What do they Teach in School Now??

Yeah, these kids nowadays are a bunch a dummies for sure
You can blame it on the education system today, kids are no longer required to learn, if you fail them their poor feelings might be hurt, just push them through.....

Just like the idiotic idea of giving trophies to everyone and not keeping scores in sport games so their feelings aren't hurt...

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You can blame it on the education system today, kids are no longer required to learn, if you fail them their poor feelings might be hurt, just push them through.....

Just like the idiotic idea of giving trophies to everyone and not keeping scores in sport games so their feelings aren't hurt...

Yes, that's exactly how the education system works. Where did you teach again?

Yes, that's exactly how the education system works. Where did you teach again?

I'm a parent and a grand parent, I have nieces and cousins in school as well, we discuss things like this at family events....I also had my kids in sports till they got out of high school..... Why do you think kids graduate and cant do simple math, read at a 6th grade level and can't speak English..

Open your eyes and your ears you might actually learn something....

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I guess we are at the point where the ability to actually think and figure out things will equal the ability to survive.
Why the hell do they dumb down societies? The ones in control can't be much smarter...that's scared!

Why think... ?

There is an "app" for that.

Well to be fair to schools for all we know this girl isn't a product of them...she could of dropped out, been in bad environments, be from another country, etc. Having said that more than likely she just wasn't paying attention. I assume after ringing up 100s of numbers day after day it becomes a blur.

You can blame it on the education system today, kids are no longer required to learn, if you fail them their poor feelings might be hurt, just push them through.....

And being in education at the university level I can say this is absolutely true. If you fail a kid you are going to get in trouble. If you make a class hard you wont get good class scores and you will get fired. Administrators, lawyers, democrats, and republicans are the ones pushing this down our throats. it sucks but it is happening. Being popular=getting promoted because the law of the land is that students are the customer and the customer is always right. Until education stops becoming a business this wont change...

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I asked the young clerk at the grocery deli for a third of pound of lunch meat, and from the deer in the headlights look I could tell he had no idea what that was on a decimal scale. He tried to talk me into a pound, and I tried to explain to him that I wanted about .33 of a pound, but there was clearly no comprehension. Finally he settled for me telling him to lay slices in the scale until I told him to stop and I got my third of a pound.

Teachers in every state are having to "teach the test" in order that the school, the district and the administration look good. The goal is to make sure that the students do well on the state tests and eventually graduate. Math teachers have it the worst. They are forced to leave things out at all levels and another problem, at least in Texas, is the shortage of educators. There are people teaching today who are just not trained very well. My world got rocked when after several years of teaching Chemistry, I was made a TAKS and then Star (our current and previous test)test reviewer. They called it Taks Science Review. I couldn't escape so I eventually retired. Someone else did Taks Math and so on for each part of the test. I figure that is happening everywhere. Add to that that cash registers do the work for you and you have some poorly trained folks out there. Solution? Maybe we all need to start carrying our finds or collections with us and pay in EXACT change. But of course you know what the goal is? Carry that plastic with you and just swipe it. It's so much kinder to those McDonald's cashiers.

I work at a school in maintenance. I don't think it's the teachers, it's the new testing that they have to be re-trained for. And the Math, alot of engineers can't even figure out there own kids homework.

Here's where the problem is:

I bought something that was .56 cents. I gave the young clerk $1.06, I need quarters to wash the car. She told me I only owed .56 cents and I had given her way too much money. I explained that I would get two quarters back this way. She didn't understand and would have to wait for the manager. I said never mind and just give me the .44 cents back from a dollar. Then asked for change from a dollar. What kind of work force are our schools turning out ?
On an Archery forum, a friend told me you could tell all the young folks on there by their post. No caps, no punctuation, and lots of letters like "IMO" etc.

You can blame it on the education system today, kids are no longer required to learn, if you fail them their poor feelings might be hurt, just push them through.....

Just like the idiotic idea of giving trophies to everyone and not keeping scores in sport games so their feelings aren't hurt...

Thank goodness we adults are thick skinned and don't get our feelings hurt easily! 8-)

Just think what would happen if the internet converted to cursive....lol! Let the fun begin!

Yeah, these kids nowadays are a bunch a dummies for sure
I think you are all wrong ..If a child want's to learn they will learn . I never thought of it to be the teachers fault when a child did not learn for there are always ones in the same class that did learn... I always saw it as the child's and parent's fault when a child did not learn..I raised my grandson and he did very well in grade and high school .. Then went to college and made the Deans List every semester every year for 4 years except for his first semester in his first year..

The key word is "wants" to. Most kids don't want to do what they should or need to do, there are exceptions. They are more about having fun. That is one of the reasons learning needs to be interesting at lest, to get and hold the kids attention while they learn.
The kids now days put more effort into avoiding boring learning situations than just learning the material being taught.

I drive a school bus now and have for the last 9 years. The biggest problem I see is discipline now. When we drop these kids off in the afternoon they go home to no supervision. First off we do not have parents anymore. This is not politically correct, but we only have sperm donors and sperm receptacles!!

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I drive a school bus now and have for the last 9 years. The biggest problem I see is discipline now. When we drop this kids off in the afternoon they go home to no supervision. First off we do not have parents anymore. This is not politically correct, but we only have sperm donors and sperm receptacles!!

Amen brother!!! This is exactly correct - No discipline, and you damn well better not try it either - They'll throw your violent ass in jail or take the kid away.
It's all political, but - we on TN cannot talk about that.........so close the subject.

The world is full of dummies. They even make a series of books for them

ummmmm, isn't that section for Charter Members "only"??

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