any idea what this piece is


Oct 22, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

Any ideas or input on my find


  • 20191025_164505.jpg
    1.3 MB · Views: 66
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Judgefnmueller, did you find it by using a metal detector, or just by eyesight? That is important information for us to know about in trying to correctly ID your find.

For example, as you probably know, a detector won't respond to an object unless there's a certain amount of metal in it. In the case of your find, in your photos it resembles iron-refining "slag," which sometimes contains just enough iron to trigger a detector response. So, if you did find this object with a detector, iron refinery slag is my guess about its correct identification. If it's not a detector find, I'm unsure about its ID... except, speaking as a former fossil-hunter & collector, I've never seen a Coprolite (fossilized feces/turd, usually from a dinosaur) that looks like your find.

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We call stuff like that "Leaverright" where I come from. OWK thinks its dino poop, I think it's leave-er-right where you found er..

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Welcome to tnet! Depending on where you found it, but it does resemble a sample of hematite.

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I'd think the answer to your question is in the lack of details missing in your post. :icon_scratch:
As the others here have already eluded to, we need more to go on then just... "Any ideas or input on my find".

Please give us accurate dimensions, where did you find it, how did you find it and what material do you think it's made of.
I apologize for my having to be so blunt on your fifth post here on Tnet. :thumbsup:


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