Worste day.. Read me


Hero Member
Mar 13, 2012
Northern California
Detector(s) used
SDC 2300
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Today I went out to my regular prospecting spot and spent the whole day at the creek early morning until about 5 pm or so. Moved a whole lot of rock and overburden and came up with a couple pickers and some small stuff.. On my way out I noticed some fresh tracks where somebody stepped on a pile of dirt that a mole had pushed up in several areas that I remembered avoiding on the way in. (Not a regular hiking area for anyone but me usually) after examining the prints and making sure the tread was different from mine I continued to hike out towards where I had parked along the road. I arrived where my car was parked to find that it was missing.. I thought back to earlier in the day when I thought I had heard voices and saw things passing through the woods. If you've been out alone at a creek or river you know how you think you hear things when you really don't? The creek sometimes makes some weird sounds that can sounds like people talking especially if it's flowing good. I thought i was just hearing things so didn't think anything of it. Called in to make sure that my car wasn't towed for any reason and nope it was stolen. These guys have been watching me for a while I'm sure. I got some info from somebody whom was driving by during the day and saw 2 people with a blue truck parked right up to the front of my car like they staged a breakdown so people who were passing by wouldn't think they were breaking in. I'm guessing there was 3 of them 2 working on the break in and one keeping an eye on me to make sure I was staying down at the creek. Never expected something like that to happen to me.. Next time I'll be better prepared. Posting this as a warning to all who go out for an extended period of time regularly at the same area. Don't leave anything of value in your cars! I didn't really have anything in there but did forget my wallet in there. It only had my drivers license in it but I know that's still not good. Stay safe...


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N8 Sorry to hear you lost your vehicle. I get pissed beyond belief when I hear that happening. The only solution I can think of is to disable the vehicle by pulling the ignition fuse each time or installing a cutoff switch under dash. I have used both methods when I had trucks that were easy to pry open and steal. I once left a old school garage door spring in the bed of my truck and someone used it to bash my window out. They took some tools and coins but could not get the truck because I had an underdash switch on it. It's a pain to have to do but that is the world we are in now. Oh for the days when they would tie thieves to a tree and give them fifty bareback lashes and then tell them to vacate town.

Good Luck


I hate when this kind of stuff happens.

My next thought is -- what if you decided to return to your vehicle before they were finished?

Then I realize I can't let fear take over because then the bad guys win.

Like others have said -- get a dog. He'll know if someone is watching you; and you being seen with a dog may make you an undesirable target.

This just makes me sick. :sadsmiley:

If you have a trail cam point it at your vehicle. Take the dog to warn you of when you need to reach for the pistol.

Sorry to hear about your misfortune.
Many many years ago some friends and I went to a concert at Filmore West. When we were going back to the car we noticed that the door was open and someone was in our car. We ran to the car and all jumped in trapping the guy inside. As we sat there thinking of what to do with him. We decided that since we were headed back to Marin County and had to go over the Golden Gate Bridge that throwing him off the bridge would be the thing to do. The look of terror on his face during the 30 minute drive to the bridge was something. He actually crapped his pants. We drove across the bridge and tossed him out of the car on the Marin side of the bridge. I think he learned a lesson.

I had a car stolen off of the Sailor Flat Trail Head about 1989. They used it for robberies along the FHD Road hitting lumber camps and campers. Not a fun hike out in the snow especially as we were soaked to the bone due to the rainstorm at the lower elevations. Another reason to carry the 454. So out of Foresthill in the direction of Sailor or down the Mosquito Rd or????........................63bkpkr

N8 sorry to hear of your loss what type/color of vehicle so we can be on the lookout for it.

N8 sorry to hear of your loss what type/color of vehicle so we can be on the lookout for it.
Thanks but I think I'd rather not have it found lol. It was a really old car and insurance will cover it.. If it's found than insurance would just pay for repairs to whatever they may have done to it. Was wanting to get a 4x4 I guess this is a good opportunity to get one..

Thanks but I think I'd rather not have it found lol. It was a really old car and insurance will cover it.. If it's found than insurance would just pay for repairs to whatever they may have done to it. Was wanting to get a 4x4 I guess this is a good opportunity to get one..
that's the spirit...and put that kill switch on it! I have one in my 4x4, never had any trouble here in CO but I DO want my vehicle to be there waiting for me at the trail head ;-)

N8, Sorry this happen to you. Years ago while out hunting we had illegals walk into camp, fired up the stove, eat our food, broke into one of the trucks and got away with a Kimber 45 pistol that was not in view.

Newer vehicles are fuel injected and will not run without being pressurized. I intercepted the negative (ground wire) and installed an Ace Cylinder Key switch that I have mounted in a hidden area of the truck. This switch always gets turned into the OPEN position when away from my Tundra. The Tundra will start and then shutdown. Plus I have an alarm. They may mess up the truck but nobody will be driving off with my truck.

Thanks but I think I'd rather not have it found lol. It was a really old car and insurance will cover it.. If it's found than insurance would just pay for repairs to whatever they may have done to it. Was wanting to get a 4x4 I guess this is a good opportunity to get one..

Never the less N8 a little more specific area than we all can watch out...some of us want to keep our vehicals.
Did that Foresthill Sheriff help you out at all?

Never the less N8 a little more specific area than we all can watch out...some of us want to keep our vehicals. Did that Foresthill Sheriff help you out at all?
Was just along foresthill rd on one of the busiest parts of it too.. Which is really surprising to me. They're pretty darn gutsy. Probably had 50 people see them while they were doing it.. Depending on how fast they were.. So if you ever park at one of those popular pay to park type areas that hook up with the trails or any type of pullout along there watch out. Especially if your car is older. Mine was so no alarm or anything on it. (The parking areas along foresthill rd near the clementine area to be specific) I'm sure some of you are familiar with the trail system that runs through along foresthill road.

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They are all over the county Nate. I got hit twice last week in my driveway for gods sakes. I don't normally leave anything at all in that truck as the locks don't work very well. Evidently some punk knows my locks don't work well too.

They are all over the county Nate. I got hit twice last week in my driveway for gods sakes. I don't normally leave anything at all in that truck as the locks don't work very well. Evidently some punk knows my locks don't work well too.
Two words: trail cam

YEP .45 on my side whenever I am out since I am always alone you never know. Best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Sorry to hear that. The best thing anyone could do when out alone and away from your car for a extended period of time is either buy a "boot" or pull the main fuse for a critical component like the computer, fuel pump or any other critical system. It's not hard to find that fuse, do a google search of the make/model and fuse location... most cars have the main fuse panel in the engine compartment. You can also still buy a "club" I think.

Ignition kill switches are great things to have in any ride and I've had one in my truck since it was brand new. I used to have to go into some "nice" neighborhoods for work and it wasn't uncommon to come out to the truck to find some of the finer residents of the area hanging out next to it. One time I had my car broken into and what cracked me up about it was that they used the tools out of my tool belt to steal the radio and speakers. The funny part was that the tools in the belt were worth a lot more than the POS radio and speakers and they left them in the car!!!!

Had one like that about 6 months ago, some jack wagon broke in my truck, without breaking glass... Thank you. Took the Gps off my dash, left the power cord behind and left the $800 worth of Hilti tools on the passenger seat. Thing that pissed me off was he took a Zippo lighter off the dash that my wife had engraved as a gift when we got married.

N8 a great new item is about $100 bucks GPS small transmitter tracker that you can start up when your vehicle goes missing and it tells you were it is so you can go beat the crap out of the nice people who took it. It also fits into tools and equipment that likes to walk away too. My brothers 14 foot carson trailer drove away by itself about a year ago and he figured the gps would be a great investment becouse the cops do absolutley nothing to find your vehicles.
My brother had another trailer stole from in front of his house he looked for that thing forever finally one day he sees it at the scrap yard on the scale so he goes over and deflates the trucks tire that is attached to it then calls the police no police for 45 minutes why they screw around with their tire he then parks sideways in the drive blocking them in runs out on busy street jumps in front of a cop car and they slam on brakes all pissed at him finally they come over look at trailer and say nothing we can do. My brother says says run the owners name of the trailer and truck i bet the are wanted. Cops say we cant do that nothing we can do. So finally my brother says so your telling me they can steal my trailer and you wont do anything cops say sorry. So my brother says well when you let these people drive off I am going to run them off the road and take my trailer then they can try to get it back from me. Cops all pissed off finally run plate on trailer registered to something else and the owner of truck was a wanted felon so they took him in and finally gave my brother his trailer back. You would think they might want to catch some crooks.

Street cops don't want to investigate, they want easy money... Writing tickets.. Surprised the officer didn't write your brother a ticket for jay walking, or worse attempted suicide by cop! It's a sad world we live in these days. :-(

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