stone tool?

  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED What are these ??identical stones - Stone anomaly or man made?

    So, I have these 2 items found them in different fields of the same farm .. they are coincidentally both indented very similarly in the back and rear sides they both appear balanced. the small one lays completely flat on the ground whereas the larger one lays flat on the surface then angles...
  2. Treasure or Rocks?

    I have been going through my grandpa's collection and some just look like rocks, while others look like the real deal. Then there's some that leave me scratching my head and not sure what to think. One of these that I'm posting is a flat stone in a teardrop shape with slanted sides. I wouldn't...
  3. Repaired with pine sap?

    Anxious to hear input on this one. Not sure if this is a pestle, but it sits at about 9 inches long and has a definite flat side to it. One end appears to maybe have been shaped down to a smaller point? The substance in the crack is the question I've been dying to have an answer to. This is part...
  4. Delaware/Lenape possible stone tool artifacts? Need help, thx!

    I know and am okay with the idea that these are just rocks weathered to look like tools, and have been told by 1-2 people that are not experts in the area but one was an expert in geology. Have a few but want to start with this one (brown) because I am convinced it was a tool with the pure...
  5. Delaware/Lenape possible stone tool artifacts? Need help, thx!

    I know and am okay with the idea that these are just rocks weathered to look like tools, and have been told by 1-2 people that are not experts in the area but one was an expert in geology. Have a few but want to start with this one (brown) because I am convinced it was a tool with the pure...
  6. Help identifying. Sharpening tool? Carved rock?

    Hello! I need help figuring out if this rock is anything. I found it somewhere in West Virginia and there are scratches all around it that look deliberately carved and unnatural. Was this a sharpening tool or something else? Thank you!
  7. Stone Tools

    Does anyone know what this is?
  8. half moon stone blade/ possible carvings.

    was looking through old rocks i had tossed into a the garden since the weather was so nice today and came across this super sharp half moon shaped edge blade with a bunch of points and pieces. It looks like there may be some carvings or markings i'm unfamiliar with. Any help identifying is...
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