9 wheats, 3 silver, 1 buffalo, and others.


Feb 18, 2005
Went to an old Lake Michigan beach yesterday. This has been a very clean beach (notice the amount of junk in the photo). Didn't expect to find much. After 1 hr of hunting with my Garrett 250 and only finding 5 or 6 clad coins, I wandered down to the water's edge. I hit a coin where the waves break on the beach. In the next 1/2 hour I found most of the coins in the photo in an area about 150 feet long. I started finding coins so close together that I quit standing up and just crawled along the water's edge (knees were getting sore). A few of the coins were on the surface of the sand. Others were as deep as 6 inches. By far this is the best place I've ever hunted.

The beach is eroded due to high water level and has a drop off of 1 foot at the water's edge in some places. I ran out of time (had to go to work). You can bet I'll be back this week end.


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Great finds !

I've done a beach there also ( close to home ) and had good results but all clad and a wheel barrow full of beer cans, caps, and pull tabs. I'm going back to the spot tomorrow if all goes well. It's supposed to be stormy and there's no shelter anywhere and its a hike to get there and cant see a storm approach because of a 200ft. bluff. I also use the 250 but when I used it where the waves end the damn thing just goes postal, I mean crazy, constant bell tones, but when you dig theres nothing. Maybe I'll figure it out tomorrow, I've got a lot more time on it since I was there last. What side of the lake are you on?

HAHA! :D I bet if anyone saw you crawling around like that they were really wondering what you were looking for! :D

You got a lot of great coins!!!!

Congrats on your finds! Hope your knees feel better soon! ;)

Nana ;)

Great finds!!!! From the age of some of those coins, I would definitly go wading on my next visit. And bring a long handled scoop. WTG!!!! HH

Excellent, very nice finds, I'm sure the little bit of soreness in your knees is the last thing on your mind. I sure there is a lot more where that came from.

congrats again


Very nice. I live on the shores of Lake Erie. I have tried an old beach here and not much. Maybe I haven't tried long enough. Thanks for the detail of where you found the coins. You may have found a spot similar to the "Shark pit" that the one guy finds all this good stuff. This weekend doesn't look good for going on the shores of lake erie - cold front should bring 4-6 ft waves. It's tough in the water - BTW doesn't Lake Michigan only get up to about 65 F max?


Great hunt! Congrats on all the goodies!

I'd make that a regular spot, as I'm sure the water will constantly be churning up more goodies!

Keep us posted!

congrats on your find I definitly would hit that on a regular basis and would't tell any one where 8)

Meister: I'm on the east shore of the 'pond. Between Ludington and Holland. So, I can see a storm coming in over the lake a long way off. I turned sensitivity on my 250 down 3 notches. There is a lot of black mineral sand mixed in where I hunt. I'm constantly adjusting just to make sure I don't miss something.

Mirage: Lk Mich does get warmer than 65 in the summer. This year it came close to 80 near shore swimming areas. But, normal summer it gets up to about 72 max. I lived on the shore of Lake Superior some years back. That is COLD! There is only about 4 or 5 days in the summer it gets hot enough to swim up there, and then it's a short swim. Beautiful lake though!

I also lived on Lake Erie for about a year (worked at Sterling State Park). Good walleye fishing and ice fishing for perch - but not much for swimming.

Seems like this weekend will never get here.
BTW - how can I make the pictures a little smaller to post?

The lake stays pretty cold over here, the prevailing west winds bring up the cold water from the bottom and blows the warmer surface water your way. Ditto on Superior, in some spots it feels like my shin bones have snapped when I go in, but theres just something about that clean, clear water that says come on in. I did'nt make it out today, record hi temp, 82 and the sun was way hot. The weekend looks good tho, 50's. As the settings go, I was on wet sand last week and used it on the 1 st. notch, and it was a little better and did.nt seem to hinder signals in the dry sand. Good Luck.

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