Update / Finders Keepers take on the FBI and DCNR in court

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Think about this, with all those agents on site, do you believe all of them could keep secrets?

Why did your lawyers have no writing contracts with the state and the federal government?

We could not get anything in writing from DCNR because nothing at this site belong to them. Treasure Law states, Land owner and finder gets it all unless the owner is found , then it goes to the finder and owner ( FBI ). DCNR tried to get us to sign a agreement or contract or BOND and if we did, it stated we give up our rights to anything found and it goes to the Museum Commissioners. This was one BIG reason we would not do the BOND. The bond was offered to us after we located the gold .DCNR said we could dig it up and have a TV company on site but we could not talk about what DCNR did to us at the site EVER. Not on TV, Radio, News Media, movie or books. And we had to remove all State Police and FBI complaints we filed against them.

We had a agreement with the FBI but if they said nothing was found , then we can't file for our % until we prove what amount they took. Once we prove they removed something from the site then we will let the Federal Courts decide what we get if any.

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We beat the FBI in court 3 times and they said they had a Federal Judge seal their files. They ran out of appeals and they are ordered to give us 2,375 pages in their files and 5hrs of video tape taken on site. But the order had no time limit and now the FBI said they are backed up and our large order will take 4 yrs to copy and send. If we would ask for 50 pages we could get it in 4 months, 500 pages = 1yr 1,000 pages 2yrs . We said NO way, we want everything. So this is why we need to get this in Federal Court to speed things up.

We beat DCNR in court 3 times and they had a Federal Judge seal their files to , on Oct 24 they were ordered to give us the info we want but we are not sure what kind of stunt they will come up with to stull. Hay I have the best people working with us and we made it this far and we plan to keep at it until we get all the info we want.

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Congratulations on your patience and perseverance.

I sincerely wish you the best of luck and will probably need much more to get an actual resolution.

Question.... How did the FBI know where to dig ? That treasure could of been anyplace w/in many states .

Question.... How did the FBI know where to dig ? That treasure could of been anyplace w/in many states .

We been working at the site for 7 yrs with DCNR and when things went south we went to the FBI . In 1975 we had proof that the gold was at that location but we could not find the cave. In 2005 we started looking for the cave again and found it and that's when we got DCNR involved. In Jan 2018 we got the FBI involved. We worked under cover with the FBI and made many trips to the site and DCNR did not know anything. DCNR found out about what the FBI was going to do 1 day before the dig.

trying to post a link from our lawyers news report

Battling for answers: Lawyer hopes Pa. court ruling will help solve mystery surrounding fabled cache of Civil War gold

Posted Oct 24, 7:00 PM 1


By Matt Miller | [email protected]

Harrisburg lawyer William Cluck is trying to solve two interconnected mysteries.
The first question is whether the FBI found a fabled cache of long-lost Civil War gold when it was digging around in a state forest last year.
The FBI insists it found nothing.
The second question is why government officials seem to be trying so hard to keep him from getting a satisfactory answer to that first question.
Cluck is hoping a Commonwealth Court ruling issued Thursday will give him and his treasure hunting clients, Finders Keepers LLC, the clues they need to determine exactly what was or wasn’t unearthed at Dent’s Run
Battling for answers: Lawyer hopes Pa. court ruling will help solve mystery surrounding fabled cache of Civil War gold

Posted Oct 24, 7:00 PM
A Pennsylvania court ruling could help private treasure hunters in their quest to learn if the FBI dug up a fabled cache of lost Civil War gold worth tens of millions of dollars.



By Matt Miller | [email protected]

Harrisburg lawyer William Cluck is trying to solve two interconnected mysteries.
The first question is whether the FBI found a fabled cache of long-lost Civil War gold when it was digging around in a state forest last year.
The FBI insists it found nothing.
The second question is why government officials seem to be trying so hard to keep him from getting a satisfactory answer to that first question.
Cluck is hoping a Commonwealth Court ruling issued Thursday will give him and his treasure hunting clients, Finders Keepers LLC, the clues they need to determine exactly what was or wasn’t unearthed at Dent’s Run.

“I’m just following the law and trying to find out what’s going on and why people are playing games,” Cluck said after the state court order was handed down. “If in fact there was nothing there, I want to know.”
The court’s ruling requires the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to provide Cluck with communications it had with the FBI concerning the 2018 dig on state forest land in Elk County north of Pittsburgh.
Finders Keepers is insisting clues point to the Dent’s Run site as the hidden resting place of a shipment of Union Army gold worth millions of dollars that was lost or stolen around the time of the Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863. According to legend the gold, perhaps as many as 52 50-pound bars, left Wheeling, W. Va., and never made to its intended destination of Philadelphia.
That possibility is backed by more than local lore. Cluck said his clients were told by the feds that a ground-penetrating survey commissioned by the FBI before the dig began indicated something big, maybe even gold, was buried in the Dent’s Run area.
Yet the FBI insisted after doing the excavation that nothing was found. Then the federal court case concerning the dig was sealed from public view on grounds that it involved an ongoing criminal investigation.“What conceivable criminal investigation is out there?” Cluck asked.Suspicion was heightened when neighbors reported scores of FBI agents were at the Dent’s Run dig, Cluck said. He said they also told of seeing armored trucks at the scene.DCNR and the state Office of Open Records cited the sealing of the federal court file in denying Cluck’s request to secure the DCNR-FBI communications records under the state’s Right to Know Law.Judge P. Kevin Brobson cleared those roadblocks away in the Commonwealth Court decision and ordered DCNR to hand over the info Cluck requested. DCNR could still appeal that decision, however.Cluck said he’s hoping the information he wants from DCNR includes the search warrant the FBI would have presented to the agency before starting the excavation. That should lay out what the FBI was looking for and its grounds for wanting to conduct the search, he said.



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Thanks,hope it all works out well :)

This is what the FBI sent us about the files they are to send us.
There is a main file and a sub file and the total pages are 2,375 pages. They will not tell us what's in either file or what's on the 5hrs of DVD's.

We recommend the following options--Option 1: To reduce the scope of this request by limiting to the main file which contains approximately 1,058 potential responsive pages. This request would remain in the large track with approximately 47 months to complete.Option 2: To reduce the scope of this request by limiting to approximately the first 950 potential responsive pages. This request would move to the medium track with approximately 21 months to complete. Please let us know if you are interested one of the recommended options listed above. We appreciate your patience and hope to hear from you soon.

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Dennis, is there any plausible explanation from the FBI that you would accept other than an admission that gold was found? I realize how passionate you are about it and I truly appreciate that. I’m simply asking, do you have an open mind to the possibility that despite the “evidence”, that nothing was found?

Looks like it will be 2025 before anything solid is discovered, the way things work. Gold or nothing. And hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.

Dennis, is there any plausible explanation from the FBI that you would accept other than an admission that gold was found? I realize how passionate you are about it and I truly appreciate that. I’m simply asking, do you have an open mind to the possibility that despite the “evidence”, that nothing was found?

With all the info we have , there is no way they found nothing. To many things add up and they did things that prove they planed to remove it with out anyone knowing. When we do the news conference in DC we will show everything we have and let the public decide. Everything the FBI told us was a lie , everything. So why would we accept anything they said after the dig happened. No , we know they removed a lot of gold. They were the ones that said there was over 9 tons of gold at our site, not us. We said there was 2 1/2 tons of gold or 52 bars. The problem started when they found out part of what they found could belong to us. Not all of what they found was union gold and that's when GREED set in. They could only claim union gold and had no claim to any other treasure. If there was coins , silver or artifacts with out union marks on it , it would belong to us and the owner if found.
Why would they bring in 4 armored trucks in 2 military convoys after they dug all night . The last convoy left 12 hrs after they did the dig. Why would they shut down the road into Dents Run when the last convoy arrived. Why have armed FBI guards make the local people stay in their homes when the convoy was at the green tent. Why did they send us and DCNR home at 3 pm on March 13th , then start digging at 7 PM until day light then bring in the first convoy. No there is a lot more to this story we have not told yet. The truth will come out.

The FBI only said it one time a few days after the dig, No Gold Found and in 17 months they will not talk to anyone about the dig. Why are they doing everything they can to block us from looking in their files. What is it they are hiding is the real question. Then they say the investigation is still on going 17 months later :BangHead: .

If the FBI would tell a Federal Judge or my lawyer or Senator Pat Toomey what they found and ask us to keep quiet for a given length of time until they finish the investigation , then we may back off until then but they are not talking. So what would you do.

4 armored trucks , each could hold 2 1/2 tons = 10 tons

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I think when all is said and done, no matter if it takes months or years for this to come to a conclusion, all the lawyers involved will be the big winners and the ones with the biggest (evil) smiles, because in the end they will be holding the most "treasure" regardless of what was or wasn't found.

I think when all is said and done, no matter if it takes months or years for this to come to a conclusion, all the lawyers involved will be the big winners and the ones with the biggest (evil) smiles, because in the end they will be holding the most "treasure" regardless of what was or wasn't found.

Yep ! Never pays to get Lawyers Involved

Either way this turns out .Thinking this whole thing would make a good movie .... And $$$s :)

Why would they bring in 4 armored trucks in 2 military convoys after they dug all night . The last convoy left 12 hrs after they did the dig. Why would they shut down the road into Dents Run when the last convoy arrived. Why have armed FBI guards make the local people stay in their homes when the convoy was at the green tent. Why did they send us and DCNR home at 3 pm on March 13th , then start digging at 7 PM until day light then bring in the first convoy. No there is a lot more to this story we have not told yet. The truth will come out.

Will you be providing evidence of all this when you do the news conference in DC?

Photos were supposed to be posted a while ago supporting your claims but it turned out to be photos of nothing with some lines drawn on them from photoshop.There also was a stock photo of an armored car and an osprey helicopter that were part of the evidence presented.

You guys should contact Wohl/Burkman although their press conferences are politically motivated.I'm sure they would make an exception in your case and help out.

Yep ! Never pays to get Lawyers Involved
If Dennis many lawyers had firm written contracts with the state and federal government, there were no lawsuits, now comes the lawyers too late. I do not know any treasures hunters that does no contract, I always do.The federal government have tons of tax payers money. I had asked Dennis why his lawyer refused to do contracts, no response.

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