Pan!!


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2013
East Tennessee
Primary Interest:
I found this cute little Gold Nugget (Kitten) sleeping in my' Gold Pan this morning and thought I would share a pic with you. This is one kitten out of 12 we have from two different litters. Anyone want a kitten?


Gold Nugget Kitten.jpg


We have five cats currently. No more for awhile.

Double Awwwwwww - 1 indoor and 3 barn cats - all spayed/neutered - keeps down the cat food bills!

Love the picture! I'm a cat guy, I have 3. Every night here in my sanctuary upstairs in my ancestral home - rickety windows - the cats are up here chasing the moths that come up the windows. I stand up and swat the moths down for the cats, and they really have at it!

Besides the Internet, that's my total entertainment - I don't watch TV. Everything I need for entertainment is on Youtube, but the kitties take a couple hours away to catch and eat moths - I heard those are good for the cats?

aaawwwwww I'd love a kitty, but I have 2, 18yo birds, after them....... freedom, lol.

My cat from long ago loved moths, crickets, lizards, cicadas, they were the funniest.
She'd paw at them, then when she'd get them in her mouth, they'd buzz and tickele her,
she'd sling 'em out, paw them, back in mouth, buzz, buzz, tickle, lather, rinse, repeat, lol.

No offense, but I wonder how many people are going to waste their time, like I did, viewing this thread because they believed the thread subject?

Picked this one up out of the middle of the road last week... rode home in the console of the truck!


  • Kitty2.jpg
    703.5 KB · Views: 84
No offense, but I wonder how many people are going to waste their time, like I did, viewing this thread because they believed the thread subject?
Well, I actually think he should go panning, asap!!!!!!!

I mean: THERE'S A SIGN........ :laughing7:

No offense, but I wonder how many people are going to waste their time, like I did, viewing this thread because they believed the thread subject?

Damn Jim... Does the whole world have to revolve on everything being 100% up and center...? Come on guy it's "General Discussion". Let's get a sense of humor. If Frank was really serious it most certainly wouldn't be in GENERAL DISCUSSION. Who would do that and why...? I totally get your point but the..... "General Discussion" thread I think is "outside" of serious finds or discoverers.

Just my take on this subject.... Brad

I hate animals kids and super models, but I don't care who you are that is cute

No offense, but I wonder how many people are going to waste their time, like I did, viewing this thread because they believed the thread subject?

No offense taken! However, as much as I try to help others, I believe I earned the right to post a Thread that is off topic. Folks do it all of time on here and I believe that this is my first.


Damn Jim... Does the whole world have to revolve on everything being 100% up and center...? Come on guy it's "General Discussion". Let's get a sense of humor. If Frank was really serious it most certainly wouldn't be in GENERAL DISCUSSION. Who would do that and why...? I totally get your point but the..... "General Discussion" thread I think is "outside" of serious finds or discoverers.

Just my take on this subject.... Brad
The idea of a "subject" for a thread is so people can easily bypass things they aren't interested in. Nobody, and I mean nobody, has time to read every thread on T-net. I value my time, and don't appreciate it being wasted. Why is it so difficult to be courteous to other users and put the true nature of a thread in the subject? Plain and simple, it's lack of consideration for others. Nothing humorous about it. Or is the author so desperate for views, he doesn't want to put the true subject in his thread title? I don't do that to others, and I appreciate others who don't do it to me.

Picked this one up out of the middle of the road last week... rode home in the console of the truck!

Too cute!

With 12 kittens, 8 of them still somewhat wild (yep, they are feral cats) and 4 adult cats outside, it is hard to get a vehicle out of or in the driveway. I took pity on a wild mama cat and her only baby left that were starving to death and began to feed them a little bit each day and what I now have is the result. I can't afford to pay for spaying and neutering, so I will be looking for homes for all of the cats and kittens soon. I avoid animal shelters because I know that most of the animals that are euthanized, end up getting sold to Veterinarian schools and for study.


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Neat, at first I thought the cat was dead.

I suppose posting a picture of my cat that has worms wouldn't go over to well , lol

The idea of a "subject" for a thread is so people can easily bypass things they aren't interested in. Nobody, and I mean nobody, has time to read every thread on T-net. I value my time, and don't appreciate it being wasted. Why is it so difficult to be courteous to other users and put the true nature of a thread in the subject? Plain and simple, it's lack of consideration for others. Nothing humorous about it. Or is the author so desperate for views, he doesn't want to put the true subject in his thread title? I don't do that to others, and I appreciate others who don't do it to me.

I am sorry that you don't have any sense of humor whatsoever and probably lack a personality! If you don't like my Thread, then ask a Moderator to delete it. My time is valuable to me as well but here I am dealing with stupid **** like this. I am not desperate for views and actually have a low Thread count for the four years I have been on TNET. I post more to give congrats, offer advice and help others out that need help. I could have flown off the handle and really laid it on but that is normally not who I am!


No offense, but I wonder how many people are going to waste their time, like I did, viewing this thread because they believed the thread subject?

Here you go Jim. You've probably seen this recent find and it's just short of 2 pounds but it might help this thread to add some real gold.

Cat meat is yummy but it's not gold. :laughing7:

23oz .JPG

Here you go Jim. You've probably seen this recent find and it's just short of 2 pounds but it might help this thread to add some real gold.

Cat meat is yummy but it's not gold. :laughing7:

View attachment 1476276

Yeah but one can envision that it resembles three Orange Tabby Kittens in their Mother's womb!

Really nice specimen (large nugget) by the way!


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Here you go Jim. You've probably seen this recent find and it's just short of 2 pounds but it might help this thread to add some real gold.

Cat meat is yummy but it's not gold. :laughing7:

View attachment 1476276
A blind man with a broken detector could find that...LOL. Nice! I wouldn't insult the finder by calling it a nuggy.

I am sorry that you don't have any sense of humor whatsoever and probably lack a personality! If you don't like my Thread, then ask a Moderator to delete it. My time is valuable to me as well but here I am dealing with stupid **** like this. I am not desperate for views and actually have a low Thread count for the four years I have been on TNET. I post more to give congrats, offer advice and help others out that need help. I could have flown off the handle and really laid it on but that is normally not who I am!
I've got a terrific sense of humor, Frank....I just fail to see what's funny about a completely disingenuous thread subject. Especially as it has nothing at all to do with treasure hunting. If you're wasting your time responding, you earned it.

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