Bahila Emerald news story

While such a large host rock specimen with so many and such large Emerald crystal specimens protruding from it is definitely rare, the reality is that the Emerald crystals are fractured, clouded and of general poor quality. A definite rarity but it is doubtful that it is worth all of the hype but may be so due to the whole story behind the find and it's journey! While Brazil has now entered the fray to obtain the specimen, I wonder if they had any Laws on the books back in 2001 which would have made the mining, purchasing and exportation of the specimen illegal! If they only enacted Laws against this from happening well after the find was made and it left Brazil, then I doubt that they have a legal leg to stand on.


The purchasing, export from Brazil and the importing into the U.S. are questionable and there has to be fault at both ends of the transaction. As far the specimen itself, it is definitely a museum piece and it may be fractured and in general of poor quality, however somewhere out of all that incredible mass there has to be some facetable material as I have found to be true on some of the smallest samples of gen stones I have collected over the years.

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