What do they Teach in School Now??

Austin in Texas, is right about the states only being concerned with the "test". In Arkansas it is the "Bench Mark Test" it seems to be less about the educational material and more about the way the test questions are worded and how they are answered. When scores are returned, the parents get a readout of percentages, the percentage of students in the same age range that did better and the percentage that did worse than your child. When I attended school (long ago) it wasn't just in an English class that spelling mattered, words had to be spelled correctly in all classes be it History, Science or any other subject but that was not the case for my children. I taught my children how to "count back" change, even though it isn't needed with computerized registers. There are so many things that have changed in a short period of time. A telephone that confines you to an area by a cord is an odd concept to my grandchildren, just as a turntable and vinyl albums were odd to my children.

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When I ask the students to wait at the curb for the bus and they ask me what the curb is!! We have a problem in America!

Austin in Texas, is right about the states only being concerned with the "test"....

Hey! Speaking of "Austin in Texas," and "What do they teach in school?" check out our trip to Austin, Texas, to see our niece at the University of Texas at Austin!


There are THREE types of cashiers at fast food places.
Those that can count,
and those whop cant.:icon_scratch:

Welcome to the dumbing down of society. If it's not on their cell phone, it doesn't matter. We don't have to worry about physically talking anymore, as we can just thumb some partial words and/or symbols to communicate. We're headed back towards the time when there was no recorded language, more like painting on a cave wall to tell a story. You want to really screw with someone of the younger generation? Take away their phone, it's like taking the drugs away from an addict.

We tried doing this at work. You know, work, where you are paid to do a job, not talk and type on your cell phone. It was like we were infringing on their rights. How can you do your job, waiting on customers, when you have to finish texting away or reading such before you even acknowledge the customer standing in front of you? Stock the shelves? Are you kidding me? How can you stock shelves when both hands and your head are concentrating on your phone?

Tell them the phone is to be only in case of an emergency, and it seems to them every tweet or face book post is an emergency. It's like the phone is now part of their body, and you cannot separate the two. Heaven help you if you need to use the bathroom, as more often then not you find one of them hiding in there, so they can use their phone.

Try and make them do something that involves thinking and they are lost. I've had kids who even if the cash register told them the correct change they couldn't figure out what coins amounted to what.

As for education, I pity the teachers. Kids come in to apply for jobs all the time, normally "in the good old days" you dressed up to impress. It's 180 degrees difference now. I've had kids show up in stuff Goodwill wouldn't take, yet they have a $600.00+ phone in their hand. Have them fill out an application, and you'll see at best they phonetically spell. They have no clue as to punctuation or grammar. With this they want to work their hours not ours, and they want at least $15.00 an hour to start.

It's so bad if it isn't on their phone they are clueless on how to do something. I had one of them show me a video the other day on how a 3 cheese pizza is made. No, not making the dough, sauce and such, this was taking 3 different kinds of cheese (already prepared in separate bowls) and dumping them into one bowl and mixing them together. That was the video, taking three bowls and mixing them together in one bowl. That's how a 3 cheese pizza is made...

At lest the cave drawings survived, I doubt the electronic kind will....back to square one!

When I miscount change I give to the cashier, I just say, Sorry I am a product of public education.

I think dumbness spreads pretty
evenly across the board. Heck, half the people you meet are below average.

I used to make my employees leave their cell phones in their vehicle during work. My dollar my time. My prospecting buddy was telling me the other day his son was learning estimating in math. He didn't understand it so his father helped to figure it out. The kid came home the next day mad because he got them all wrong. My buddy was mad cause his son is a smart kid so down to school he goes to see the teacher. The teacher tells him because he got the right answers they were wrong. The teacher tells him they were estimating so in order to get them right he had to have the wrong answer. Now my buddy is furious has the teacher and the principal together asking them why it's okay to teach kids that close enough is good enough! His next stop is the school board.

I used to make my employees leave their cell phones in their vehicle during work. My dollar my time. My prospecting buddy was telling me the other day his son was learning estimating in math. He didn't understand it so his father helped to figure it out. The kid came home the next day mad because he got them all wrong. My buddy was mad cause his son is a smart kid so down to school he goes to see the teacher. The teacher tells him because he got the right answers they were wrong. The teacher tells him they were estimating so in order to get them right he had to have the wrong answer. Now my buddy is furious has the teacher and the principal together asking them why it's okay to teach kids that close enough is good enough! His next stop is the school board.

This is absolutely unbelievable! ...I believe it, but sure don't want to!! Thanks for writing the truth of the "New and Improved" education system.

Some of this new education stuff is crap! Like the NEW math 6>1=? we know 6 is greater than one Some schools don't even teach multiplication any more! I don't know about most of you but to me 2+2=4 ! It seems to me the schools are teaching stupid! I've read in some of my car magazines a lot of schools are doing away with most of the shop classes, like auto ,wood, machine they are leaving it up to us the business owners to teach these kids how to do different trades. the schools are pushing computers hard. that's all well and fine but what are these kids going to do when their cars and houses start having break downs? Read about it on a computer? :BangHead:

Makes you wonder why we even have public schools now days, if the whole purpose is to educate the kids so they can live productive lives. This brings another question, why are people pushing for "free" (as in paid for by us) college educations for these same kids?
What the heck is going on????

I say make them pay for their own education! I was fortunate in learning a trade from a relative. I know too many parents that paid for their kids education. Just to have them work at Walmart. Why should we pay for everyones kids education? Let them join the service and earn it if they want an education.

Makes you wonder why we even have public schools now days, if the whole purpose is to educate the kids so they can live productive lives. This brings another question, why are people pushing for "free" (as in paid for by us) college educations for these same kids?
What the heck is going on????

Simple - follow the money!

Along with that come the perks of power and control.

Just study history - preferably the unabridged version!!

I was next in line at a Costco store. The cashier had just noticed a strange coin in her drawer. She commented that it didn't look real. I told I would buy it from here for a dime. Which she gladly did. I now have a 1912 silver dime. She had also commented that it looked like fake money. What do they teach in schools today. Nothing that has any relevance to the real word. And certainly not critical thinking.
I am convinced that it is all part of the dummying down of Americans so that the tyrants can take over.

You cant knoweverything tho some people act like they do.

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My son moved out of our house to get to a better school district for his first grade son. I visited the school room one day and heard the teacher say to the kids that "a sentence contains at least five words".That night I suggested my son move his family back into our home.

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