1605 fleet quest


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Jun 29, 2006
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Burt Webber's latest quest.

Naufragó hace cuatro siglos cerca del islote de Serranilla
Proponen al Gobierno rescate del galeón San Roque
Por: Nelson Fredy Padilla
Burt Webber, famoso descubridor estadounidense de tesoros, estuvo esta semana en el Palacio de Nariño y en el archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia. Se abre debate, porque un colombiano ya había denunciado la localización.
Burt Webber en alta mar y al fondo el islote de Serranilla. Enlaces patrocinados - PauteFacil.com

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Burt Webber en San Andrés y Providencia
La cita fue el pasado martes en la mañana en la oficina de la alta consejera presidencial para temas medioambientales, Sandra Bessudo. Burt D. Webber Jr., uno de los más legendarios buscadores de tesoros del mundo, llegó al Palacio de Nariño, portafolio en mano, para proponerle al gobierno del presidente Juan Manuel Santos el rescate del galeón San Roque, que naufragó el 6 de noviembre de 1605 en inmediaciones del islote Serranilla, archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia.

Webber Jr. y dos de sus asesores, el exciclista profesional Sean P. Tucker —amigo del campeón Lance Armstrong— y el colombiano César Grajales, salieron contentos. No es la primera vez que Webber Jr. viene a Colombia. Lo había hecho en 1964, precisamente para conocer las islas del Caribe. Era muy joven e inexperto, pero ya lo movía la pasión aventurera que le inspiró La isla del tesoro de Stevenson. Empezaba a soñar con el rescate de las riquezas de los galeones de la época de la Colonia y sabía que desde Cartagena zarpaban durante los siglos XVI y XVII la mayoría de los navíos de Tierra Firme, enviados por la Corona de España para transportar oro, plata, esmeraldas y moneda desde la Nueva Granada hacia Sevilla y Cádiz, haciendo escala en La Habana. La ruta principal de la llamada Carrera de Indias.

En la plataforma continental y en las aguas internacionales de nuestro país hubo al menos 1.200 naufragios registrados en documentos del Archivo de Indias, según investigaciones reportadas a este diario por el naufrólogo italiano Claudio Bonifacio.

En la tragedia de la llamada flota de Córdoba murieron 1.300 personas, incluido el general Luis Fernández de Córdoba, comandante de la travesía. Se salvaron de milagro el San Gregorio, el San Martín, el San Pedro y el San Cristóbal, que regresó destrozado a Cartagena. El testimonio que rindieron las tripulaciones al Rey de España es la base documental de los buscadores del San Roque y tres navíos más, así como las bitácoras de ingleses que descubrieron el lugar en 1689 y se llevaron 600 libras de plata.

Webber Jr. recuerda que hace 45 años miraba con impotencia las aguas cristalinas de los cayos donde los vientos huracanados hundieron junto a la capitana San Roque a la almiranta Santo Domingo, al San Ambrosio y al Nuestra Señora de Begoña. Tenía muchos sueños, pero no la tecnología ni el músculo financiero para penetrar los 16 metros de arrecifes coralinos bajo los que reposan miles de toneladas de historia y riquezas.

Volvió a Colombia en 1983 para proponerle al gobierno de Belisario Betancur la búsqueda del San Roque y se encontró con un gobierno “que desconocía la importancia del tema y no quería acudir a los especialistas para explorar el inmenso potencial de Colombia en patrimonio submarino”. Además, el país estaba concentrado en el enredo político, jurídico y diplomático generado por el posible rescate del galeón San José, que entonces llevó a eternos debates en el Congreso y no terminó en nada distinto a una demanda de la firma cazatesoros norteamericana Sea Search Armada contra la nación colombiana.

La hoja de vida

Burt Webber tiene ahora 69 años de edad, sigue navegando en busca de naufragios coloniales y su récord como buzo profesional le generó gran empatía con la consejera presidencial Sandra Bessudo, también consagrada buceadora. Ella le confirmó a El Espectador el encuentro, pero dejó en claro que primero pondrá al tanto al presidente Juan Manuel Santos, antes de tomar cualquier decisión frente al caso.

El empresario, nacido en Pensilvania, rechazado alguna vez en la Marina de su país por sufrir asma, dice que no vino a convencer a nadie, sino a ofrecer colaboración para el rescate de la memoria histórica y cultural del país. Habla con el poder de convicción que le da el haber detectado 32 galeones hundidos en el Atlántico, incluidas tres carabelas de 1525, el hallazgo más antiguo del continente.

La mayoría no cargaba tesoros, pero en materia de fortunas se convirtió en uno de los más respetados del mundo tras el hallazgo del galeón Nuestra Señora de la Pura y Limpia Concepción, que se fue a pique en 1641 y él lo encontró en 1979, primero que investigadores como el célebre Jacques Cousteau.

Los documentales sobre sus hallazgos en National Geographic y en programas como 60 minutos de CBS lo enorgullecen tanto como el manifiesto de aduana del Concepción: 6 quintales de barras de oro y 11 más de objetos, 321 baúles de objetos de plata, 43 baúles de perlas, 21 baúles de esmeraldas de Muzo —¡sí, de Boyacá, Colombia!—, 436 baúles de mercancías del Lejano Oriente, incluidas cerámicas de la cultura Ming. Él rescató 60 mil monedas de plata que estaban incrustadas en lo profundo del coral.

Algo parecido tendría que hacer en el norte de Serranilla, donde cree que el San Roque y tal vez sus compañeros de viaje están sepultados bajo paredes coralinas. Dice que hace cinco años encontró el registro perdido del último barco que localizó los galeones y que así pudo reconfirmar las coordenadas del naufragio del San Roque en Serranilla, el bello islote en el que sólo hay arena blanca, gaviotas, unas pocas palmeras, uvas de mar y un faro custodiado por ocho infantes de Marina y un suboficial de la Armada colombiana.

Aunque hay cálculos que avalúan el tesoro de ese galeón en más de 3.000 millones de dólares por una carga de 80 toneladas de oro y 500 de plata, Webber apenas habla de unos 400 millones en oro, plata, esmeraldas y 350 mil monedas. Se apura a aclarar que “los años han probado que no es un afán de riqueza lo que me impulsa, sino la persecución de un sueño que permite al hombre alimentar su espíritu de aventuras”.

Lo que ofreció

Pero él no vino a hablar de historias fantásticas, sino de negocios. Advierte que su profesión ya no depende de descubrimientos fortuitos ni de la “gracia de Dios”, que era el lema de los reyes católicos de España para agradecer por los tesoros que les llegaban del Nuevo Mundo, sino de una intensa investigación en archivos náuticos de todo el mundo a los que se suman la experiencia, la tecnología y “el cumplimiento de las leyes vigentes sobre el mar”.

Eso es lo que vino a ofrecer al Palacio de Nariño: una hoja de vida con 50 años de expediciones y un modelo de contratación similar al que mantiene con el gobierno de República Dominicana desde hace 33 años. Un acuerdo que lo liga a la Comisión de Rescate Arqueológico Submarino de ese país y que le ha permitido explorar el llamado Banco de Plata, en el norte de la isla, donde además del Concepción encontró otros 13 naufragios. El más reciente es el Sólo Dios Gloria (1693), del que ya ha recuperado 300 artefactos de oro, bronce y plata.

Asegura contar con la mejor tecnología de punta, como un magnetómetro de cesio creado por él, así como radares, información satelital, sonares de barrido lateral, perfiladores de subsuelo y mano de obra superespecializada. Webber aspira aquí también a un contrato en el que el Gobierno de Colombia recibiría el 50 por ciento del total rescatado, aparte de reservarse el derecho de retener para fines de museografía y como patrimonio nacional aquellas piezas que considere valiosas desde el punto de vista histórico y arqueológico.

Trajo cartas de presentación de la Oficina Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural Subacuático de Santo Domingo, donde lo califican como autor de “uno de los más sensacionales descubrimientos del continente en arqueología submarina” y aseguran que una relación contractual con él “sería benéfica para el Estado y para el pueblo colombiano”. Sabiendo de la formación del presidente Juan Manuel Santos en la Armada y su gusto por los temas del mar, también anexó recomendaciones de almirantes de la Armada dominicana.

Igualmente ofreció control de riesgos ambientales e instrucción a colombianos en arqueología submarina, en la construcción de un museo de galeones en Cartagena y en su mantenimiento, como lo hace en Dominicana, donde tiene casa y buen nombre.

Mientras el gobierno responde a su propuesta, Webber Jr. se fue de viaje al archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia para ir pensando en la logística que requeriría para hacer realidad uno de los últimos sueños que tiene pendientes como aventurero de los mares.

El colombiano que denunció primero el hallazgo en Serranilla

Se llama Daniel de Narváez McAllister y es un reconocido historiador náutico. En los años 90, durante un viaje a Serranilla, descubrió por accidente en el lecho oceánico varios cañones que podrían pertenecer a alguno de los galeones de Tierra Firme. De inmediato denunció el hecho ante la Dirección Marítima de la Armada Nacional, lo que le otorga derechos prioritarios sobre el hallazgo. Tiene el más completo archivo sobre el tema, armado a partir del Archivo General de Indias en Sevilla. Incluso, encontró los papeles de Jamaica donde aparece el rescate de las barras de oro y plata en Serranilla en 1689. Así cuenta su experiencia: “Cuando me encontré de forma fortuita esos cañones en Serranilla, difícilmente se podía aseverar en ese entonces a cuál de los cuatro naufragios de Luis Fernández de Córdoba pertenecen. En ese mismo lugar se han encontrado monedas de 1604 y de 1603, situación que corrobora la información de archivo que establece el hallazgo en 1689 de uno de estos galeones y el mapa corrobora esa ubicación, la de mi denuncia. Yo tengo en mi poder quizás los documentos más codiciados y valiosos que uno puede encontrar en este tipo de naufragio, que es la identificación de los cañones a bordo de esa flota. Cada cañón tiene un peso único, está grabado y lleva el escudo del monarca y los sellos de fundición. Para 1605 la Corona había establecido que la capitana San Roque y la almiranta Santo Domingo sólo podían llevar cañones de bronce y no de hierro. Los cañones que quedaron al descubierto en Serranilla son tanto de bronce como de hierro, haciéndome llegar a la conclusión de que estos restos no son ni del San Roque ni del Santo Domingo, pero sí de esa flota”.

De Narváez ha investigado a tal punto el caso que asegura haber desmentido las versiones del naufrólogo Claudio Bonifacio, quien en un libro de su autoría respaldó teorías de que el San Roque podría estar en la Bahía de Ascensión, en Quintana Roo, México, o en las Islas Cisne frente a Honduras. El capitán Cesáreo Fernández Duro, uno de los historiadores náuticos más reconocidos y detallados, ubicó el hundimiento de los cuatro galeones de Córdoba cerca de la isla de Cumana en aguas venezolanas. No. Él, como Webber Jr., está seguro de que hay que empezar a buscar por Serranilla. La mejor pista: hay pruebas de que unos pescadores de Jamaica encontraron uno de los galeones de Córdoba en el islote colombiano en 1689 y recuperaron 23 barras de oro y 69 de plata, después de que los pescadores se llevaron lo que pudieron.

No le molesta que el norteamericano esté detrás de “su galeón”: “Bienvenido. Es un buscador de tesoros de larga trayectoria y de reconocido éxito, primordialmente por el Concepción. Lastimosamente en Colombia el problema nunca ha sido falta de iniciativa ni de personas o empresas con la voluntad de explorar y recuperar los galeones naufragados en nuestras aguas. El Sr. Webber es uno más en una larguísima lista de ‘expertos’ que tienen la voluntad, los conocimientos y supongo el financiamiento. En Colombia tenemos los recursos, la tecnología y el personal técnico para encontrar cualquier galeón en nuestras aguas. El problema de fondo es que Colombia ha sido uno de los seis países que redactaron el borrador de la Convención de la Unesco y fue su impulsor a nivel latinoamericano. La Convención pretende dejar los naufragios en el fondo del mar, la mal llamada ‘preservación in situ’, que mas bien debería llamarse la ‘destrucción in situ’. Además, la Convención le da titularidad a España sobre todos nuestros galeones, en contra de lo establecido en el artículo 73 la Constitución”.

La búsqueda del tesoro dependerá del factor legal

La suerte de Webber está supeditada a que al Gobierno le interese la oferta y de que las normas legales sobre el tema se consoliden en Colombia. Esto debido a que en 2007 la Corte Suprema sentó doctrina al decidir que la firma norteamericana SSA tiene derecho a la mitad del tesoro del galeón San José, hundido en inmediaciones de las Islas del Rosario, pero lo que sea considerado patrimonio cultural sumergido es propiedad única de la nación colombiana. Aún así, la sentencia no se ha cumplido, porque SSA no ha recibido autorización del Gobierno para proceder al rescate por lo que, como informó El Espectador, decidió demandar a Colombia ante un tribunal de los Estados Unidos por US$17 mil millones hace un mes y medio. Además, no existe una ley que reglamente la exploración, el rescate y el mantenimiento del patrimonio sumergido. En los últimos diez años se han presentado tres proyectos de ley y no han prosperado.

El tercero, pero en materia legal, es que, también a través del Congreso, Colombia debe decidir si se suscribe o no a la Convención de la Unesco sobre patrimonio sumergido, considerada por expertos como nociva para el patrimonio nacional, porque defiende la propiedad de los tesoros por parte de España, debido a que la mayoría de galeones hundidos en aguas nacionales portaban esa bandera.

La decisión del Gobierno de Santos

El gobierno del presidente Juan Manuel Santos se apresta a presentar un proyecto de ley para reglamentar la búsqueda, rescate y conservación del patrimonio cultural sumergido. Lo que le han pedido empresarios ligados al mundo marino es que estimule a empresas serias a invertir millones de dólares en proyectos de altísimo riesgo, parecido a la búsqueda de petróleo y establecer parámetros técnicos muy altos que permitan la recuperación e investigación arqueológica de naufragios. La Corte Suprema diferenció entre aquellos objetos que son parte del patrimonio y otros que no lo son. Esto abre la puerta para proyectos científico-comerciales donde el Estado recupera su patrimonio para los museos (las piezas únicas) y el contratista se paga con un porcentaje de las monedas y barras de oro y plata que no son patrimonio. El Estado también recibe un porcentaje de estos bienes cambiarios.

Only problem is that whole area is claimed by Columbia, so no working it. That whole area is very reefy, and most of it fairly uninhabited. Some of it is a popular tourist area.

It was shipwrecked four centuries ago near the small barren island of Serranilla They propose the Government rescues of the galleon San Roque By: Nelson Fredy Padilla Burt Webber, famous American discoverer of treasures, was this week in the Palace of Nariño and the archipelago of San Andres and Providencia. Debate is abre, because a Colombian already had denounced the location. Burt Webber on the high seas and to the bottom the small barren island of Serranilla. Sponsored connections - PauteFacil.com Related resources Image | Burt Webber in San Andres and Providencia The appointment was the past Tuesday in the morning in the office of the high presidential advisor for environmental subjects, Sandra Bessudo. Burt D. Webber Jr, one of the most legendary finders of treasures of the world, arrived at the Palace of Nariño, portfolio in hand, to propose to the government of Holy president Juan Manuel the rescue to him of the galleon San Roque, who was shipwrecked the 6 of November of 1605 in environs of the Serranilla small barren island, archipelago of San Andres and Providencia. Webber Jr and two of their advisers, the professional exciclista Are P. Tucker - friend of the champion Sends Armstrong- and the Colombian Caesar Grajales, left contentments. It is not the first time that Webber Jr comes to Colombia. He had done it in 1964, indeed to know the islands the Caribbean. He was very young and inexpert, but already he moved the adventurous passion that inspired the island to him of the treasure of Stevenson. He began to dream about the rescue of the wealth of the galleons of the time of the Colony and knew that from Cartagena they weighed anchor during centuries XVI and XVII the majority of the Mainland ships, sent by Corona of Spain to transport gold, silver, emeralds and currency from New Granada towards Seville and Cadiz, doing scale in Havana. The main line of the call Race of Indians. In the continental platform and international waters of our country there were at least 1,200 shipwrecks registered in documents of the File of Indians, according to investigations reported to this newspaper by the Italian naufrólogo Claudius Bonifacio. In the tragedy of the call fleet of Cordova 1,300 people died, including general Luis Fernandez of Cordova, commander of the passage. San Gregorio, San Martin, San Pedro and San Cristóbal were saved of miracle, who returned destroyed to Cartagena. The testimony that rendered the crews to the King of Spain is the documentary base of the finders of San Roque and three ships more, as well as the binnacles of English which they discovered the place in 1689 and took 600 pounds of silver. Webber Jr remembers that 45 years ago it watched with impotence crystalline waters of the keys where the hurricane winds sank next to the flagship San Roque to the Santo Domingo flagship, San Ambrosio and our Mrs. of Begoña. It was many sleepy, but it technology nor the financial muscle not to penetrate the 16 meters of coralline reefs under which tons of history and wealth rest thousand of. The search of San Roque returned to Colombia in 1983 to propose to the government of Belisario Betancur to him and it was with a government “who did not know the importance of the subject and he did not want to go to the specialists to explore the immense potential of Colombia in submarine patrimony”. In addition, the country was concentrate in the political, legal tangle and diplomatic generated by the possible rescue of the San jOse galleon, that then took to ether us debates in the Congress and Search Armed against the Colombian nation did not finish in anything different from a cazatesoros demand of the North American company/signature Is. The life leaf Burt Webber has 69 years of age now, continues sailing in search of colonial shipwrecks and their record as professional diver generated great empathy to him with presidential advisor Sandra Bessudo, also consecrated diver. She confirmed to the Spectator the encounter to him, but she left in clear that first she will put to as much Holy president Juan Manuel, before making any decision against the case. The industralist, born in Pensilvania, rejected sometimes in the Navy of his country to undergo asthma, says that he did not come to convince to anybody, but to offer collaboration for the rescue of the historical and cultural memory of the country. Speech with the conviction power that gives to the detected salary 32 galleons him sunk in the Atlantic, including three caravels of 1525, the oldest finding of the continent. The majority did not load treasures, but in the matter of fortunes it became one of the most respected of the world after the finding of the galleon Our Lady of the Pure and Clean Conception, that went to resentment in 1641 and found it in 1979, first that investigators like the famous Jacques Cousteau. The documentary ones on its findings in National Geographic and programs as 60 minutes of CBS are proud so much as the manifesto of customs of the Conception: 6 quintals of bars of gold and 11 more of objects, 321 trunks of silver objects, 43 trunks of Rep them, 21 emerald trunks of Muzo -yes, of Boyacá, Colombia! -, 436 trunks of merchandise of the Far East, including ceramic of the Ming culture. It rescued 60 thousand currencies of silver that were inlaid in the deep thing of the chorale. Something similar would have to do in the north of Serranilla, where it thinks that San Roque and perhaps their fellow travellers are buried under coralline walls. It says that five years ago it found the registry lost of the last boat that located the galleons and that thus could reconfirmar the coordinates of the shipwreck of San Roque in Serranilla, the beautiful small barren island in which only is white sand, gulls, a few palms, grapes of sea and a light guarded by eight infants of Navy and a sergeant major of the Colombian Navy. Although there are calculations that estimate the treasure of that galleon in more than 3,000 million dollars by a load of 80 tons of gold and 500 of silver, Webber as soon as it speaks of about 400 million in gold, silver, emeralds and 350 thousand currencies. One hurries to clarify that “the years have proven that are not a wealth eagerness which impels to me, but the persecution of a dream that allows the man to feed its spirit on adventures”. What offered But he did not come to speak of fantastic histories, but of businesses. It warns that its profession no longer depends on fortuitous discoveries nor on the “grace of God”, that was the motto of the catholic kings of Spain to be thankful by the treasures that arrived to them from the New World, but of an intense investigation in nautical archives worldwide to which they add the experience, the technology and “the fulfillment of the effective laws on the sea”. That is what came to offer to the Palace of Nariño: a leaf of life with 50 years of expeditions and a model of hiring similar to which maintains with the government of Dominican Republic for 33 years. An agreement binds that it to the Commission of Submarine Archaeological Rescue of that country and that has allowed him to explore the call Bank of Silver, in the north of the island, where besides the Conception it found other 13 shipwrecks. Most recent it is Only the God Gloria (1693), del that already has reclaimed 300 devices of gold, bronze and silver. It assures to count on the best technology of end, like a cesium magnetometer created by him, as well as radars, satelite information, sonars of lateral sweeping, perfiladores of subsoil and superspecialized manpower. Webber aspires here also to a contract in which the Government of Colombia would receive the 50 percent of the rescued total, aside from reserving the right to retain for museografía aims and like national patrimony those pieces that consider valuable from the historical and archaeological point of view. It brought letters of presentation of the National Office of Subaqueous Cultural Patrimony of Santo Domingo, where they describe as author as “one of the most sensational discoveries of the continent in submarine archaeology” and assure that a contractual relation with him “would be beneficial for the State and the Colombian town”. Knowing of the formation of Holy president Juan Manuel in the Navy and its taste by the subjects of the sea, also it annexed recommendations of admirals of the Dominican Navy. Also it offered control of environmental risks and instruction to Colombians in submarine archaeology, in the construction of a museum of galleons in Cartagena and its maintenance, since it does in Dominican, where it has house and good reputation. While the government responds to his proposal, Webber Jr went from trip to the archipelago of San Andres and Providencia to be thinking about the logistics that it would require to make reality one of the last dreams that has slopes like adventurer of the seas. The Colombian who denounced the first finding in Serranilla Daniel de Narváez McAllister is called and is a recognized historian nautical. In years 90, during a trip to Serranilla, he discovered by accident in I milk oceanic several guns that could belong to some of the Mainland galleons. He immediately denounced the fact before the Marine Direction of the National Navy, which grants high-priority rights to him on the finding. He has the most complete file on the subject, armed from the General archives of Indians in Seville. Even, he found the papers of Jamaica where it appears the rescue of the gold bars and silver in Serranilla in 1689. Thus he counts his experience: “When I was of fortuitous form those guns in Serranilla, hardly it was possible to be asserted in that then ones to which of the four shipwrecks of Luis Fernandez of Cordova they belong. In that same place have been 1603 and 1604 currencies, situation that

Goldfishhunter said:
It was shipwrecked four centuries ago near the small barren island of Serranilla They propose the Government rescues of the galleon San Roque By: Nelson Fredy Padilla Burt Webber, famous American discoverer of treasures, was this week in the Palace of Nariño and the archipelago of San Andres and Providencia.

Debate is abre, because a Colombian already had denounced the location. Burt Webber on the high seas and to the bottom the small barren island of Serranilla.
Sponsored connections - PauteFacil.com Related resources Image | Burt Webber in San Andres and Providencia The appointment was the past Tuesday in the morning in the office of the high presidential advisor for environmental subjects, Sandra Bessudo.

Burt D. Webber Jr, one of the most legendary finders of treasures of the world, arrived at the Palace of Nariño, portfolio in hand, to propose to the government of Holy president Juan Manuel the rescue to him of the galleon San Roque, who was shipwrecked the 6 of November of 1605 in environs of the Serranilla small barren island, archipelago of San Andres and Providencia.

Webber Jr and two of their advisers, the professional exciclista Are P. Tucker - friend of the champion Sends Armstrong- and the Colombian Caesar Grajales, left contentments.

It is not the first time that Webber Jr comes to Colombia. He had done it in 1964, indeed to know the islands the Caribbean. He was very young and inexpert, but already he moved the adventurous passion that inspired the island to him of the treasure of Stevenson. He began to dream about the rescue of the wealth of the galleons of the time of the Colony and knew that from Cartagena they weighed anchor during centuries XVI and XVII the majority of the Mainland ships, sent by Corona of Spain to transport gold, silver, emeralds and currency from New Granada towards Seville and Cadiz, doing scale in Havana. The main line of the call Race of Indians.

In the continental platform and international waters of our country there were at least 1,200 shipwrecks registered in documents of the File of Indians, according to investigations reported to this newspaper by the Italian naufrólogo Claudius Bonifacio.

In the tragedy of the call fleet of Cordova 1,300 people died, including general Luis Fernandez of Cordova, commander of the passage. San Gregorio, San Martin, San Pedro and San Cristóbal were saved of miracle, who returned destroyed to Cartagena. The testimony that rendered the crews to the King of Spain is the documentary base of the finders of San Roque and three ships more, as well as the binnacles of English which they discovered the place in 1689 and took 600 pounds of silver.

Webber Jr remembers that 45 years ago it watched with impotence crystalline waters of the keys where the hurricane winds sank next to the flagship San Roque to the Santo Domingo flagship, San Ambrosio and our Mrs. of Begoña. It was many sleepy, but it technology nor the financial muscle not to penetrate the 16 meters of coralline reefs under which tons of history and wealth rest thousand of.

The search of San Roque returned to Colombia in 1983 to propose to the government of Belisario Betancur to him and it was with a government “who did not know the importance of the subject and he did not want to go to the specialists to explore the immense potential of Colombia in submarine patrimony”. In addition, the country was concentrate in the political, legal tangle and diplomatic generated by the possible rescue of the San jOse galleon, that then took to ether us debates in the Congress and Search Armed against the Colombian nation did not finish in anything different from a cazatesoros demand of the North American company/signature Is.

The life leaf Burt Webber has 69 years of age now, continues sailing in search of colonial shipwrecks and their record as professional diver generated great empathy to him with presidential advisor Sandra Bessudo, also consecrated diver. She confirmed to the Spectator the encounter to him, but she left in clear that first she will put to as much Holy president Juan Manuel, before making any decision against the case.
industralist, born in Pensilvania, rejected sometimes in the Navy of his country to undergo asthma, says that he did not come to convince to anybody, but to offer collaboration for the rescue of the historical and cultural memory of the country.
Speech with the conviction power that gives to the detected salary 32 galleons him sunk in the Atlantic, including three caravels of 1525, the oldest finding of the continent. The majority did not load treasures, but in the matter of fortunes it became one of the most respected of the world after the finding of the galleon Our Lady of the Pure and Clean Conception, that went to resentment in 1641 and found it in 1979, first that investigators like the famous Jacques Cousteau.

The documentary ones on its findings in National Geographic and programs as 60 minutes of CBS are proud so much as the manifesto of customs of the Conception: 6 quintals of bars of gold and 11 more of objects, 321 trunks of silver objects, 43 trunks of Rep them, 21 emerald trunks of Muzo -yes, of Boyacá, Colombia! -, 436 trunks of merchandise of the Far East, including ceramic of the Ming culture. It rescued 60 thousand currencies of silver that were inlaid in the deep thing of the chorale.

Something similar would have to do in the north of Serranilla, where it thinks that San Roque and perhaps their fellow travellers are buried under coralline walls. It says that five years ago it found the registry lost of the last boat that located the galleons and that thus could reconfirmar the coordinates of the shipwreck of San Roque in Serranilla, the beautiful small barren island in which only is white sand, gulls, a few palms, grapes of sea and a light guarded by eight infants of Navy and a sergeant major of the Colombian Navy. Although there are calculations that estimate the treasure of that galleon in more than 3,000 million dollars by a load of 80 tons of gold and 500 of silver, Webber as soon as it speaks of about 400 million in gold, silver, emeralds and 350 thousand currencies.

One hurries to clarify that “the years have proven that are not a wealth eagerness which impels to me, but the persecution of a dream that allows the man to feed its spirit on adventures”. What offered But he did not come to speak of fantastic histories, but of businesses.
It warns that its profession no longer depends on fortuitous discoveries nor on the “grace of God”, that was the motto of the catholic kings of Spain to be thankful by the treasures that arrived to them from the New World, but of an intense investigation in nautical archives worldwide to which they add the experience, the technology and “the fulfillment of the effective laws on the sea”.

That is what came to offer to the Palace of Nariño: a leaf of life with 50 years of expeditions and a model of hiring similar to which maintains with the government of Dominican Republic for 33 years. agreement binds that it to the Commission of Submarine Archaeological Rescue of that country and that has allowed him to explore the call Bank of Silver, in the north of the island, where besides the Conception it found other 13 shipwrecks. Most recent it is Only the God Gloria (1693), del that already has reclaimed 300 devices of gold, bronze and silver.
It assures to count on the best technology of end, like a cesium magnetometer created by him, as well as radars, satelite information, sonars of lateral sweeping, perfiladores of subsoil and superspecialized manpower. Webber aspires here also to a contract in which the Government of Colombia would receive the 50 percent of the rescued total, aside from reserving the right to retain for museografía aims and like national patrimony those pieces that consider valuable from the historical and archaeological point of view.
It brought letters of presentation of the National Office of Subaqueous Cultural Patrimony of Santo Domingo, where they describe as author as “one of the most sensational discoveries of the continent in submarine archaeology” and assure that a contractual relation with him “would be beneficial for the State and the Colombian town”.

Knowing of the formation of Holy president Juan Manuel in the Navy and its taste by the subjects of the sea, also it annexed recommendations of admirals of the Dominican Navy. Also it offered control of environmental risks and instruction to Colombians in submarine archaeology, in the construction of a museum of galleons in Cartagena and its maintenance, since it does in Dominican, where it has house and good reputation.

While the government responds to his proposal, Webber Jr went from trip to the archipelago of San Andres and Providencia to be thinking about the logistics that it would require to make reality one of the last dreams that has slopes like adventurer of the seas.

The Colombian who denounced the first finding in Serranilla Daniel de Narváez McAllister is called and is a recognized historian nautical. In years 90, during a trip to Serranilla, he discovered by accident in I milk oceanic several guns that could belong to some of the Mainland galleons.
He immediately denounced the fact before the Marine Direction of the National Navy, which grants high-priority rights to him on the finding. He has the most complete file on the subject, armed from the General archives of Indians in Seville. Even, he found the papers of Jamaica where it appears the rescue of the gold bars and silver in Serranilla in 1689.
Thus he counts his experience: “When I was of fortuitous form those guns in Serranilla, hardly it was possible to be asserted in that then ones to which of the four shipwrecks of Luis Fernandez of Cordova they belong. In that same place have been 1603 and 1604 currencies, situation that

tried to breakdown the wall of text- thanks for translation

I am preparing some legal work in Honduras. We'll see if Simon Zacarias was a liar or telling the truth.
Cheers VV

The connection between Jamaica and Serranilla is documented in British papers of the day (memory tells me it was 1690). The report mentions that the British dispatched the 5th rate, Drake, to protect British treasure-salvage interests in the Serranillas from marauding French crews.
A dozen years ago, I went to Kew Gardens in an attempt to locate the Drake's log--only to find it "Misssing--Presumed Stolen or Lost". No further mention do I recall is mentioned and there was certainly no specific reference in the British papers I read to the salvage being done, specifically, on Cordova's fleet, though the inference can easily be made.
PS: A current search at Kew Gardens might now find that log. No doubt it would almost be worth a portion of the treasure.

Old Man:
Colombia is not issuing exploration permits at this time as most of the previous legislation that regulated this subject was deemed unconstitutional by the Upper Courts during the legal battle over the San Jose by Sea Search Armada. There is currently no mechanism in place to define how the wrecks can be divided and who gets what. If you apply today for an exploration permit in Colombia the answer is that until Congress enacts a new law that regulates the subject, no permits can be issued. Then we have to wait and see what Spain is going to do about its intention to recover what was left behind...
Vox Veritas:
I too had a great deal of confidence in the "Misteriosa Island" story some years ago, it sounds very plausible and the winds and the currents could have in theory taken one or more of these galeons there. We know for a fact that there were some remains of this Cordoba fleet found in the Escudo de Veraguas which does confirm this scenario. The hard part to follow is when Zacarias describes the island, the creeks that don't exist, the measurements, the gold mines but lastly when he confesses that he lied...that sort of complicates the whole plot.
There is a possibility Vox, in all fairness to your theory here, and Zacarias sort of says this in his own way, that he was repeating partial truths that he had heard about somebody that had indeed been in the Swan Islands and he "added" some of his own imagination and told the Spaniards what they all wanted to hear...the Cordoba fleet disappearance was only ten years old and it must have been like what today 9/11 is to any person alive, everybody had heard of it and many stories of sightings and treason were in fact invented and circulated. What I'm trying to say Vox but haven't said, is that the uncontroversial fact that Zacarias was a pathological liar does not exclude the possibility that the San Roque could have made it to the Swan Islands... could be, I just don't think Zacarias ever knew of it. I hope I'm wrong and that you prove me so and finally resolve the San Roque mystery.
Farther North from the Swan Islands there is an underwater shoal or bank that is called Misteriosa Bank, if my memory serves me right, its quite a coincidence in the names though, they're not that far appart and we do know of land masses that have been swallowed by the sea. I've always been puzzled by a reference in some ald maps to "El Convoy" shoal close to Serranilla and Bajo Nuevo that does not exist today.

I too spent a great deal of time at Kew and other archives in England/Scotland in search fot the Drakes log, sometimes these sort of documents dissapear but have a tendency of reappearing when somebody realizes their value. I suspect that this will happen here too if it hasn't happened yet.


With all due respect your article is missing lots of crucial information, there is a Company that has legal rights to the findings in 1993 (Luis Fernandez de Cordova Serranilla Galleons Nov 5th 1605), granted by the Colombian Government. Please research the facts.

Thanks for the Drake info.
Since the log of the Drake for 1590 is lost, maybe Capt. Spragge's heirs kept a record of those events regarding his voyage to t the Serranillas. BTW, your source missed a source: Calendar of State Papers--Colonial 1690 where I first found reference to Drake/Serranillas maybe 20 years ago. Yes, hopefully the log of the Drake for that year will surface--it might prove most interesting. My 'gut' tells me the log was stolen for the purpose of creating a 'dead end' for researchers such as myself.

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