2016 Dutch Hunters Rendezvous

I hope to give my presentation and show my short film on finding the LDM, the entrance now submerged under Apache Lake. Shot underwater on location, you'll follow me into the mine and actually get to handle and examine the gold and ore samples recovered. See you all there! :hello:

I hope to give my presentation and show my short film on finding the LDM, the entrance now submerged under Apache Lake. Shot underwater on location, you'll follow me into the mine and actually get to handle and examine the gold and ore samples recovered. See you all there! :hello:

What date? :tongue3:

The old coyotes won't tell me. It's like a mystery all of a sudden now that they know I want to attend. :laughing7:

Hello all: The Rendezvous is usually held on the last weekend of October, however, this year Halloween falls on Monday the 31th. which is the Monday just after the last weekend. Do to that being the situation, The Rendezvous will be scheduled for the previous weekend which will be October 21, 22, 23. , the 4th. weekend of October 2016. The gate will not be opened Thursday the 20th. since the Dons Members have a monthly meeting that day and there needs to be a Dons Club representative during the opening of the gate and at the Base Camp when guests are present. Forest Service Rules. Cordially, Gregory E. Davis

I hope to give my presentation and show my short film on finding the LDM, the entrance now submerged under Apache Lake. Shot underwater on location, you'll follow me into the mine and actually get to handle and examine the gold and ore samples recovered. See you all there! :hello:

If I'm still breathing, I want to attend just to hear your presentation and meet you...

If I'm still breathing, I want to attend just to hear your presentation and meet you...

I would like to meet you as well Austin! There will probably be a line. The old timers just love seeing my Yeti skin rugs and Unicorn horns. :occasion14:

You should bring your own drinks, and a little firewood never hurts. We had more kids and wives last year than ever before. I believe they all enjoyed the weekend.

Wayne, Greg and Randy do us all a great service by setting this event up every year. Make your plans now, and don't miss out on the Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous.......again.

The gate for the Don's Camp will be open Friday morning for early arrivals. There is plenty of room to set up your camp, close to others or a bit farther away if you're so inclined.

Hope to see more wives and kids this year, as it's a good family outing. .

East on 60 to Peralta Rd. Left on paved......it turns into hard packed dirt. There will be signs at the Don's Camp entrance,(it's a left turn) but if you get to Peralta Trailhead, you have gone too far. Once you turn off Peralta Rd. come in a little ways and look to your right. The gate to the camp will be uphill from you.


Closer map:


You will need to bring drinks and some meals. More info. on that later.

Joe Ribaudo​

Please stay on the topic of the 2016 Dutch Hunters Rendezvous[h=2][/h]

Because thread topic is the 2016 Rendezvous....

_________________________Tapatalk Signature_________________________


The old coyotes won't tell me. It's like a mystery all of a sudden now that they know I want to attend. :laughing7:

They don't want you bringing all those beautiful wives you have with you. It's makes them feel they should have converted to LDS!

Will your film presentation be available for sharing or purchase at the Rendezvous and possibly after? Can one get an advanced copy? Are you selling any souvenirs?

Like nuggets from the underwater mine?

I never go to the event's to many inflated egos in one spot makes me nervous! It all started out as one man seeing how many he could convince to show up by calling it the "Dutch Hunters Rendezvous" when he himself was apparently not one. Never the less, it's grown to be a great gathering that many go to and you have to respect it as an mixing event of those who have no experience and those that do. A melting pot of Treasure Hunters that are lost and need guidance. A place to share a campfire with good stories around it. Just don't get to involved by what you hear by that campfire. The stories they share are probably lost leaders made up to throw each other off their own Lost Dutchman trails. :laughing7:

They don't want you bringing all those beautiful wives you have with you. It's makes them feel they should have converted to LDS!

Will your film presentation be available for sharing or purchase at the Rendezvous and possibly after? Can one get an advanced copy? Are you selling any souvenirs?

Like nuggets from the underwater mine?

I never go to the event's to many inflated egos in one spot makes me nervous! It all started out as one man seeing how many he could convince to show up by calling it the "Dutch Hunters Rendezvous" when he himself was apparently not one. Never the less, it's grown to be a great gathering that many go to and you have to respect it as an mixing event of those who have no experience and those that do. A melting pot of Treasure Hunters that are lost and need guidance. A place to share a campfire with good stories around it. Just don't get to involved by what you hear by that campfire. The stories they share are probably lost leaders made up to throw each other off their own Lost Dutchman trails. :laughing7:


As I have mentioned, many times before, I was never searching for the LDM on my own. On the other hand, I have researched the legend and assisted others in their searches. Over the years, while you have quipped and insulted your way through these conversations, I have tried to add posts of substance to the debate. My own contributions to the "facts" surrounding the legend are all still available on the various sites, as are yours. I am more than satisfied with what I have added to the overall conversation.

The Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous was started in order to create a place for those interested in the legend to meet and exchange whatever information they felt they could pass along. It created an event where the old timers, who have been at this longer than you and I have been alive, could rekindle old friendships and make new ones. You started out trying to belittle the event and insulting all who had a positive attitude about it. Despite your negative comments, the Rendezvous has flourished and grown into a successful event.

You stated you would come to the first Rendezvous and do me some damage. Although you did show up, you would not come into our camp but parked your truck outside the camp and glared at us with your arms crossed. Had you stepped into camp, you would have been welcomed, just as everyone else has over the year's. Carolyn and I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours of labor preparing food and serving the 100+ attendees that have shown up, most years, over the first ten years of the Rendezvous.

I, along with other team members, have found the true facts and exposed many of the fictional accounts that have been accepted "truth" concerning the LDM legend over he years. That alone has saved new Dutch Hunters countless hours of research chasing the many fictitious stories about the LDM. We passed this information along, without cost, to all who requested it.

While I understand why these things have found no respect in your mind, I will have no problem with the small legacy I will leave behind. What, exactly, will you leave?

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo


Consider the source. I wouldn't get too raked up in a pile about the opinion of someone who has to ask for coordinates to the Pit mine and the Bat Cave. What's the old saying?.......couldn't find his backside with both hands. LOL. Makes one wonder if he needs GPS to find his way home. Lost treasure hunter??? Really???


Consider the source. I wouldn't get too raked up in a pile about the opinion of someone who has to ask for coordinates to the Pit mine and the Bat Cave. What's the old saying?.......couldn't find his backside with both hands. LOL. Makes one wonder if he needs GPS to find his way home. Lost treasure hunter??? Really???


Thank you for the advice. It's appreciated.

I have been dealing with these kinds of people since 2002. I don't get excited about what they say, but feel that an occasional slap is required to let my friends know I'm still paying attention to what's being written......not much, but still able to understand what I'm reading. I only participate out of habit these days. There is so little to be found of interest, concerning the Superstitions and the LDM, that the insults tend to stand out.....a little.

Carolyn and I, will be down for one day during the Rendezvous. That will be on Saturday. We will be driving down with Thomas Glover who has decided to spend one day there as well. It may be that some folks will have some questions for Thomas, so start thinking of them now. I will probably donate a book from my collection for the raffle.

Hope to see you there.

Take care,


Looking forward to seeing you there Joe. Wish you were feeling better I'd take you over to see what's left of the shack Travis lived in while searching his map area.

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