Amazing Women in The Revolution

Gypsy Heart

Gold Member
Nov 29, 2005

History raves about the heroics of men in war...
but few instances are mentioned in which female courage was displayed.
Yet during every conflict, and the peaceful years between,
they too were there.

In the beginning of the America we know there was a Revolution. And although the call to arms was for men, several women donned the uniform of a Revolutionary soldier and fought against the British. One of these women was:

In October of 1778 Deborah Samson of Plympton, Massachusetts disguised herself as a young man and presented herself to the American army as a willing volunter to oppose the common enemy. She enlisted for the whole term of the war as Robert Shirtliffe and served in the company of Captain Nathan Thayer of Medway, Massachusetts.
For three years she served in various duties and was wounded twice - the first time by a sword cut on the side of the head and four months later she was shot through the shoulder. Her sexual identity went undetected until she came down with a brain fever, then prevalent among the soldiers. The attending physician, Dr. Binney, of Philadelphia, discovered her charade, but said nothing. Instead he had her taken to his own home where she would receive better care. When her health was restored the doctor met with Robert's commanding officer and subsequently an order was issued for Robert Shirtliffe to carry a letter to General Washington. (This may also be "legend" as there is no record of her ever being in Philadelphia.)
When the order came for her to deliver a letter into the hands of the Commander-in-chief, she knew that her deception was over. She presented herself at the headquarters of Washington, trembling with dread and uncertainty. General Washington, to spare her embarrassment, said nothing. Instead he sent her with an aide to have some refreshments, then summoned her back. In silence Washington handed Deborah Samson a discharge from the service, a note with some words of advice, and a sum of money sufficient to bear her expenses home. (This, too, may well be more legend than fact.)

After the war Deborah Samson married Benjamin Gannett of Sharon and they had three children. During George Washington's presidency she received a letter inviting Robert Shirtliffe, or rather Mrs. Gannett, to visit Washington. During her stay at the capital a bill was passed granting her a pension, in addition to certain lands, which she was to receive as an acknowledgment for her services to the country in a military capacity as a Revolutionary Soldier, in part thanks to the efforts of Paul Revere.

**The correct spelling is Samson - inaccurate historians added the letter "P" in later years. There are also several different versions of the story of Deborah Samson, alias Robert Shirtliffe. This one comes from The Women of the American Revolution by Elizabeth F. Ellet, NY, Baker and Scribner, 1848, that's right, eighteen forty eight. In this book Elizabeth Ellet prefaces the story of Deborah Samson with the following:
I have been told that the Female Review about this heroine was not in any measure reliable and that Deborah Samson repeatedly expressed her displeasure at the representation of herself which she did not at all recognize. The following facts respecting her I received from a lady * who knew her personally and has often listened with thrilling interest to the animated description given by herself of her exploits and adventures. * A niece of Captain Tisdale, upon whom Robert attended in the army for some months.

This same accounting appears in Daughters of America, by Phebe A. Hanaford, Boston, B.B. Russell, 1882, in which Miss Hanaford refers to Niles, Principles and Acts of the Revolution and to a book called Mrs. Hales Biography of Distinguished Women.

The first two books mentioned above are in the personal collection of this writer.


Regardless of which is the authentic version, the fact is that Deborah Samson served her country, in uniform, in the Revolutionary War. Women have done so many unpublicized things that it is time to shed more light on their accomplishments. Did you know that women were torpedoed off the coast of Africa during WWII? Did you know that when Gen MacArthur returned to the Phillipines, Navy nurses were waiting for him on shore and were cut out of the press photos? Did you know that there were women prisoners of war? These pages will continue to light more candles that reflect the deeds and accomplishments of military hopes that future generations will remember that during every conflict Women Were There !!!


More Women of the Revolution from
"Daughters of America",1849 and
"Women of the Revolution" 1882:

There is the little known story of Rachel and Grace Martin who disguised themselves as men and assailed a British courier and his guards. They took his important dispatches, which they speedily forwarded to General Greene. Then they released the two officers who didn't even know that they were women.

Then there is Anna Warner, wife of Captain Elijah Bailey, who earned the title of "The Heroine of Groton" because of her fearless efforts to aid the wounded on the occasion of the terrible massacre at Fort Griswald in Connecticut. Anna Bailey went from house to house collecting material for bandages for the soldiers. Incidentally she denied ever having used the coarse and profane expressions ever attributed to her.

Margaret Corbin stepped up to the artillery during the attack on Fort Washington when her husband fell by her side and unhesitatingly took his place and performed his duties. In July of 1779 the Congress awarded her a pension for her heroism - and a suit of clothes.

Angelica Vrooman, during the heat of battle, sat calmly in a tent with a bullet mould, some lead and an iron spoon, moulding bullets for the rangers.

Mary Hagidorn, upon hearing the order by a Captain Hager, for the women and children to retire to the long cellar, said: "Captain, I shall not go to that cellar should the enemy come. I will take a spear which I can use as well as any man and help defend the fort." The captain seeing her determination answered "then take a spear,Mary, and be ready at the pickets to repel an attack." She cheerfully obeyed and held the spear at the pickets till hurrahs for the American flag burst on her ear and told that all was safe.


Nancy Morgan Hart, a dedicated patriot managed to kill British soldiers in her cabin in Georgia.
For a great tribute site to her please visit Nancy Hart

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Just more reasons to love women!!!! Bless their heroic (heroinic ?) souls!!!


Bronze Member
Aug 17, 2005
The story of Margaret Corbin was mentioned in a recent History Channel series on The Revolutionary War.
I find it appropriate that she received a pensions.

The word Heroine can certainly be applied to the ladies listed in this thread.


Jr. Member
Nov 26, 2007


Bronze Member
Mar 11, 2007
sw Pa.
Interesting & a different twist on early American history. A woman's life wasn't easy & surely many
of them hunted their food & helped defend their families & still do. Would like to see a movie about
Deborah Samson's life. Just goes to show you, you don't have to be a man to be a Patriot.

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