Anyone have an idea what this means?


Silver Member
Aug 17, 2006
The snow has melted, the ground is thawing, I've had cabin fever hard, so I took the day to get out and explore. What a beautiful day, got into the 50's and the sun was out in full force. :icon_sunny: Micki and I hit the yard to spend some quality time and get back into the "swing" of things. We had a ball. Found a couple of neat trinkets, 2 and 3/4 cents the oldest a 1962. So you know I have gotten better with discriminating out the nails, the vibra probe found them in the same hole as the other "junk" (as the Hubby says :D)

Leaving Micki at home for a bit, I head out to where I found an old road for a meat packing co., from the mid 1800's. I finally find what was surely a road at one time. Looking for any signs of THE spot, I catch something fluttering in the breeze, it looks like a large feather. Instead of floating to the ground it just swings there. ??? Well I have to take a closer look, the feather is tied by string to the limb of a large pine tree along with the leg of what I am assuming was the Hawk. :o Now my imagination is running wild, but curiousity has me too. Leave? Or take just a minute to look around? I swing around part of the tree and feel like I'm being watched. (I'm sure that feeling was too may horor novels :D) OK I'm outta here!

Does anyone have a clue to the meaning or why someone would do this. I would really feel better knowing something of the meaning, if anyone would know......... it's you folks. Thank for the help!


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Yeah with some of the wacky stuff going on nowadays, unfortunately all sorts of things start running through your mind. I will be going back but not alone, well not this week anyways. :wink:

I was wondering if a serated edged digger would scare anyone off, or anything? :D

I did find that the Hawk means "strength far sighted" in the Indian culture? Who knows?

It's pine pitch, I hope. Right that second....... :o

Funny you mention the ol digger tool. Mine is always sharp and openly displayed in my left hand as I swing. I hate to break it but I would easily use my DFX as a baseball bat too if it meant me or them.

Well I would think that it was either a trap or snare set by a trapper maybe for a bob cat. The feather is to attract the cat and then it may have been a chicken as bait to draw him in . Just a thought.

You know that thought of a trap entered my mind...... after I worked around the tree a bit. Brilliant.....I could have fallen into the tiger trap :D. Been just my luck!

here's my guess. some kid/hobo/survivalist tried to catch a turkey using a snare. said turkey got away and got tangled up in the tree (turkeys roost up off the ground at night to avoid predators) and some animal came and finished him off.

That entered my mind also, but look at the way it is tied? Not a snare the way it's wrapped around the feather. I'm still saying Hawk feather, I may be wrong, is another shot of the tie job. Turkey feathers and a Red tail for comparison.


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Or maybe someone is training a raptor and using the feather as a lure and the meat as a treat?
Just a thought with the feather intentionally tied and the meat impaled on the tree. ??? :icon_scratch:

it is used by a bow hunter in the area that he can tell witch way the wind is blowing while in a tree stand hunting for deer................. i have done it many of time to stay down wind of the deer or to put out more fox sent.

LOL! EXACTLY my thought. Some bowhunter had a treestand nearby and that's a turkey feather wind indicator and the "foot" is to hold a cotton ball soaked in buck lure.

Or some animistic quack hung a bad-mojo nastygram in a tree for bad purposes.

WhatdoIknow? I'm still trying to figure out tattoos in principle. :D

Hi, it looks like a owl feather,owl feathers are used by the Shaman culture in prayer trees for "guidance" .Different feathers are used for different prayers

After seeing all the pics, there's no doubt to me that someone was trapping the old roadbed. Lots of predators(coyotes,foxes,bobcats,etc) hunt down old roadbeds. Bobcats feed largely by site and a feather hung over or around a trapbed makes a great visual attractor.The pic of the "goo" looks to be what is left of bait or lure, once again, to draw in an animal. Most states trapping seasons close in mid to late Feb. and I'd say when this fellow pulled his traps he forgot about the feather hanging in the limbs.Regis, thats my final answer........

Someone mentioned it before.

We use these in predator hunting to get the predators attention fixated on the feather instead of the hunter when using hand calls. It is also good for wind direction

If the animal is watching the feather it will not see your movement when you lower a hand call from your mouth or when you raise the rifle to shoot or position yourself for the shot.

The bone would be for adding just enough extra weight so the feather doesnt blow too hard incase of a strong wind and become entangled, forcing you to go and untangle it and possibly ruining your set.

A set in predator hunting is terminology for when the hunter is concealed and ready and has the calls sounding trying to lure a predator in. If you had to reveal yourself in the middle of the "set" to untangle the feather you might scare off an approaching predator and spoil your hunt?

The bone would look more natural than some other type of weight and could have been picked up in the area?

If there was not a leg hold trap located beneath this feather, than that is probably what it is.

Also, that is a turkey feather. There are many species of turkeys with different colors and barring of feathers.

I have tied Flies for fishing for twenty+ years and have seen hundreds just like that one.

The goo looks like some kind of bird crap that was probably attracted by the feather and sat on the limb above and did his business?

Nice finds BTW and if you are still uneasy out there take the dog and have him chew someones butt if they mess with you.

Or better yet, do what i do and carry a handgun.

I do feel better thinking it is for hunting, trapping purposes. If it's a turkey feather I feel even better, don't be killing a hawk please. Good thing those old foot traps are illegal and I ran my detector around BEFORE I walked underneath it. It does make sense in a sick sort of way, to use the foot to hold a cotton ball with stink on it. There is a couple of different feces underneath the tree. So you folks just may have it.

The goo? If you look again there is an old dead branch sticking out of it, that's why I concluded pine pitch. Against my better judgement, :wink: I'll see if I can reach it with a long stick just to make sure. It better be pine pitch! :D

Thanks for all the help, I was really looking forward to detecting that area. Oh and the tough old hound dog? She would have beat me out of there, she's kind of sensative ya know? :D

Definitely a strange sight I am sure. Sounds like you at least have some plausible reasons for it to be there now though! lol I can just imagine you trying to keep up with Micki if she had been there! Glad you got to get out and have some time detecting and even got to solve somewhat of a mystery....what a day! :thumbsup: Your ratio of goodies to nails has changed dramatically and here I thought you loved those ol nails! :wink: Thanks for sharing the day with us!

Great finds, Kim. I don't know what to say about the feather, but the stuff on the tree looks like pine sap/pitch. That stuff can ooze for years, just recently my husband put a piece on the outside table for me..I knew what it was and it was almost like glass. The very, very old hand made fence posts that border my flower beds still ooze sap on very hot days.

:wink: RR

Sis I still love my old crusty nails, :wink: just kind of nice to have an old hinge or a penny to go with them. That way I can have my cake and eat it too. :D

Yeah River at first with my imagination running wild, I saw that GOO, took a picture, and boogied on out of there. I got home and thought silly girl, that's why I didn't post it at first. It is an interesting picture though. :D

The feather is used to mark the spot where the gold cache is buried. Don't worry, there was probably not too much buried there anyway.

It is definitely a turkey feather. Google the image if you have doubt.

I agree that it might be a setup for bobcat or coyote shooting.

thanks for taking the time to share with us this most unusual scene.

If you want to go back to the site then let me know and I will say a prayer to remove the negativity.



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