rock identification

  1. Strage rock, identification help?

    As I walked past this, i thought it was a monster turtle! Anyway, i think this may just be a unique variant of what my parents always call "kettle rocks" or "widow makers" but im unsure. Y'alls input would be greatly appreciated!
  2. what it is

  3. Need Help Identifying Rock

    I found this Rock about 20 years ago when I was a child in an area in Pennsylvania where they were digging up a foundation for a new house. I have always wondered what kind of rock it is, but could never seem to find any good leads. I would appreciate any help.
  4. Got a rock you want Identified? Come play stump the chump! Just a good spot to see if you have a rock that's unique or if you have a question.. Have fun and may you find the GOLD!
  5. Got a ROck you want identified? come play stump the chump! Just here for the Rocks y'all have questions on!