Amazing to me there are not more threads on this machine.

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe everybody is too busy hunting with them. I love my V3i. As a bonus, my backup detector (DFX) uses the same coils.

I also enjoy using the V3i and for fun the DFX. :icon_thumleft: They have paid for themselves many times over! :headbang:

Oddly, V3i users don't seem to have the stellar days of finds. I have owned the V3i since 2010, and have found good stuff, but I never was king of the hill in many hunts. I always wondered why I hardly ever saw many glory posts from the V3i. I am good with mine, yet a competitor's brand I moved to before shelving the V, has really given me proud days of finds.

Who really knows why. Are V3i owners really modest and don't brag? It's a personal mystery.

It still amazes me how quiet it is on here about this amazing machine,,,,,,,lol

I was thinking the same thing. I would imagine it's due to many factors. 1. The price puts it in a category where few people can afford it. 2. It can be a complex machine and those who don't take the time to understand it can end up lost in the weeds. 3. It's heavy. 4. It has a ground balance/tracking issue which makes it difficult to balance to harsh soils and keep up with rapidly changing conditions. To overcome these issues a machine would have to offer something unique. That used to be the ability to run in multi or single, but now Minelab has emulated that feature in its Equinox series. Still, it does offer a lot over other machines and in my view it ought to be more popular than it is.

To begin with, it offers a wealth of information on any given target. No other machines allows you to watch a target react to 3 individual frequencies at a given time. It offers more discrimination tools than any other machine I'm aware of. I find it to be a very stable and versatile machine. The depth is plenty good to pull up the same quality finds any other top end machine can, and in fact doesn't share the BBS/FBS weakness on small low conductors. There's a wide variety of coils available for it right on down to a 4"x 6" for trash laden areas. The 13" Detech rings true on a 12" quarter in ground as Carolina Coin Hunter demonstrated. I use the Super 12 concentric and I can hit coin sized objects down to 13" with it.

Even so, it has not done as well on the market as some other machines have. It has a cult following, and I suspect that as the used market grows it will find homes in more long term hands, but it does make me wonder why more people don't see in it what I see. Why has there been no serious book made on it? Why are people who are obviously very proficient with it so quiet on it outside the Whites forum? And why are people who tend to trash it so dead wrong about the characteristics they claim it has? For example it is not uncommon for someone who obviously did little more than keep it as a closet queen to say it's not a deep machine. That's not to be taken seriously by those who actually use it, but it does affect potential users decision making. It seems to be the name of the game with the V3i that what people do not understand they trash. It is for advanced users or people who want to become advanced users, and it separates those guys from those that just want to plod along with good enough. It was meant to take detectorists to that next level, but it was overestimated how many of us actually wanted to go and to learn more. As for me, I'll put it plus my experience with it up against any of those good enough machines any day.

Are you sure they work with the DFX?

Any coil that works on the V3i will also work with the DFX, but the reverse is not always true. The DFX has a wider selection of compatible coils and many of its coils, factory and aftermarket are either not compatible or partially compatible. V-rated coils are the only ones you can be sure are mutually compatible. Some DFX coils do not play nice with the 22.5khz frequency and some will overload on TX Boost.

I know a guy that kills with his V3i but doesn't post on any site anymore because too many people think they know more than everybody else. He made the magic program, some say it doesn't work well for them I guess but like he said you have to tailor it to your ground. I guess a lot of people don't or don't know how to do that right and leave it set exactly as his program is setup. HH

ive had great days with mine, when i have time and a good location(which is the key by the way, location). Bragging on a forum is low on my too do list, im busy working most of the time really.

I watched a bunch of vids about the V3i...seems like a amazing machine with a steep learning curve. I'm still new (started in June) and my MX Sport is killing it for me! So... the V3i came out a while ago, does it get updated? Has it been improved over the years? Will Whites create a new version?

The V3i or the MXT will both beat the MX sport, there hasn't been much advancement to make a top end detectormade within the last few years obsolete. HH
I watched a bunch of vids about the V3i...seems like a amazing machine with a steep learning curve. I'm still new (started in June) and my MX Sport is killing it for me! So... the V3i came out a while ago, does it get updated? Has it been improved over the years? Will Whites create a new version?

I get why we don’t see more about the V. I’ve had my V3i since Oct 2011. I’d say the first two years were my learning curve, the steepest part anyway. Once you get it set for your soil, then understand the menu navigation and the relationship of settings that affects performance, endless possibilities become apparent. I’ve had great success with it but the last two years detector weight has been a factor more than in all my 32+ years Detecting. Surgeries and age being the factors. It has the best display and the audio what I like. I prefer my F75 or NOX 800 for all day Detecting. But I miss the feature set of the V3i when using those. The D2 is an awesome (deep) stock coil and I have 6 coils for it incl the U13 so I can mix it up. Whites should have reconfigured the machine to fit in a slim weathertight housing...waterproof would have been the best.

I'm a noob to the site and hope to get some feedback on this comment. . . OK, If you haven't read my first post, I got a taste for the sport by falling into a fab deal with a 6 month old MXT Pro for $400. The original owner retired started with the Pro and after only 6 months decided to go all in and get aV3i. So I benefitted and started in. To me it was like stepping off a cliff. There was too much for me to try to absorb. I tried in parks, my neighborhood and even the freshwater lake beach near where I lived in Kansas City. All to no avail. Don't get me wrong, I found slaw, tabs, caps, some coinage and even ammo (live and cases). So I was starting to get it. But the local club, when I went to the monthly meets, all seemed to blow me and the new machine off. So when I had to relocate for the job, it was a casualty of the move. I am now more convinced that with more patience I would have gotten it. But with so many folks just getting a machine that is good enough as y'all say. Due to recent work related injuries it looks like I'll be selling my motorcycle and have seriously considered the Spectra as I was impressed with the ability of this machine. And I imagine I'll be in the smae boat for a learning curve, but at least I'll have the most capable machine White's manufactures. Still, I am seriously aggravated that a machine of thiis cost and feature set isn't WATERPROOF to 1 atmosphere. I mean really, what are a couple of o-rings and a gasket?? Talk to me...

I have the MXT as well and detect with a guy that has the V3i, the MXT is every bit as deep with the right setting and coil. Unless your willing to learn what all the settings do and how they affect other settings because if you change some setting you might have to change a few others for it to work right for you then stick with the MXT. You might also be like me and want to change a setting on the fly without taking time to go through menus to make changes, I'll put the MXT in the right hands up against any detector out there right now. HH

Hello Dragonscout,

I hope you heal real soon! The V3i is a very nice machine. White's gave the operator the ability to modify almost every possible setting a detectorist could want, with that said there is a steep learning curve to master the machine. Fortunately, White's has some decent pre-programmed search modes that I found not too bad, just need a bit of tweaking for your search area. The machine gives the operator a lot to think about with tones and visual 3 frequency graphs. If you purchase one, take the time to learn the features of the machine. Enjoy!



I love my Whites V3i and it’s hard in my mind for any other machine to beat it. I’m running the 13 inch Detech coil and it’s awesome.

Yea I have one and love it. I think this is the thing these days. The folks who took the leap and bought one are happy as you don't see many for sale. Second people don't buy them because they don't want to do the work to learn the machine. Everyone just wants plug and play crap these days and do not want to learn anything. Uh just swing it back n forth and find stuff. Well most of us know no matter what machine it doesn't work that way but lots never get this. So I do like my V3I although I wish whites did fulfill its promise to be able to hook it up to a PC. I had even thought about trading for a 3030 but prob would have regrets on that. I am happy with Whites as a company, they have the best customer service hands down. I made a big mistake and bought a "off brand" that was touted at a great gold machine by so called experts and boy did I learn a lesson to just stay with the big names. ( had the xterra 705 excellent detector also) So now I have mostly all whites, TDI, V3I, MXT and a couple minelabs for the kids which never get used. I mainly use the MXT because its just a beast grab n go. But when I am on something treasure wise the V3I and MXT are out.

I have to agree with a couple of you on the topic of the cult followings some detectors have. I don't find the V3i wanting in any way to the new Equinox, yet that following is completely behind it. I have a good representation of all the available machines E-trac, V3i, F70 & 75 At-Pro, At-gold many others, so what I can say with certainty. White's (I call them Hard line models) MXT DFX V3i (Metal Box machines) have a certain quality feel to them. I don't feel like I can break the machine. I remember a conversation I had with Dave Johnson, who told me that should be a specification on all detectors. (Quality feel) I have finished a weight comparison test between several machines and it has surprised me how close the weight between machines really is. I would have thought the weight difference was greater but its not.

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