Well it was fun while it lasted

Baldingboy said:
WTF? Deb said to tell you that you are such a Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
now if that dont make you stay ;D

You cant leave. When things get rough,we need to stick together ...not fall apart. You are a very respected member of Tnet and have many many friends here....we need you .
I will send you Wisconsin Brats (no not my daughters :D) if it will help..... :-*


Hey there ME, I hate to see you leave too. You have had a lot of good posts. Say, Did you ever get a chance to watch
the video of Garrett"s Metal Detectors being manufactured? I watched for it for a long time but I think I have missed it because it is beyond the time it was supposed to air.
It would have been interesting to watch.
Think it over good before you make up your mind for sure. Or at least come back for a visit now and again.

Have a good day and Happy hunting.


The guy wants to leave and you show him your weinies!! :o
Ain't this how America got obese, offering food to cure depression? Eating just results in a fat sad person.

If you find other things are becoming less interesting to you, see a doctor or therapist, DEPRESSION can be a bitch. :'(
Don't get into denial and try to convince yourself it can't be fixed, IT CAN.
My situation is that I was using MDing and prospecting to keep busy (as an escape) when I couldn't do anything else. After I got better (Prozac) I went back to writing about politics, religion, philosophy, and science. Subjects that now make me less than welcome here, so time to move on.
(just 2 cents worth from a total stranger)
I understand this may not have jack squat to do with your leaving, just throwing it out there just in case.
Give it a couple months, a lot of the folks on here are pretty dang fun, I'm bettin' you'll miss the place.

Really he cant leave us he loves us tooooo much and besides we know where to find him, there is no escape!


  • funny_comment_graphic_11.gif
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You can't leave us! We need you. :'( Who's gonna appreciate my zipper pull finds, if not you?

I know that this has been a difficult month for you and I hope that things settle down quickly for you and your family. Rest that shoulder for a bit and then go find something good! I'll be waiting for your posts that we all love so much. :)

Love ya bunches and bunches, ME! :-*


MasterEagle,  Unlike when I said I was leaving the forum--and ended up taking a month's break, you're really getting an outpouring of emotion from members who Want you to stay. 

By the way, i dug a zipper pull today--and that's the God's Honest Truth.  :thumbsup:


BuckleBoy said:
ME, Unlike when I said I was leaving the forum--and ended up taking a month's break, you're really getting an outpouring of emotion from members who Want you to stay.

By the way, i dug a zipper pull today--and that's the God's Honest Truth. :thumbsup:

true sometimes we all need a break

Now THIS takes me back two years! The good ole days of the Rowdy Bunch! ME can't go anywhere. He's too much loved. Besides, how do we live without his stories of outdoing BB. :-* :-* Can't happen! - Noodle

Real de Tayopa said:
Monty, if you try to go, I will shoot you.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Cyn ?? I always thought that brats were the result of playing???????? Not manufactured.

brat-child is result of playing
brat-wurst definitely manufactured! lol

good to see you mi amigo! ;D

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