what does it take to make a treasure hunting crew?

Ring finder, you stated "that have no real historical value;" Tayopa certainly does. For both the US and Mexico.

AS for Amy being tied down on in attending a treasure,forum, that is because of legal requirements.The unholy Trio, whom I am glad to call my friends, don't deal in rings etc, so they have to be hyper careful, They deal in Governmnts

Also the poor gal is married to a broken down X foot ball player , and to think that if she had olayed her cards right, she coulda had Me. ! Whats 70 or so years age difference,true love will overcome that - She was marrried the first part of this year so The honey moon aspect hasn't worn of yet.

May the best part still lie ahead Amy

Hey Tropical Tramp - If you would read instead of getting defensive, that would help. I was stating to Amy that we are probably talking about 2 different subjects. Treasure Hunters Vs. Archs. I said MOST people on TN are just treasure hunters. Most aren't looking for what you are. OK ?
Your comments attacking me personally were uncalled for.
As for your comment about her being tied down on TN, I acknowledged that and said I felt bad for her.

Good Luck on your search.

why can't we all just get along?
I will take Amy on my crew. Since she is so highly recommended.

I would too, but, unless I was someone, (who shall remain anonymous), and owned Tayopa ( :tongue3:), I could never afford her. Besides, by the time I found what I was looking for, it would have already been found and the only thing left would be a sign sayng " Amy was here". :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I would too, but, unless I was someone, (who shall remain anonymous), and owned Tayopa ( :tongue3:), I could never afford her. Besides, by the time I found what I was looking for, it would have already been found and the only thing left would be a sign sayng " Amy was here". :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Amigo,Is it better if you say it twice,then try two burro juices ,that should help,:laughing7::laughing7:NP:cat:

What does it take to make a good treasure hunting crew,? Well amigo,it use to take a few honest people that would believe in what they were doing,or just a single person who believed,:dontknow::director: now days that's not good enough,there's hardly any spirit in adventure left without plenty of investors and lots of their Money,and thats a :crybaby2:shame:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: NP:cat:

Morning Simon, have been a bit under the weather for the past days, now beginning to see the light of day.

Regarding my 'then' partner, I knew it was useles to simply argue with him, so merely said "OK, I'll let your family know" and proceed to continue to cut trail. Shortly I heard him calling "Joe ,Joe, wait for me" he quickly caught up with me and it was never mentioned again nor repeatd.

I then cut back to the coast where we could swim in the warm surf and gorge on clams,shrimp, fish and shell fish., wth an occaisional bird tossed in the pot.

He was just fine after that. I suppose that I had been setting too hard an example.

Here is a .Third.jpg picture of him hamming it up when we had been without water for two days

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Abel , Whatever you wanna be , firstly understand yourself , understand your interest inside out....
Best exercise you could do is work through all of what has been posted in all these threads , even ones you have little interest in , and am sure you will have a good foundation for whatever you chase , & learn the ability to separate the bull from fact .... the rest will come in time.
Do that & it will teach you perseverance & patience.
Even like myself , a rookie at the kitchen table hobbyist , i promise , you will find some truly priceless knowledge among all the pages , which a treasure in their own rights. You will gain from lads on here who have been gone done and are willing to share experiences so others can enjoy or learn , am sure they would all agree if someone learnt from their posts then it be well worth the effort of time and type to post.
Use the site to your advantage & best of luck in whichever area interests you.

In the future i will become a treasure hunter and i want to know what it takes to make a good treasure hunting crew
1) person or people that you can trust not to kill you if you find 1-20 million in gold.
2) People that will struggle to get you out of the hills if you break a leg or strain a tendon, snake bite, ect.
3) people that can keep their mouths shut if you do find something worth a lot of money.
After that it is up to you. Can you stand to be around them for days/weeks at a time?
Good Luck on your searches.

Let's get to the basics.
1. You must have a defined and common goal.
2. Everyone must agree on when and how long each search will be. If a critical resource is only available for 2 days, you need to know.
3. Expenses must be agreed upon UP FRONT! Including split of any potential finds.
4. Physical capability is often an issue. You probably won't be able to drive all the way to a site.
5. Most importantly (and hardest) you need people who believe. Otherwise they will drop like flies when the going gets tough.
6. All of the above posts.

Even if your mates are best of friends you will eventually get crosswise if they tend to veer
off the mission. You will find out things about them you wish you didn't. But always part
fiends and use the knowledge you have gained to avoid the time-stealing mistakes made
in initial outings.

Pretty much everything needed has been mentioned……but what you need will also vary according to where, what region? Do you speak the same language? Do you look like the natives? You absolutely need an understanding the culture in an area……..the dangerous animals and plants……force protection is essential and not easily obtained in many areas………how to you ensure compliance and secrecy…...
Some aspects are not easily discussed in a forum like this either……..

Gracias Senor Don…….somethings are complex, some are best not in writing nor spoken of on phones…….all critically important…….
Senor Don Jose can attest to this I am sure, as well as our favorite black feathered friend who has temporarily flown the coop…….

One very important thing to remember - all must be assured the project is / will not be completed until every one is accounted for, rule no. one -- Responsibility to and for each other.

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Senor Don Jose…..absolutely correct…….everybody will be accounted for and anybody who violates the agreed upon rules……will suffer the stated consequences and I do not refer to anything involving lawyers…..

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