Apex, dry ground and false hits?

Jeff Beaumont

Jr. Member
Apr 16, 2021
Roanoke, Virginia
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro, Garrett Apex, Garrett 300. Tesoro Cibola.
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
It is difficult to know what the issue is without being there and seeing the problem first hand.

You might want to check the following...

1. Sand in the coil cover.

2. Cable properly fitted to the head unit.

3. Update the Apex.

4. Try a different coil (if you have one) to see if the problem still persists.

5. Sensitivity too high.

6. EMI? (Change channels)

If all of those possibilities fail to address the problem I would call Garrett and see what they say.

It's probably not quite as dry up here right now, but I've found that stray EMR interference has a big effect on the Apex. Practicing in my yard, it goes crazy near the power lines. It also goes wild near the window of the room of my house with my wifi router in it. Much more sensitive to stray EMR than my AT Pro or Max. Quiet other places. Even quiet on a salt beach today. Had a little interference sound (marine radio nearby?) but changing channels fixed it immediately.

Thank's I will check all of your suggestions

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