rock identification

  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Found these on the beach. what kind of rocks are these?

    i have a list of minerals that are common where i live if its needed btw.
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Need help identifying strange rock I found

    Can anyone assist me in identifying this rock that I found? It wasn’t buried in the dirt at all and wasn’t very dirty whenever I found it. It is extremely magnetic and seems to boast some small yellow greenish crystals in the most magnetic part of the rock when examined up close. I even used a...
  3. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Need help IDing some rocks.

    Hi all, Wondering if anyone can ID these rocks. They were found by my mother in law in the Farmington River in Ct. I think they’re weathered sandstone. She says they’re clay formations. Thanks for any help!
  4. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Need HELP with inherited collection

    I inherited a large amount of lapidary equipment and boxes of stones. I was able to identify many of the agates but these last few rocks I am having a hard time with! Any help is appreciated and I will answer any questions as best I can! I do not know the location that any of these were found...
  5. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Need HELP with inherited collection

    I inherited a large amount of lapidary equipment and boxes of stones. I was able to identify many of the agates but these last few rocks I am having a hard time with! Any help is appreciated and I will answer any questions as best I can! I do not know the location that any of these were found...
  6. My girlfriend got me this rock from Norway, can anyone id it?

  7. Wooly Mammoth carved boulder?

    Please help me identify if this indeed has been carved by man and if so what period? It is located in NW Georgia. It looks just like museum wooly.
  8. Help With Rock Identification

    Does anyone have any guesses as to what this is? I'm not sure where it actually came from so I can't ask a shop/check a shop's website or anything of that sort. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  9. Rock Identification

    I found this on a beach in Greece when I was a kid, and have lately been wondering what it is. I can't seem to find close enough pictures online. Any ideas?
  10. Help with unidentified objects

    My mother in law recently passed at 96 years old. As a child of the depression she never three anything away . I found these in a little baggie. Any idea on what they are?
  11. Help me identify the “brain rock”

    Hello! This rock has been in my family for as long as I can remember. We always called it the “brain rock” when we were kids. It was my grandma’s and she always said it was a geode. That would be awesome but I have my doubts. I would just break it open but if it’s not a geode then I’d rather...
  12. Beach Rock ID... Save me from myself!

    Please help! A year ago I moved to Maine because I love beachcombing for seaglass. However, now I find myself obsessed with rocks, and I can’t stop bringing them home. Unfortunately I know little about them. I have read online, and looked at pictures and I’m just not getting the answers I...
  13. Can you help me with rock identification? (Metamorphic)

    I'm currently taking Physical Geology course. Please help me to identify these 2 rocks: A & B. *Both rock are cracked open. I am sure that rock A is a metamorphic rock & rock B is the protolith of rock A. But what are the names of the two rocks? Overall, my questions are: 1. What is the...
  14. What is this ROCK!

    I recently was metal detecting the banks of a creek near Deadwood SD, an area known for gold, when my detector found four rocks that all registered as metal they read out as 40 to 45 on the target scale and a 0 on the ground phase. The rocks are silverish in color and metallic kinda like schist...
  15. PLATINUM???beautiful rock found In new homes garage

    Moved into a new house recently, whilst sorting out the garage i found this rock neatly covered with a plastic bag. it is unusually heavy for its size. It is much bigger than most raw platinum finds I've seen on internet. It's dark gray,looks like there's glitter over i(very shiny under flash)...
  16. PLATINUM???beautiful rock found In new homes garage

    Moved into a new house recently, whilst sorting out the garage i found this rock neatly covered with a plastic bag. it is unusually heavy for its size. It is much bigger than most raw platinum finds I've seen on internet. It's dark gray,looks like there's glitter over i(very shiny under flash)...
  17. Please Take a look AMAZING Star Rock.. Meteorite? Crystals Medals ID Please

    ok strong magnetic proprietress. Two large visible groups of deep Orange dare i say red crystal structures. Cubed medals within and protruding from stone. Approx 4.11 oz Looks like Fusion Crust from the little iv been able to understand on this. Looks like medal rock cooled and liquified over...
  18. would like help identifying, please :)

    I usually hang out in the "North American artifact forums" but I found this interesting rock near the Sierra Ancha Wilderness in Arizona and would appreciate any help in identifying it. My first thought was that the rock was painted but the red "pattern" (if I can call it that) looks like it...
  19. Can Someone I"D These Please

    [B]Found while digging in my yard in Southern California[/B]
  20. Found on Florida beach!!!

    Was out detecting the beach the other day using the Nokta FORS CoRe. Target ID 44 on the Nokta. Will not pick up on V3I and hit's on pinpointer!
  21. Clear cyrstals in a rock

    I found this rock the other day, thinking it is dolomite? it weighs about 4 or 5 pounds and it has lots of clear crystals in it. I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about it? I am looking for a value of it as well. Thank you in advance
  22. Strage rock, identification help?

    As I walked past this, i thought it was a monster turtle! Anyway, i think this may just be a unique variant of what my parents always call "kettle rocks" or "widow makers" but im unsure. Y'alls input would be greatly appreciated!
  23. what it is

  24. Need Help Identifying Rock

    I found this Rock about 20 years ago when I was a child in an area in Pennsylvania where they were digging up a foundation for a new house. I have always wondered what kind of rock it is, but could never seem to find any good leads. I would appreciate any help.
  25. Got a rock you want Identified? Come play stump the chump! Just a good spot to see if you have a rock that's unique or if you have a question.. Have fun and may you find the GOLD!
  26. Got a ROck you want identified? come play stump the chump! Just here for the Rocks y'all have questions on!