Astral Projection... you ever try it?

i remember my cousin telling me when we were kids that he could "float" and look down at his body...funny ...i hadn't thought about that in many years :icon_scratch:....gonna hafta ask him if he still can do it

;D IF... you had "dreams" of "flying"... you were PROBABLY "out"; IF... you had "dreams" of "swinging higher & higher"... you were REALLY "out"; I can STILL remember my "SWINGING DREAMS" of "way back, then"... :D :wink:

it's also know as "skrying" or "traveling in the spirit vision...the Treasure House of Images"...interacting or working with the elementals and spirits (archetypes) as they exist in the greater universe around him ("as above, so below").

Vibes, Would you please explain the basic steps to astral projection. Like they say on the post above. I tried it once and scared me. Maybe I was doing something wrong.

wow i am surprised to see this post. I havent been on in a while and when I left i had a post about AP (thats astral projection for short)

When I posted i got a lot of religious and believing talk, after i left this forum (late july) my life changed completely 1000% and mostly due to Astral Projection, I have met many people and got pretty good at AP but it is by far no easy task to first do. A few people are loose and easily get out but others take time.

To learn get 1 of 2 books. Astral Dynamics by robert bruce, or M.A.P. Mastering Astral Projection in 90 days also by robert bruce. its the best book out there for the subject go read the reviews.

You can AP 1 of 3 ways. Well really 2..

1. In a dream (Lucid dream as they are called) which is by far the easiest but not the same as a straight AP from being awake.
2. Meditation (my preferred way) and the way to have the fullest experience, you also get a "ya i did it!" feeling after your first time because of the difficulty and its truly awesome.
3. Brainwave Generator to put your mind in the desired state for AP (Theta) and then allowing you to easily get out, but it doesnt work 100% and you just end up getting hooked on it and its best to do normal meditation.

People ask me the most difficult thing about AP and truly its getting out usually from other people stories it seems it may take 3 months to get out of your body (putting time in every day or 2) and then after that you get out easier and it becomes frequent.

I have more info and after reading this post and the warm response to AP i might post my experiences. My life has changed sooo much and i actually never thought i would come back to this forum, its changed so much and seems like a joy to be a part of again.


:D HA! WB... THAT was on the RELIGION "thread"... THIS is a different, MORE "accepting" kind of "thread". Good to see ya have good experiences. :wink:

There can be, and understandably so, very deap religious overtones and opinions about his subject.

When I started this topic I was remembering having a friend telling me that once my "soul" leaves my body it leaves a space for something else to occupy. This is generally a "religious" concern, and although I breached the subject, I would appreciate responses not neccessarity based on religion - but experiences.

If I thought I could do AP without fear of not returning, and without fear of my body being "occupied" while I as "out cruising around" - I might try it again.

Anyway - welcome back to treasurenet Sky_Warrior. :thumbsup:

I think I may have had an experience very similar to Montana Jims when I was about 13 years old and it scared me to death. I have no desire to repeat the experience. It is kind of like having surgery...I really don't want to take anything out that is not absolutely necessary.


Please keep religon out of it.

it always causes arguments.

and Wars

I was around 6 years old the first time I dreamed that I was flying. The first thing I recall about the dream is that I was against the ceiling and trying to find the way through it. I recall knowing ( in the dream ) that there was a place on the ceiling that I could get through to leave the house. I got scared because I could not find a way through and I didn't know how I was going to get back down from the ceiling. I then looked over my shoulder and saw myself lying on the bed and that scared me even worse. I then fell and the fall woke me. When I woke up I was landing on the bed and it felt like I had bounced off of the bed once already. I don't know what to think about that dream..... I bounced really hard and came completely off of the bed once. Maybe it scared me so bad that I jumped/jerked hard enough to clear the bed. After that dream I remember several times I wanted to fly in my dreams and it took a while for me to pick up the nerve to try it again. I did get very good at flying in my dreams. It was always at night when I dreamed of flying but sometimes it was daylight once I got outside the house. That is the most peaceful type of dream I can have. I don't dream of flying very often any more and I sure wish I did.


Dan... great story!

I'm sure at some point anyone could make this about spirituality or someother such mystic thing - but I truly think it is a metephysical issue, an unknown to be sure, and something most everyone can do - as many claim to do already.

Can anyone confirm what I seem to remember? I think I read that a person can travel / fly almost anyplace on earth, across oceans or across town. The silver "bungee" cord keeps you connected and in an instant you can return if you need or want to.

If that's true, I have a chick I wanna visit on the east coast... just sayin. :tard:

Montana Jim said:
Can anyone confirm what I seem to remember? I think I read that a person can travel / fly almost anyplace on earth, across oceans or across town. The silver "bungee" cord keeps you connected and in an instant you can return if you need or want to.

If that's true, I have a chick I wanna visit on the east coast... just sayin. :tard:

It's called an airplane....except for the silver bungee part. :tongue3: gonna float over and see me? Make sure you tell me I can make sure I'm dressed......and not picking my nose or anything. :D ;D 8) :icon_queen:

Mona Lisa said:
Montana Jim said:
Can anyone confirm what I seem to remember? I think I read that a person can travel / fly almost anyplace on earth, across oceans or across town. The silver "bungee" cord keeps you connected and in an instant you can return if you need or want to.

If that's true, I have a chick I wanna visit on the east coast... just sayin. :tard:

It's called an airplane....except for the silver bungee part. :tongue3: gonna float over and see me? Make sure you tell me I can make sure I'm dressed......and not picking my nose or anything. :D ;D 8) :icon_queen:

And ruin the suprise? :icon_sunny:

ok I was asked by a few people to share one of my Astral Projection experiences so I will. The astral defiantly has negative and positive things in it so ill share 2 of my experiences.

Good - I was sleeping and something pulled me out of my body, it was a women with blond hair. She said something to me that I dont understand I don't have memory of hearing here talk but i understood what she was saying. She wanted me to follow her. She took my hand and we went off, I am still not sure where we went but it seemed to be maybe some kind of place. I remember walking down a hallway still being lead to meet someone. We got to a door and she went inside and I was told to wait outside for a minute.

I wish i remembered more but I don't, I tried so hard to so I think I am not supposed to remember that. Anyways it was short and one of the best I ever had. I haven't had many as its hard to get out of your body and hard to learn.

Ok here is the only bad experience I had. I want to make sure this doesn't scare anyone from trying AP as if i reacted differently I could have avoided the entire situation.

Bad - It was one of my first AP's I didn't know much and when I went out of my body I looked around a little floated there and then decided to look outside my window. The first thing I noticed was a little spirit floating by about 20 feet outside. It didn't look friendly and I probably should have left that area to avoid it but I wanted to stay and check it out. I waited a little bit and it noticed me, it slowly started walking towards me I was a little worried but still decided to stay. It didn't look that scary or anything but it gave a negative feeling. when it finally got up to the window it just walked right through it (you can do that in the astral) and grabbed on to me. It was trying to scare me or something because it started shaking me. Its kind of funny now but at the time I was terrified, I broke free and started to walk backwards when it tried to jump on me. Thats when I found myself back in my body. Scared but no physical harm.

It helped me grow and learn and now i know if it looks negative just stay away. The astral is truly a life changing experience if you haven't had one your missing out on the most amazing experience.

Sky_Warrior said:
Bad - It was one of my first AP's I didn't know much and when I went out of my body I looked around a little floated there and then decided to look outside my window. The first thing I noticed was a little spirit floating by about 20 feet outside. It didn't look friendly and I probably should have left that area to avoid it but I wanted to stay and check it out. I waited a little bit and it noticed me, it slowly started walking towards me I was a little worried but still decided to stay. It didn't look that scary or anything but it gave a negative feeling. when it finally got up to the window it just walked right through it (you can do that in the astral) and grabbed on to me. It was trying to scare me or something because it started shaking me. Its kind of funny now but at the time I was terrified, I broke free and started to walk backwards when it tried to jump on me. Thats when I found myself back in my body. Scared but no physical harm.

SO is it routine to see other "spirits" out there floating around? Is it like some other plane of existence where these dudes are just hanging out and screwing around with the newbies? :tard:

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