Why does everyone hate dowsers so much?


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
af1733,,,,,,i think you asked me the question about sunny dowsing, i saw the question, did not answer then, and could not find it later........as to why i posted that....every thing i have read has said the same thing, not to dowse during overcast or rainy conditions....many reasons have been given......my best GUESS as to why this has been taught is that possibly the sun pulls the emanations from the ground much like it pulls water from the ground, which in turn would make the signal much stronger and easier to pick up on.......................as to personal experience, i have found that dowsing during {non-electrical} overcast can be good at times......like dowsing at night......it seems to kill off the magnetics that you will normally encounter....the clouds will make signals very much weaker, but also makes pinpointing easier if you know general location of target as you are not picking up on minute partical pockets of precious metal, ore bodies and such...it also eliminates the need for locating shadow line/vertical line both, and you can go straight to target...........the drawback being that the signal line will be weaker, and not noticable at even short distances, only when very close.......if the bad weather causing the clouds is electrical then i have picked up on many more targets than anyone would ever want to try to dig....i think this is because the electricity in the air bounces off every metallic particle in the ground, and i pick up on this......the best results dowsing for me have always been on a clear night with a big moon.....why ? .. don't know, don't care,,,,,as long as it works for me.......i have approached a couple accomplished dowsers about dowsing during overcast and have more or less been told i am very wrong, that you can not dowse during these conditions, but i have proven to myself it is possible, and quite helpful at the right times.....i posted the ''don't dowse during overcast in response to a newbie's questions about getting started dowsing i think, and figured it would be detrimental to his learning to try it as he either would not pick up on anything or on everything, unless he had the experience to know what to expect, in these different conditions......hope this kind of answers your question................................gldhntr


Silver Member
Jul 28, 2005
New Mexico
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Okay, I can undeerstand why a sunny day might have an effect on the soil conditions and whatever it might contain, but now I have a question for DirtyDon.

DirtyDon said:
FOR NON-BELIEVERS:? ? When dowsing, you must have communications with the rods, or what ever device you are using.? Before dowsing you must first ask the rods 3 questions.? "SHOULD I, CAN I, MAY I"? If you get a "NO" response, don't go further with your search. As stated previously by other contributors, you have to work with the rods in order to find out the YES and NO response indicated? by them. You should talk to your rods as you would to a person, asking simple requests. I have asked my rods, on occasions, for help in locating an area that might produce some coins.? So far, I have had some luck.?

Huh? You talk to the rods? You say that you must have communication with the rods, or whatever device you are using. And you talk to your rods. And this has given you some success. Once again, I have to reiterate, this is a prime source of material for those that have a problem with dowsing. Like I said before, I have success with my detector on every outing, regardless of whether I talk to the machine. You have to do through this Q and A process before even beginning a hunt, then you let the rods determine if you can even hunt there? I have to be honest here, I think, Don, you may be putting way too much stock in a bent coathanger.


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Jan 26, 2005
Sand Springs, OK
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It seems every time someone just mentions dowsing even in jest the forum erupts from the ridiculous to the sublime and gets no where. I sometimes wish the forum members would just let the dowsers dowse each other and stay out of it. So, why don't those of us who are non believers, just put on our aluminum foil hats and frustrate the aliens and leave the dowsers alone? And what about the children? Who will protect the children! ::) Monty


Silver Member
Jul 28, 2005
New Mexico
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White's XLT
Monty, I happen to agree with you. I originally posted on this thread further up trying to offer a solution as to why there were so many critics of the hobby. And by the way, watch out for those amluminum hats, Monty! I walked out of my house with mine on yesterday and one of those little green men tried to take off with it! And can you believe it, they wear the same darn things to keep us from finding them!



i agree monty,, this topic aint gonna go anywhere some believe loads dont,,, thats it lets just all get on and share our finds,, its the best thing to do, we have our own beliefs,, dowsers are dowsres, archies are archies, md'ers are md,ers, ghosts are ghosts, ashes to ashes and dust to dust, lol



quite a lot of coins have been found dowsing, i do it all the time, and the british police bring in dowsers almost daily, or they will use pendulums to find water leaks, or spots to dig a well, see, i find more stuff with my crystal pendulum than i do with high end metal detectors, i find stone things and wood things too, and yes, i have tried the detectors, i don't think they work nearly as well as a pendulum or dowsing rods.

Nov 8, 2004
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All Treasure Hunting
=Ace-of-Cups Wallah, another skeptic is born. Max
Ace & Max, it is very common in psychology to find that the biggest detractors generally are those that fail at something.

They cannot face their failure, so it must be a hoax or too simple and not wrth learning or doing. it never is themselves
Operational definitions are inherently difficult — arguably, even impossible — to apply to mental entities, because these latter are generally understood to be accessible only to the individual who experiences them and are therefore not independently verifiable."
Of course I can dowse! It's quite easy, just not very useful. - Carl

Tropical Tramp


Silver Member
Jul 28, 2005
New Mexico
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White's XLT
RealdeTayopa said:
Ace & Max, it is very common in psychology to find that the biggest detractors generally are those that fail at something.

They cannot face their failure, so it must be a hoax or too simple and not wrth learning or doing. it never is themselves

Tropical Tramp
I would tend to agree with you here if it were something other than dowsing we were talking about. Normally the biggest detractors are those that have failed.

But with dowsing, I think that the most vocal dowsers are those that don't want to admit they can't dowse, but would rather tell everyone they can to feed their own ego. When they find like-minded people, they feel like they have a constituency, which only fuels their minconceptions.

Of course, to believe in dowsing typically indicates a belief in all things that are "out-there" for lack of a better term. Paranormal-type of things. Rune stones, Ouija, ESP, telepathy, etc.


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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I would tend to agree with you here if it were something other than dowsing we were talking about. Normally the biggest detractors are those that have failed.

But with dowsing, I think that the most vocal dowsers are those that don't want to admit they can't dowse, but would rather tell everyone they can to feed their own ego. When they find like-minded people, they feel like they have a constituency, which only fuels their minconceptions.

Of course, to believe in dowsing typically indicates a belief in all things that are "out-there" for lack of a better term. Paranormal-type of things. Rune stones, Ouija, ESP, telepathy, etc.
Thank you....You defined a skeptic....Art

Nov 8, 2004
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All Treasure Hunting
[=af1733 But with dowsing, I think that the most vocal dowsers are those that don't want to admit they can't dowse, but would rather tell everyone they can to feed their own ego.
Unfortunately as I once mentioned, too many dowsers are not proficient but through a bit of success visualize themselves as compentent and consistant dowsers and so try to prove themselves, and naturally cannot pass. This gives dowsing a bad undeserved reputation. These failures are used to rundown dowsers in genereal a big mistake.

of course, to believe in dowsing typically indicates a belief in all things that are "out-there" for lack of a better term. Paranormal-type of things. Rune stones, Ouija, ESP, telepathy, etc.
10 years of intensive investigation using hypnotism etc, in the Para-normal has left me with a completely different view

af. What would you call a test where a subject has her back to you, and as you turn over each card in a deck, one at a time she was able to call the entire deck correctly whether it was a red or black card. 52 tries, 52 correct calls, but "only" while you were deliberately concentrating on her receiving the information?

This is just one of the many many tests that I used in the intensive period. Incidentally post hypnosis was involved in this test.

This may give you an idea why I am not too impressed by blind conventional science.

Side thingie, I cured myself of 3 cancers despite dire predictions by conventional MD's /Oncologists. They gave me 3- 6 months with radiation and chemo. I turned them down flatly and went on my own, based upon my experiments in those open minded 10 fun filled years, My gamble paid off, at the present I have been declared a miraculous remission, heheh.

As to some of the results which are at complete odds with many of the establishment's shibboleths, including dosing, I could ramble on for weeks in post after post, but why? who would listen, not just ridicule since they hadn't experienced them.


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2004
Somewhere in the woods
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The way I see it,if you can actually dowse,you wouldn't have to try and prove yourself on here.Much less get in a heated debate over the subject. I once knew an old man that lived way out in a hollow in the mountains,he could find water with a couple of sticks in areas he wasn't familiar with.People called him a water witch,if that is a dowser then so be it,people like that are very few and far between.In my opinion,it's something you are born with,not something you learn,period.It's a "gift" and a very rare breed indeed that can do it.I never met another like him since,I can tell you that much.
Do I believe in dowsing,not particularly.Not to the extent that anyone can do it, nor to the amount of persons that claim they can do it.Especially on this forum.Is there always an exception to the rule? Sure.
As for Realde's mind over matter and the cure to his cancer,that's wonderful.I'm glad to hear it,maybe you are the exception to the rule as it applies here,maybe not.Why argue about it with those who will only offer you resistance? ??? Seems futile?

Nov 8, 2004
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All Treasure Hunting
[=diggummup The As for Realde's mind over matter and the cure to his cancer,that's wonderful.I'm glad to hear it,maybe you are the exception to the rule as it applies here,maybe not.Why argue about it with those who will only offer you resistance? ??? Seems futile?
HI diggemup my friend, it "is' futile, but better than leering at the tv. Besides most of these peeps are actually nice people outside of this discussion, even my fav. swr. I could enjoy diving with him. el growly teddy bear hehehe

As for the cancer, it wasn't exactly mind over matter, but a combination which worked in almost the exact opposite of the present Establishment's statements and treatments on cancer with it's physiology, and yes, psychology. I must be close since it worked for me.

Welcome to the nut factory Diggemup, don't take anything in here too seriously, it is like politics, after we go to the corner booze hall and stoke a few and laugh.

Tropical Tramp


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2004
Somewhere in the woods
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RealdeTayopa said:
[=diggummup The As for Realde's mind over matter and the cure to his cancer,that's wonderful.I'm glad to hear it,maybe you are the exception to the rule as it applies here,maybe not.Why argue about it with those who will only offer you resistance? ??? Seems futile?
HI diggemup my friend, it "is' futile, but better than leering at the tv. Besides most of these peeps are actually nice people outside of this discussion, even my fav. swr. I could enjoy diving with him. el growly teddy bear hehehe

As for the cancer, it wasn't exactly mind over matter, but a combination which worked in almost the exact opposite of the present Establishment's statements and treatments on cancer with it's physiology, and yes, psychology. I must be close since it worked for me.

Welcome to the nut factory Diggemup, don't take anything in here too seriously, it is like politics, after we go to the corner booze hall and stoke a few and laugh.

Tropical Tramp
LOL- point taken and how true it is! ;) :)

dowser 501

Full Member
Apr 26, 2006
He Realde , I didnt know how you managed your cancer but I found another way. Lung cancer, bowel cancer, and for the past 10 years Lymphoma.

I have an elder brother who is a doctor and I have learnt to avoid statistics by keeping away from the medical profession as much as possible.

Photo below of poli house growing aloe vera ( 2 varieties) THe lung and bowel problems although frightening were not that difficult as I got in early. Ten years ago through neglect from a third doctor and under extreme stress contracted lymphoma which was much harder.

Although aloe vera was responsible for my earlier successes, Lymphoma had spread to other parts of my body and I had to build a heated poli house to grow my own and learn how to improve its medicinal quality.

On occasional visits to a doctor, skeptism such as I encounter here was the norm.
I am now used to it. I have a large black mole on my chest with all the accompaning symptoms of glandular melenoma and am winning. I am in my tenth year of my winning this battle.
With the advent of digital cameras I am now taking photos of the large black mole as the symptoms and mole all dissapear. Two brothers and a sister and both my parents had cancer, and one brother and my sister both survived with my aloe and instructions 10 years and 15 years ago. My sister has had 2 reoccurances since and I have again removed all symptoms. My parents were afflicted before I could help and another brother being very wealthy poo hood my aloe and where ever he is is wondering why his skeptism and money didnt help.
Skeptics such as we encounter are twopence a dozen.
The secret of my success with the aloe besides warmth, good drainage and T,L,C was complete absence of UV rays. Even a small leakage of uv rays will negate the medicinal values of the plant. Mental dowsing is identical in some ways. Being bare headed when dowsing in the sun completely wipes out your dowsing ability 100%. Wear a broad rimmed bush hat.

Re the above advice, somewhere , somehow I may have saved a life or two.
The dark centre photo of a poli house was inserted to show how the painted roof and right handed northern side were completely blocked off from the sun, leaving the left hand side for my missus to grow beans and cuecumbers ( Its summer here)

Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Very nice and extremely interestng Dowser. did you just apply it topicaly or eat it also? em me more data I am very interested. Incidentally what is your saliva and urine pH? I have yet to encounter a cancer patient with over 6.

Tropical Tramp


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2004
Somewhere in the woods
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Whites M6
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FYI-I always heard it's the juice of the aloe plant that gives the most benefit.
Dell-if you say so then it must be true,huh? ;) ???
BTW-None of this "stuff" helped a 35 year old friend of mine last year when she died from ovarian sarcoma.I guess only true dowsers can cure themselves of life threatening cancers and teach others to do it too,huh? ???
Boy you guys are really good,I bow to your greatness,oh enlightened ones! :o :o ::) ::) ::)


Gold Member
Dec 7, 2004
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Troy X5
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I'm going to post this and not bother replying after the fact
but they had a man on the radio the other day saying he asked a guy "are you allergic to anything"
the guy replied "yes ,fish"
then the man produced the magic bullet on a string "took a reading of -90" and said "wow fish will kill you"
the guy replied "yes i go into shock"
well it turns out it was college course and for lunch they were serving
which the guy that was allergic too ate
and from then on after that point he was MIRACULIOUSLLY CURED :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
then the man ran into this guy 2 years later and asked "do you still eat fish"
the guy replied "yes" ::) ???
what a crook >:( >:( >:(


Silver Member
Jul 28, 2005
New Mexico
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White's XLT
RealdeTayopa said:
af. What would you call a test where a subject has her back to you, and as you turn over each card in a deck, one at a time she was able to call the entire deck correctly whether it was a red or black card. 52 tries, 52 correct calls, but "only" while you were deliberately concentrating on her receiving the information?
I would call it pretty amazing, but also suspect. I haven't seen a single study where the experimenters were able to duplicate such fantastic results using the exact same method, and I've read plenty. How do you explain your flawless results?

Nov 8, 2004
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All Treasure Hunting
=af1733 How has the field of dowsing changed, really? At it's root, it is the exact You can take exception to the fact that some people are critics of dowsing, but let's disprove those people in the field, which is the only place it really matters anyway.
HI do a bit of research on the well documented case by the Gov't of Bermuda on the case of Henry Gross dowsing the only three producing fresh water wells on Bermuda by map dowsing from Maine, , then report back here.
Operational definitions are inherently difficult — arguably, even impossible — to apply to mental entities, because these latter are generally understood to be accessible only to the individual who experiences them and are therefore not independently verifiable."
Of course I can dowse! It's quite easy, just not very useful. - Carl

Tropical Tramp

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