are they signs?


Jr. Member
Nov 18, 2020
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting


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yes? Thank you I will keep looking for more signs or marks in the area. Thanks for commenting friend

what kind of monument can it be? I want to know what should I look for? Thanks again

Dreamer, you already have 3 owls turned to the left.
The top one is faded -as it should be- when showing you the way. It has a small arrow at the base, showing you the way.
The large one in the middle, which is the most obvious to bring you closer, is hinting you about a side shaft.
The third one, is only showing the head, as the body is buried underground.

In my opinion, you are There already.
Just take more pictures around that monument...frontand back and sideways. Also, clean some of that obstructing vegetation.

Nice find, realy-realy. Have fun.

Buho.jpg check the contours against your original picture.

you can even see the tool marks in the ears area. The horns are sharp and give you an "M" looking shape.

M is for the Owl.


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ok perfect, I'm going to photograph that area well and look for all kinds of signs and possible targets where I can search or dig up, I'll continue to share everything with you

Hello again, today I went through the area, but with the family and I did not have much time to trace the area, but I did have the opportunity to take new photos of the place and for a couple of sites of the monument. Sorry for my English, I use a translator, I'm Spanish

the area has a lot of vegetation and poor access it is difficult to take pictures from a good angle

the area has a lot of vegetation and poor access it is difficult to take pictures from a good angle

Yes i agree, there is too much vegetation to actually see any details. There are a lot of details though, that could help you understand better the messages on the rock
as they were situated in key locations. Unless you take the time to clear some of that debris bocking your field of view, you will only have bits and pieces.
But, it is true also that clearing all those overgrown branches is not an easy task. It all depends on your motivation.

Turning the corner around to the left, the same motif repeats itself over and over. The Cross and the deep carved owl.

base owl and cross.jpg

That brings you down on all four to take a better look. The smaller they are, the closer you are to an "important" message.
However, you have a long way still before everything falls in place. Your complete task will involve going all-around that huge monument and document it entirely.
You will find more and more repeating signs of different shapes and forms, but in the end you should be able to make sense of what they are telling you.
But you must be patient and organized.

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if I agree with you, I will upload information and new photos when I return to the place, thank you

hello friend, today i was at the monument and took some more photos. But I couldn't find any well marked marks, I think this will take more time and dedication.

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