Women vs. Men


I think we're outnumbered >>>>>surrounded>>>>>>>quick....get the wagons in a circle!!!!!!!!!!
However, it's really not a 'boys club'.........more like a family full of brothers! (awesome dudes) ;) 8) ;) 8) ::)

Man. I hope to get my wife to try detecting with me this summer.


Actually, Iskuli, when you become a charter member, (Ahem! ::) ) you'll be able to look at the stats.

According to the stats, the Man/woman ratio is 8.9 to 1. 8)

We women rule Tnet though! ;D ;)

Post a NEW POLE, It would be interesting to see the overall result!

Enough said! Thanks Mona Lisa. I like the odds, don't you? With women's patience plus intuition, md'ing is the perfect hobby for us gals. More women should md because I have found it to be an awesome stress reliever!

BTW-nc-jo what's posting a NEW POLE mean?

NC Joe,

info is not from polls; it is from
information you give when you sign

Think it could be off a bit on the count
of women. Some may not wish to list
it, for one reason or another.

all have a good un............

I have been detecting for almost 7 years and just the other day my wife said she was interested in getting into the hobby. You might have one more joining.

I have noticed that people who enjoy fishing seem to enjoy md'ing. A lot of the things that are so enjoyable md'ing are the same ones I love about fishing. Truth be told....I haven't fished much this year because I like to MD more. Someone asked me the difference between the two. I said, "After fishing, you get to clean the fish, clean up the mess, prepare the fish and cook it." After Md'ing, I go out and buy a burger and a coke...enough said!"

Iskuli said:
I have noticed that people who enjoy fishing seem to enjoy md'ing. A lot of the things that are so enjoyable md'ing are the same ones I love about fishing. Truth be told....I haven't fished much this year because I like to MD more. Someone asked me the difference between the two. I said, "After fishing, you get to clean the fish, clean up the mess, prepare the fish and cook it." After Md'ing, I go out and buy a burger and a coke...enough said!"

Good observation. I liked fishing so much I had a pond dug, but I got a metal detector now and now my fish just get bigger every year.

Another hobby I noticed that MDers seem to enjoy is arrow head hunting. I have met several friends over the forums who do one or the other, or both and I enjoy it all. I love this hobby and made a lot of buds over the TNET. I don't get to go out as much as I would like, but there is usually someone around that wants to do one of my favorite hobbies when I get the chance to get out.

Most people I run into seen to be more curious than anything else about md'ing. The common questions being: "Finding anything?" or "Any luck?" Every once in a while I run into a someone who thinks their cool (constipated, over-rated, outdated, losers! (this lil' quote is curto of my daughter)) "Hey, you rich yet...snicker, snicker" The crazy one was a lady who acted like I was grave robbing! She just couldn't believe I would find other people's stuff and KEEP it. I let her know, when its a ring with a name on the inside, SOP is that I try to find the owner and return it! I returned rings this year. I think people try it, and get discouraged because they don't have anyone or anything, like this forum, to help them succeed. I appreciate all of the seasoned md'iers tips and techniques and willingness to share their valuable insights with us newbies, so we in turn can learn and pass it on!

Just got interested in treasure hunting a few months ago. After reading post after post on this forum I decided to get myself the Ace 250. My wife and I went to pick up the Ace at a Whites & Garret dealer. The owner tried to talk me out of Garret and pushed the Prism II instead. He was so convincing that I bought them both and my wife wanted the Prism. I will try to get her to join up so you can add another lady to your ranks. We shall see if patience & intuition pays over sound judgement & rationality ;)

I had a lady once say that she was sure detecting was illegal and was gonna call the law - I was in the public park after all, disturbing public property. TAXPAYERS property. I never saw the cops.

I wasnt worried about that, though. The one time I did see the cops, someone had called them after spotting my car at the park in a "Neighborhood Watch" area. I introduced myself to the officers and handed them my card as they approached, which says:

"ALL Detecting Services FREE to Law Enforcement." After reading that, one of the cops invited me to come to his old house and have a go!

Another time, some half-zapped gal asked me what I'd do when I found the radioactivity I was looking for. She was sure the government was behind it and would cover it up. I was sure she had already fallen victim to a dose of the stuff, herself. I just smiled, assuring her I had found nothing harmful

Sometimes you have to just let people vent and take their swings at you. They eventually go away. However, it seems the only women I encounter when detecting are the ones who feel the need to stick their nose where it doesnt belong.

As for women detectorists, all of you "swingin ladies" are welcome to come around here and join me. I could use the company of some sane women.

The men out number us here...but we out hunt them ;)
Just kidding boys....but I do think I find more rusty horseshoes than all the men on Tnet combined. :P

gypsyheart said:
The men out number us here...but we out hunt them ;)
Just kidding boys....but I do think I find more rusty horseshoes than all the men on Tnet combined. :P

Amen, Sister! :-*

Man here....tried getting my wife interested but no go so far. My 3 year old daughter is another story though..she LOVES it...she goes nuts when I dig up junk...loves pulltabs and tinfoil, kind of amusing watching her get all excited over the trash I find, probably cause she knows she isn;t gonna get the old coins I find, but she does get all the clad, but still gets more excited over pulltabs..go figure. It'll be a while before she gets her own detector and has posts on here, but hopefully she'll still be interested when she gets older and add to the womens numbers..:) I think she is hooked though, for I can;t get out of the house without her if she sees me with my detector. Actually works out well, for on days I know my wife would have a fit if I said I was going detecting, I just ask my daughter if she wants to go and I then get from my wife..."take your time, enjoy it, no need to hurry back.."... ;D ;D. My 2 year old son also loves it so the plus of adding my daughter to the womens list will be negated by my son...sorry...:)

MY daugther used to love it, too. Any chance to go with Daddy 'tecting was good enough for her!
She even did a science project one year on it - "Pennies, Pennies Everywhere...It Makes Good Cents," was the title I believe.

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