Delaware/Lenape possible stone tool artifacts? Need help, thx!

Holly 1

Jr. Member
Jan 3, 2021
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I know and am okay with the idea that these are just rocks weathered to look like tools, and have been told by 1-2 people that are not experts in the area but one was an expert in geology. Have a few but want to start with this one (brown) because I am convinced it was a tool with the pure perfection of how it fits into my hand. Any ideas would be awesome! Thanks ��





Brown was found in Watchung Reservation in Mountainside NJ
Gray was found in Harriman State Park in NY

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Fitting in a hand does not make a stone an artifact. An artifact is made by a human modifying a stone by flaking, chipping, knapping it to make a usable tool. You should see the work on the stone.

Understood, so what are your thoughts on this?

Welcome to TreasureNet, sorry, they are not artifacts, no signs of being worked at all. Rock fits in your hand because the human hand is a marvel, not because rocks are an artifact. Almost any rock you can hold in your hand will "fit the hand" if you rotate it enough times.

They are just rocks. Ask your self, what would this tool be used for? Those show no man made modifications or use wear. They would have no known functions for ancient tools. Good your interested.

I was thinking a skinner. The top of sharp and able to carve into things with the given pressure from where my thumb falls onto it. I have 3 altogether that have this same shape and feel.

Thanks Treasure Hunter. What would the manmade-look look like? This is where I have the most difficult time because things appear to have these edges and shaped marks, but then it's always a whopping no.

Sweet! I had looked into the hole one, will look at the other one too. Thanks for the info!

What part of the country are you in? There might be a Treasurenet member that collects relics near you that could show you some real relics or maybe even take you hunting after all this virus crap.

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