Any comic-book collectors?

The local comic book store, (I buy comics to send to my God son in Iraq) but under his main shelfs are boxes of his 30 cent books.... many are in mylar jackets, many are over 15 years old.... and there is a place a true collector could go for a look....

My brother has enough comic books to fill a 8X10 storage unit from the floor to the ceiling. His sole source of income for the last 10 years has been selling comic books, and he doesn't do too bad. I can put you in touch with him if you like.

I have a small collection, but they are mostly the ones I read growing up. I have The Complete Marvel Universe series (plus The Book of The Dead), some X-Men, Wolverine, Thor, Swamp Thing, Groo, Dr. Strange, ect... The only ones I have been buying over the last few years are the ones based on Stephen King and HP Lovecraft books. The Gunslinger, The Stand, and The Talisman by King have all been recently adapted to comic form, as well as an original series titled American Vampire (no - it's not stupid "mommy I want to date a vampire" Twilight BS). Marvel MAX did a few Lovecraft adaptations in their Haunt of Horror series. I say "comics", but I have not been buying the separate issues, but rather waiting for the series to complete and then purchasing the hardback "graphic novels". They come with a dust jacket and look good on the bookshelf with my Stephen King collection.

If I were going to buy, I would purchase the old EC horror comics like Tales From The Crypt that featured work from Jack Davis and Bernie Wrightson. Those two are masters of their craft. But that's just me personally - I like old horror stuff. These two dudes are pretty old too, and when they croak their works get an immediate price hike LOL...

Sheldon J, I would doubt today you would find a 15 year old comic in a mylar bag for .30 cents. The mylar bag alone is worth at least a quarter alone, and if the backboard is acid free, add a few more cents.. Unfortunately most comics from the mid 80's and up aren't worth a whole lot to begin with. The comics worth the good money are basically from the 50's through the early 70's. Yeah the older comics from the late 30's & 40's are a great find, but I wouldn't shell out the money for them.

In the early years of my collecting I started out with most of the popular titles of the time and boy do I wish I had half of what I got rid of today. :laughing9:

I only kept a good portion of my older Marvel collection. ASM, Thor, X-Men, FF 4, Avengers, virtually every Marvel title to be honest.. The 60's and 70's had many key issues and for the most part I was able to recognize some and buy multiples on it :thumbsup: Even in the 80's I saw a few that I think were good deals. Found a store the was selling a trade paperback of Batman's the Killing Joke for $2.50 I bought 10 of them :tongue3: Although comic prices rise and fall, last time I looked it was going for about $28.

hombre_de_plata_flaco, had those old Horror magazines too, that and the True Crime magazines.

I had 2 favorite shops where I could buy the used comics for a fraction of their cost. This was before people realized they could make some sweet money on it.. I would love to find some of the old comics now at a decent price.

Even at the flea markets, any cheap comic is an off brand, or non popular title. Some think because the comic is over 10 years old it has value. I have seen people trying to get top dollar for a comic with a poor artist just due to the age. :laughing7: You want to do well, know your artist and writer combos to make a few bucks.

I loved reading the old comics books not to hot on the newer ones. Only ones I have collected were the death of superman ones. Don't know why I am keeping them just haven't figured out how to sell them I guess.

Frank1960 that is a newer comic, probably worth cover price, maybe even below cover price.

The biggest gimmick today, is running a special storyline to hype the sales of a lagging tittle. Once the word starts getting around, everyone wants a copy of that comic.. Guess what.. The publisher's know this all too well, and they, in some cases will run anywhere from 250-500,000 copies of that book, making it nearly worthless.

In the 60's/70's we didn't have these mad marketing schemes and people bought the comic for the entertainment value. Best part, the run on the first print was not all that high, making it more valuable to begin with.

Keep in mind that the creative writing teams and artists were busy generating new villains for the superheroes to fight, and their where some classic villains as well as many clunker's that never caught on.
If you were lucky enough to get the new villain/hero's first debut, you are sitting on some serious money.
Wolverine comes to mind originating in the Hulk #180 last panel. the first full appearance was in 181..

At that time comics were .25 each, had you invested $200 to get 100 of each book, you would have a nice retirement fund today. I wish I knew that then :laughing7:

Once you start seeing gimmicks to sell a comic i.e. bagged, hologram cover, multiple cover designs, etc.. that comic will never be worth much in the next 20-30 years easily. I steer of the gimmick books and focus on writer and artist team-ups.

I never bought that Superman #375 when it cam out just because of the hype :laughing7: The only DC title I buy now and again is Batman ( Dark Knight ) with Frank Miller :thumbsup: Find his work and make money :tongue3:

My brothers and I started buying comics in the 50's, we had a really good collection, although they were all being read, we had full collections of some of the best series.....Unfortunately our mother threw them out one day because she got tired of all the bags of comics we had stored at the house, although we were not living there at the time, this was in the early 70's... She threw away thousands of comics from the mid to late 50's to the early 70's.....

One of my brothers is a comic artist, he has drawn comics, both the covers and inside artwork for Marvel, DC, National and at least 6 or more other publishers......

Treasure_Hunter, I was wondering when you would show up :laughing9:

Yes, and we had talked about the work your brother did and the characters he worked on for both companies. I hate to think of the ones I had to lose too.. I still have a decent collection, but if I had many of the others that included Showcase #4 (The Flash) I would be sitting easy today :laughing7:

Although I still have a decent collection, with many key (early) doubles, I look at the big bucks I lost too.

Treasure_Hunter said:
My brothers and I started buying comics in the 50's, we had a really good collection, although they were all being read, we had full collections of some of the best series.....Unfortunately our mother threw them out one day because she got tired of all the bags of comics we had stored at the house, although we were not living there at the time, this was in the early 70's... She threw away thousands of comics from the mid to late 50's to the early 70's.....

Reading this part made me cringe.

Your brother must have a really cool gig.

spartacus53 said:
Treasure_Hunter, I was wondering when you would show up :laughing9:

Yes, and we had talked about the work your brother did and the characters he worked on for both companies. I hate to think of the ones I had to lose too.. I still have a decent collection, but if I had many of the others that included Showcase #4 (The Flash) I would be sitting easy today :laughing7:

Although I still have a decent collection, with many key (early) doubles, I look at the big bucks I lost too.

Yes I remember our conversation...... He is still at it, he is also working on his on books, he would like to publish his own books, but it takes money and with the economy what it is, he has it on the back burner for now till he can find another backer....He had a backer, but he backed out (LOL, love the play on words), he had lost too much money in the stock market and real estate and decided he couldn't afford to do it now.....Unfortunately I am not in the position to put any up either, I was hit hard myself......Our home is underwater over $50,000, just like 10s of thousands of other home owners......

...Spartacus53...I think that you misunderstood the post from Stephen J....when he mentioned that his Godson had stacks of .30 cent comic books ....he meant that was the cover price....I have been collecting Comics Books since I was a kid back in the mid 1960's........I think that with all of the Collectable Craze....that it is best just to collect because you enjoy and like it......if it becomes Valuable then that is just Gravy.......anyway most of the prices given are what a dealer or shop would sell the comic reality...when it is time to is lucky to get the wholesale price.......also althought the online auctions are a godsend......I would hesitate to buy some valuable comics online mainly because condition is subjective....I would rather see the comic in person and then decide whether to purchase it or Not.........These days if one really wants to invest their money....I would put it into silver or gold coin.....on both I would just buy the bullion pieces.....Back to the comics....I read even the current issues for the enjoyment but trying to invest in newer comics just makes more money for the take......HH.......Joe


Hey everyone, been collecting since the late 60's till mid 90's I collected what I liked and not if I was going to score on a comic, luckly I did all right and have a nice golden, silver and bronze collection, dont have time to start diggin out comics but heres a example of my collection. Sorry no golden age there locked up. Try to get some later for u.







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