Update: Single father getting cheated by government Dead-Beat Dad laws....

Re: Update: Single father getting cheated by government 'Dead-Beat Dad' laws....

You know, this thread is just about dead, but I wanted to add an old story I have. When I was about 24, I met a girl, flirted, and ended up with her about a week later dating heavily. Exactly 14 days later of 'one night', she told me that she was pregnant with my child. Incedentally, this was the technology at the time... it took 14 day after 'conception' to determine pregnancy on a store bought pregnancy test.

I owned up to the responsibility, but I made it known to her and her family that I wanted a DNA test after the child was born to determine fatherhood. Well, it was a short 9 months. In fact, when she was supposedly 3 months pregnant, she looked 5 months pregnant. Every one made this comment and it was becoming a common comment when we were seen together. Well, low an behold, the child was born "premature" 2 months early, and doctors and equipment were all on standby because they feared the worst with a premature baby. But the doctors comments were, "this child is done cooking". The baby was able to lift his head and open his eyes.... he even had a full head of hair. But, when the nurse came into the room for the 'parents' to sign the birth certificate, I reminded them that I needed a DNA test to be sure. Everyone in the room immediately called me an 'a-hole', an evil person, etc. I was NOT the most favorite person in the birthing room at the time. Later, after the tests were done, and a fallout with her and her family NOT caused by me... Low and behold it was not my child. This women used me and knew that she was pregnant before she even got ahold of me. Looking back, it was kind of 'easy' to get with her (if you can respect my candid use of words). If I had signed that paper, I would, to this day, be paying for a child that was not mine. THATS how the system works. I'm not a guy that wants the worst for a baby, but I don't want the system, or an evil mom to pick out a stupid man to use for child support payments. To my knowledge, the real father disappeared with no information.

Let me get this straight, if it was my child, I would give my love first, and then my support payments... but it was not my child. I also hate that this child will grow up without any support payments. I can tell you first hand because I was a bas tard child. My father left my mother when I was only 1 year old. No support what-so-ever. In fact, i could write a book (and have been thinking about it) of how my mother would collect aluminum cans from the town dump, just to buy powdered milk. Christmas was a joke because it was a poor mans Christmas. Government cheese is in a blank cardboard box... and the church that we chose to go to, incedently always had a pot-luck afterwards. Looking back, I know my mother attended that church just so she could feed her children. I remember that church as a child because I knew that I was going to eat that day if only I spent one hour in church. I remember one day when the church had an easter holiday where they put eggs all over the place. I remember not being allowed to join becuase our family did not contribute to the eggs, but I also remember when the kids would come back with huge baskets with eggs and show their parents how well they did, and I remember thinkings "Wow, I would love to eat just one of those eggs". It wasn't the fancy colors that were put on the eggs that holiday, but instead is was an egg that was found, and it was very edible. Why did they not stop to eat the eggs that they found??? There were a LOT of eggs!!!
Also, if you have any wonder about why charities want only "toys in unopened, in new boxes", it's because of this; I can remember getting toys that were always missing the main pieces. Do you remember "hungry-hungry-hippos"? Yes, we got that game, but the marbles were missing and we went outside to the street to get gravel to put on the board so it would work. Gravel didn't roll as well as marbles so we would hit the side of the game board to make it 'vibrate'.

This was mostly in florida where I spent alot of my childhood, and there were wild blueberries in a patch of land. We would steel blueberries and mom would make blueberry pie. We ate alot of that stuff. Also, what most people don't realize, is that students in public schools can get a 'free lunch' if they proved that they were poor( It was easy to prove this for us). I got free lunches all throughout my time in the public school system. I remember when I finally realized that I was a 'poor' kid, when I was in the 6th grade, when the kids teased me for saying "free" to the lunch lady at the end of the lunch line. I can also remember that the school lunches had awesome bread and very good 'turkey surprise'. It was delicious, and I didn't care because I always looked forward to lunch at the school because it was food. It was good food too. We got chocolate milk, a meat, and two sides. However, they occasionally served sweet potatoes which was a death sentence. It was a plate of food that I would always look forward too. Later, in my middle school years, a fellow student happened to look over and notice me eating when he said, "Jesus man, Your eating that as its the last meal you'll ever eat". It wasn't the last meal, but it was a good meal that I loved to shovel down my throat because at the time, the school food was awesome food. To this day, I look back and think of the kids that was able to give a dollar or two to the lunch lady for their tray of food, I never knew how much it costed, but I remember thinking, that dollar could buy a whole weeks worth of milk. Why is he not calling out 'free'. I was naive. I was poor.

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