Beale Ciphers Have Been Cracked?

yep with a key...what is the key that's the question you have to answer...
Answer this first, what would be a way to give out the key without people using it?

Answer this second, who would be the person to verify the key and prove proper decryption?

Red Spider? NO
Arizona Stone Map? NO
Cave In VA? NO
Code Broken With Key? Yes
Secret Code On the Back Of DOI? NO
Secret Book In Library Of Congress? NO
Decoded Cipher With Modern-Day English Result? NO
Jean Laffite Inspired Code Or Treasure? NO

I would challenge Laffite Inspired Code or Treasure...Yes

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just curious did you use a program or by hand
way back I used this program, with old text/books from the 1800s
the codes are built in, & Four text files are already included
you can also add your own text files for analysis


Answer this first, what would be a way to give out the key without people using it?

Answer this second, who would be the person to verify the key and prove proper decryption?
1st...You give clues or hide it...2nd...a Cartographer

The pamphlet was only intended to discover a person who had knowledge of the letters with the original instructions that were to be sent to Mr. Morriss. Computers are useless with the Beale Ciphers, but computers have proven that the ciphers are real. The real story will be told, but it may be a little more time.

The pamphlet was only intended to discover a person who had knowledge of the letters with the original instructions that were to be sent to Mr. Morriss. Computers are useless with the Beale Ciphers, but computers have proven that the ciphers are real. The real story will be told, but it may be a little more time.
So you are saying there was a second set of letters addressed to Mr Morriss which held the "Key" ?

So you are saying there was a second set of letters addressed to Mr Morriss which held the "Key" ?
St. Louis, Mo., May 9th, 1822.

You will find, in addition to the papers addressed to you, other papers which will be unintelligible without the aid of a key to assist you. Such a key I have left in the hands of a friend in this place, sealed, addressed to yourself, and endorsed not to be delivered until June, 1832. By means of this you will understand fully all you will be required to do.

The letter failed to be sent. We suggest that the great flood of 1826 in St Louis destroyed it.

St. Louis, Mo., May 9th, 1822.

Such a key I have left in the hands of a friend in this place, sealed, addressed to yourself, and endorsed not to be delivered until June, 1832.

What caused the June Rebellion 1832?
On 1 June 1832, Jean Maximilien Lamarque, a popular former Army commander who became a member of the French parliament and was critical of the monarchy, died of cholera. The riots that followed his funeral sparked the rebellion. This was the last outbreak of violence linked with the July Revolution of 1830.
Les Misérables.

What caused the June Rebellion 1832?
On 1 June 1832, Jean Maximilien Lamarque, a popular former Army commander who became a member of the French parliament and was critical of the monarchy, died of cholera. The riots that followed his funeral sparked the rebellion. This was the last outbreak of violence linked with the July Revolution of 1830.
Les Misérables.
Wrong Forum my friend.

Wrong Forum my friend.
removing the lock. You will find, in addition to the papers addressed to you, other papers which will be unintelligible without the aid of a key to assist you. Such a key I have left in the hands of a friend in this place, sealed, addressed to yourself, and endorsed not to be delivered until June, 1832. By means of this you will understand fully all you will be required to do.
》What side data we could see here? This is only one paragraph about key paper.

No you don't.
Justin's DOI is just a FICTIONAL Product like someone's FICTIONAL Books about Beale, but the fiction is more exciting than the truth. The cipher has been broken! The fiction will become nothing and pass away.

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