13 yr old son on the board with silver


Hero Member
May 24, 2013
western NC
Detector(s) used
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All Treasure Hunting
I was so happy for him. He kept asking me when he was gonna find a silver. I told him to keep at it and his day would come. Today was that day. He nicked it a little on the reverse, but we ain't gonna fret over it.....HH....GL



Upvote 9
Valuable lesson learned for your boy about working hard and putting in the time and eventually being rewarded. One of the great principles of a successful life. Good job dad!

Congrats! That's a sweet silver to find for your first, little man! :)

Great first silver to find! Congrats to you son.

Sweet Barber Quarter no less too!

Congratulations on the first silver. What a wonderful coin to start off. :thumbsup:

Learned that hard work pays off but also that patience is a virtue. Just have to treat
EVERY plug as special because you just never know what might be in there. A friend
once told me about a beautiful half carat diamond ring he found once. After admiring
it for a bit he decided to wear it under his gloves the rest of the day.

Later, when he pulled off the gloves, the stone was gone!!

Under magnification, later on, he saw where he had nicked the setting
prongs, loosening one of them. He'd dug that ring in a hurry to get

Always pinpoint and always be careful in the digging. (you'll still nick a few, but it won't be as many. ;) )

In any case, congrats again!

Awesome he did very good, just a little nick..he will get better nice job buddy..

That is just fantastic!! Way to go! I have 5 and 7 year old boys. Although they don't use a detector yet, they love to find treasure. There is no treasure in the world that is better than watching my boys find something old and neat. CONGRATS!

Good for him! Last year on my 9 yr olds first outing, he found an Indianhead penny AND a Mercury dime about three feet away. Now the bar is set too high and he expects too much every time out. That should keep your son hooked though, mine sure is! HH and thanks for sharing. Tell the little man Great job! -Chuck

Good for him! Last year on my 9 yr olds first outing, he found an Indianhead penny AND a Mercury dime about three feet away. Now the bar is set too high and he expects too much every time out. That should keep your son hooked though, mine sure is! HH and thanks for sharing. Tell the little man Great job! -Chuck

Haha, bar is set to high huh?? :icon_scratch:With a Merc and an Indian?? :dontknow: Believe me what he could find would surprise you. :thumbsup:

Keep @ it and HH !! :hello2:

Very very nice find.

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