2 Boys, China berry trees and a huge wasp nest, what could possible happen?


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2014
mid western ARK
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
XP Deus with 9"LF and 9" HF Coils and 600 Equinox with stock and 6" coils
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
It was about 1967, location, San Angelo Texas in the summer. My brother and I were out and about prowling around in the huge trailer park that we were currently living in. I had just gotten a Stingray bicycle with the big banana seat and sissy bar. I was also popping wheelies left and right until I went too far back and smacked the back of my head on the pavement. So, bike riding went to the wayside for the moment as we looked for something else to do. Back then you created your fun and so we were looking for something that would be "fun" to us.

It didn't take too long before we spotted this huge wasp nest in a bunch of china berry trees. Immediately, we remembered the new sling shots that we had just got a few days before. Now, we hadn't even broken them in yet and that huge nest of red wasps screamed that we needed to knock it down. My younger brother was excited as was I. We tested the pull of the rubbers on these new weapons as we walked towards the trees. At first we were a little stifled, we weren't allowed to use rocks inside the trailer park( we wondered why not LOL.)

Then we saw the perfect ammo, the China berries would do just fine. They were not rocks or gravel and wouldn't really hurt us either if we got into a little fight. Oh yeah, they would sting and might even leave a welt or a bruise but we were okay with that. We quickly gathered a stockpile of the berries, ever mindful of the nervous wasps that seemed to be keeping track of us. Now, previous numerous battles with the wasp family had ingrained into me that I had to have a pre-chosen escape route for when the wasps got "excited." My younger brother, Ricky, on the other hand, was not quite as experienced as I. He was also a little hardheaded and prone to not listen to freely given advice.

The new slingshots seemed powerful enough as we sent a few berries flying. It was going to take a few shots to get zeroed in on the nest but we were quickly closing in. The nervous wasps were also becoming more agitated is the word my grandfather would use. Now I have to say here, that my brother was one of those people that would swell up pretty badly when stung. He had his left eye swollen completely shut one time from a bee sting but nothing worse than that. We always considered it part of the "fun" as well as kind of like a war trophy of sorts. Anyways, one of us nailed the nest and I mean hit it good and the air around it came to life with around forty or more very "agitated" wasps.

Immediately I was off and zig-zagging through my escape route, it was every man for himself now and I meant to not get stung. Ricky on the other hand, was a little slow at leaving plus ran in a more direct path in the open. I managed a glance back just in time to see him do the "I'm getting stung dance" with both hands slapping at his face and head. I cautiously hid behind a car as Ricky picked up speed and ran past. I grinned but knew full well that I could get nailed at any second but it never came.

I caught up with him a few minutes later and he was already looking pretty interesting. One cheek was swelling up pretty well, his right ear was as Spock like as you could get and his right hand looked inflated too. I asked where his new slingshot was but he didn't have a clue, we retrieved it early the next morning. Our mom? She just shook her head and never asked anything, she had five brothers growing up. Just a couple of days ago, Ricky and I were at my dad's when we spotted another huge red wasp nest. All I had to say was "Do you remember?" and he nodded yes with a huge grin. Only now, at 59, he used his $5000 dollar camera to shoot the nest and from a distance. Ah the memories!

I had a few minutes, resting and eating a snack in between packing etc and remembered this. hope this puts a smile on your face :laughing7:

sure does make me smile. Reminds me of me and my cousins, only we had our arms and crab apples. My younger cousin took one in between the eyes and both of em swelled shut.

I was smiling at the title and thought....this should be good.

Awesome story! I love reading about your interesting adventures! :occasion14:

More please...:icon_thumleft:

Great post, Jerry! I needed a good chuckle, good stuff. Back in those days yes, you had to make your fun, without video games, phones etc. I knew if there was a hornets nest nearby, SOMETHING was getting tossed at it, a rock or a stick...and just like you, I didn't have to outrun the hornets, just my buddies! Thx for the levity, just what the dr ordered..Ddf.

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