American exceptionalism

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Ammon: I couldn't agree with you more, and I know I could not have stated it as well. I am proud to be an American citizen and I love my country. I think there are freedoms afforded us here that are not available in any other country. However, that does not mean that I necessarily find fault with other countries or place them below America. I think there are some fundamental evils in this world that must always be combated. In particular, I refer to the way women are treated in other countries. Having seen cliterectomy on video that image will never leave my mind. I find things about America to be exceptional; however, I also find things exceptional about other countries.

RelevantChair: I get it now. Sorry, I can be slow at times. Feel free to answer for me whenever you want...chances are it will be more intelligent and more poetically stated. :)

DieselRam: The more we discuss the more common ground I find between us. The Bill of Rights outlined 10 basic liberties. Based on our idiosynchratic lives each of those liberties is valued differently. I imagine that if the police arrested you at age 18, never charged you, and then released you at age 20 then you would value a different amendment a lot more then the rest of us. Most intellectuals value the freedom of speech above all. I can see that living in a county with police help being twenty miles away would place significantly more value on the 2nd amendment. None of the ten amendments will every be completely enforced because each amendment must, by design, forfeit some freedom so the others can be given their own merit. We need to be willing to negotiate with each other to preserve all our freedoms to an acceptable level. Refusing to discuss this closes the door, isolates competing views, and encourages the development of extremists.


But! It is important to KNOW WHY AMERICA IS BETTER than any other country! Our country is better, not just different!

Diesel, I've met extremists like you here in the Middle East, too. I get along with them just fine, of course, because I understand where you all are coming from. I simply disagree.

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Diesel, I've met extremists like you here in the Middle East, too. I get along with them just fine, of course, because I understand where you all are coming from. I simply disagree.

I am not an extremist....just proud and not ashamed of my country....we are the freest and the best, period!


Here's my humble take on it for whatever it's worth.....The US has lots of great accomplishments of which you can all be proud.....

Pride of country is a noble thing.....I feel the same about Canada....but that said we have our shortcomings and likewise that can be said about any other country in the world.

In my mind countries much like people are a work in progress......always room to improve, change and adapt with the times.

Regards + HH


Dont you love how people get labeled as extremists because they dare to stand up for what they believe in.Theres words to to label the accusers also but theyre not allowed to be used on Tnet.Anybody care to take a stab at what words im thinking of?

Diesel, I've met extremists like you here in the Middle East, too. I get along with them just fine, of course, because I understand where you all are coming from. I simply disagree.

I am not an extremist....just proud and not ashamed of my country....we are the freest and the best, period!

DieselRam: The more we discuss the more common ground I find between us. The Bill of Rights outlined 10 basic liberties. Based on our idiosynchratic lives each of those liberties is valued differently. I imagine that if the police arrested you at age 18, never charged you, and then released you at age 20 then you would value a different amendment a lot more then the rest of us. Most intellectuals value the freedom of speech above all. I can see that living in a county with police help being twenty miles away would place significantly more value on the 2nd amendment. None of the ten amendments will every be completely enforced because each amendment must, by design, forfeit some freedom so the others can be given their own merit. We need to be willing to negotiate with each other to preserve all our freedoms to an acceptable level. Refusing to discuss this closes the door, isolates competing views, and encourages the development of extremists.


I am unwilling to forfit or surrender any of the Amendments or any parts of them period.

The fact is you take away or gut the 2nd amendment you have no way to protect or regain the other amendments. If they take away the first amendment, what can we do about it with out weapons, nothing at all. Show me any of the amendments that can be regained if they are taken from us without the 2nd amendment....

This is what I find so hard for people to understand.....If you look at history what is the first step in enslaving the people, it is the taking away of their weapons......

Germany did it, Soviet Union did it, China did it, Cuba Did it, North korea did it, the first step and primary step to a totalitarian government is to disarm the people....

Do you actually want to live under a totalitarian government, is that the future you chose for your kids and grandkids, is that the legacy you want to leave for the future generations.....:dontknow:


Here's my humble take on it for whatever it's worth.....The US has lots of great accomplishments of which you can all be proud.....

Pride of country is a noble thing.....I feel the same about Canada....but that said we have our shortcomings and likewise that can be said about any other country in the world.

In my mind countries much like people are a work in progress......always room to improve, change and adapt with the times.

Regards + HH


Bill, the idea countries need to adapt and change with the times is very scary. Some things like the second amendment never go outdated. A tyrannical govt. Is always just around the corner!

Crispin, I think all the amendments are at an acceptable level. If we start to give a inch they will take a mile. These anti gun people won't stop until they take all our freedoms

Its not only around the corner,its knocking at your door right now.

The way things are done lately its just an executive order or unto treaty away.

Take a good look at the NDAA bill,bye bye 4th amendment.

take a look at Rockford Highschool in Kansas City, Kansas. they just made it mandatory for the kids to be tested for drugs/alcohol, kinda like every work place in the good old U.S. of A.

Pee in a cup without any suspicion of being under the influence, pee in a cup in order to work? The 4th amendment has been gone for a long, long time.

I'm not even going to go into infra red camera use on residential buildings without cause or warrants.


"Bill, the idea countries need to adapt and change with the times is very scary"

I agree.....but then again it wasn't that long ago they were burning witches at the stake.....Salem comes to mind.

Regards + HH



"Bill, the idea countries need to adapt and change with the times is very scary"

I agree.....but then again it wasn't that long ago they were burning witches at the stake.....Salem comes to mind.

Regards + HH


Well, if we were going to have witch trials again Pelosi and Feinstein would be first up on the docket!

Diesel, trust me, I know extremists. I am also, in my own right, an extremist. We love to use superlatives, generalizations, and are at times emotionally driven. No disrespect intended.

To not recognize one's individual extremism is the dangerous part!

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I agree.....but then again it wasn't that long ago they were burning witches at the stake.....Salem comes to mind.

I have to correct you Bill seeing as how i grew up close to that area.Accused witches werent burnt at the stake in salem,they were hung at gallows hill.


You caught me on a technicality.....I guess the hanging option was a bit less luckily that type
of thing doesn't happen anymore which was the point of my post.

Regards + HH


I have to correct you Bill seeing as how i grew up close to that area.Accused witches werent burnt at the stake in salem,they were hung at gallows hill.

Wow! RJC made a post that is actually historically TRUE! Impressive. :P

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