Beale Mystery Solved!!! Historically


Sr. Member
Oct 29, 2011
Chester County pa
Primary Interest:
All of our ties will start with Capt. Thomas Beale of the Orleans Riflemen. To avoid some confusion this is not Beall's Sharpshooter from Pennsylvania. You will find that of the 22 men that survived many have ties to Jean Lafitte, starting with his 2 lawyers Edward Livingston and John R Grymes. And of course the "connexions" run much deeper. I will give you what I have on the Orleans Riflemen at the end of my post. I have proven that this reachs into the family of Stephen Girard of Philadephia and the families of Ward and Sherman of the Lynchburg area. I have some documents that Ive ordered copies of but need to gather more. Please note this is the beginning of gathering the documents that cements the historical events that our unknown author has written as his version in the Beale Pamphet AKA Job Print. There is also a coinsidental historical event with one of our people that has written a code that was lost in a fire then rewritten and again was burned.

Also I am NOT saying in any way that I have solved the codes. They are still out there to be solve. I am also not saying that I have any remote clue as to any if it even exist type of buried treasure. I wish those who wish to find the gold and silver the best luck.

To a respected researcher Reb, the Shermans will tie into the war between the states. That Yankee General.

The other captive “RIFLES,” did not fare so well. They were taken to the BRITISH FLEET THEN LYING OFF SHIP ISLAND, and subjected for some time, as prisoners of war, to many hardships. We have mentioned among the names of those prisoners those of JOHN LYND and KENNY LAVERTY. LYND was a notary public, a quaint, sedate and solemn-visaged, but very shrewd and sagacious person. Upon the strength of his profession, having been connected with the administration of law, the British founded the humorous conceit, which has been recorded in several publications, that in the CAPTURE OF THE TWENTY-TWO MEMBERS OF BEALE’S RIFLES, they had actually taken PRISONERS ALL THE LAWYERS AND NOTARIES OF NEW ORLEANS. Such a capture would have deprived JACKSON of no less than five aids who were really the LEADING MEMBERS OF THE BAR OF THE CITY, to wit: EDWARD LIVINGSTON, JOHN R. GRYMES, ABNER L. DUNCAN, DEVEZAC and P.L.B. DUPLESSIS. (my note: Pierre LeBarbier Duplessis aka Peter, who was a U. S. Marshal, born in Philadelphia, PA, whose father by the same name, was a Frenchman and 33rd degree Mason in Philadelphia during the time of George Washington) LYND and LAVERTY, the latter on account of a most alarmingly treacherous brogue, and the former for his sanctimonious gravity, became frequent butts for the gibes of the British officers. Unfortunately, however, for their reputation as wits, they obtained but few victories inn their encountersPg 182

HH Jay

To add to Jay's post, keep in mind that Grymes and Livingston were Laffite's two main lawyers, also keep in mind that this Thomas Beale was also a lawyer who acted, among other things, as a register of wills. However, the connection to Bedford County, Virgina, does not rest solely with Thomas Beale, but also with Livingston and Grymes, which I'm sure Jay will get around to explaining in more detail. On March 2, 1813, Livingston, Grymes, and Davezac (and four others) were sworn into the Louisiana state bar before the Supreme Court, an event which marked the very beginning of the Louisiana Bar Association. Until Jay gets around to explaining things in greater detail, you may want to do a "connection" search on "Thomas Jefferson + Edward Livingston and/or John Grymes." ALL of the above men/names knew each other. "Sherman" is also going to come into play before this over with, as are many other notable and influential names.

(WINK) Oath to New Orleans, and not America, eh? PROBABLY part of the BURR Conspiracy! (CHEESY SMILE)

Call me crazy, but the Oath that has been found involves in depth history. It puts a bit of heat between a large figure in Rome as the origin of the Oath. O heres your research hint, look at Lafittes generals. It maybe of a secret nature. More is coming its gonna be big. Im surprised with 100 veiws theres only 2 comments.

(Coffee & WINK) "Tat", 33rd Degree FreeMason is with the Scottish Rite, which didn't start in AMERICA until 1803; 1801 was the Order of the ROYAL SECRET which was a SEPARATE Secret Society in New Orleans, later incorporated into the SCOTTISH RITE FreeMasonry in South Carolina as the Lodge of Perfection. AND! PROBABLY, the viewers want the Beale Treasure info, and have NO IDEA as to THIS info. I am 32nd, so I know about SOME of this... BUT! Looks like YOU are "going with" the WHAT rather than the WHERE of the "BT" THESE ppl probably want to get "out & about", "on the ground"! (SHADES on...)

(Coffee & WINK) "Tat", 33rd Degree FreeMason is with the Scottish Rite, which didn't start in AMERICA until 1803; 1801 was the Order of the ROYAL SECRET which was a SEPARATE Secret Society in New Orleans, later incorporated into the SCOTTISH RITE FreeMasonry in South Carolina as the Lodge of Perfection. AND! PROBABLY, the viewers want the Beale Treasure info, and have NO IDEA as to THIS info. I am 32nd, so I know about SOME of this... BUT! Looks like YOU are "going with" the WHAT rather than the WHERE of the "BT" THESE ppl probably want to get "out & about", "on the ground"! (SHADES on...)

Odd you would mention South Carolina. Hey Tat! Are we taking any bets? :laughing7: (I have no idea how you're going to explain all of this....:laughing7:)

(CHEESY GRIN) WHICH one of you jokers are/is "A. Nonymous"? Writing in the July, 2012 issue of LOST TREASURE magazine, FINDING LAFITTE'S FORTUNE - THE BEALE TREASURE? LOL! INDEED! BETTING?! Throwing Dice or two, are ya? HA! 7 come 11... # 13. (WINK)

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I have come to strongly beleiving that we must first know the what before I get into the part of the where. I as I've said am compiling a massive amount of history with some help. I do beleive I have a good idea of who put what where and why. But is it still there or not. I want to beleive it is. With the connexions that are coming we will still start at Bufords. Between the Job Print and Laffites Journal directions are in print. You all must know you have to look at those involved in the 2 stories. The main people are all connected through family relations, all the way to Prez TJ. You need to also look at families back to the 1st war of Independence. One family and governor deals in secrets of our nation, that should give alot away.

Where can I see that article Reb??? Is it an online mag???

more soon

(CHEESY GRIN) WHICH one of you jokers are/is "A. Nonymous"? Writing in the July, 2012 issue of LOST TREASURE magazine, FINDING LAFITTE'S FORTUNE - THE BEALE TREASURE? LOL! INDEED! BETTING?! Throwing Dice or two, are ya? HA! 7 come 11... # 13. (WINK)

Probably just a troll using bit & pieces of this and that. Happens quite often.

(WINK) HA! Got My copy (VERY LAST COPY) at local Barnes & Noble bookstore, today; said Jean was a gambling man... "ROLL 'EM, BABY!" down in New Orleans. PROBABLY, someone from NSA... (NOD & A WINK)

(shades off reading glasses on) lol....How about telling me how Girard can be connected to the Bedford cty area??? You will surprise yourself with this answer. And that person with connect directly to the Laffites visited that large "valley" in that area. Between the person and Laffite you will find 1 of Laffites captains. Ironicly he to is a lawyer just not for Laffite.

Also the article from A. Nonymous was sent from Va. Know any writers down there??? I think I do....the ghost of TJB is a strong one, lol.

(WINK) NAW, Just NSA pulling info on Jean from THEIR file(s) on Jean, et al; THEY (NSA) know that the Beale Treasure is in New Orleans UNDERWATER (DEEP, in a VAULT). LOL! (WINKING & BLINKING)

Just for the record, can someone tell me how many people have solved the Beale thingie? :tongue3:

I agree many have made claims like mine. But Im not claiming to have solved the codes. Im putting togather the history around the mystery. Im not interested in going out to get all sweaty digging holes. I wwould love to find the gold if it does actually exists. But I love the historical part of this. Jeffro I would love to hear some constructive critacism of what you see me claiming and pointing out with some event and documents.


(Coffee & WINK) NOTHING is forth-coming from Jeffro... CARRY ON, then! Looking at the HISTORY is VERY important, according to MY research; I have found LOTS of errors in the "historical side" of the "BP"... BUT! SOMETHING is here/there!
I pay NO attention to the BC # 1 nor BC # 3; I DO look at the DOI, as a "statement" against" the FEDS, who were against state rights of the CONFEDERATE WAR; as well as the "BE" era & New Orleans. The "solved" BC # 2? I think it was Co. I (Campbell County Rangers - CSA) during the CONFEDERATE WAR! Coffee? (WINK)

LOST TREASURE ONLINE: Taken from April, 2012 "issue"; STATE TREASURE - LOUISIANA: Jefferson & Plaquemines Parish...
"Somewhere in Barataria Bay.... Lafitte buried his winnings".... (@ $40,000 + in gold species....)"; NEVER been found. Voodoo GOLD! Was it later moved to Bedford, Va. with a "curse" on it, that it was NEVER to be found? LAWD GAWD A'MIGHTY!

Lord have mercy, I can't follow ya in what ya say, Rebel. I'm a simple man who, at the moment lives in Augusta, Georgia. Spell it out for me if you can't go, and if I'm not too far away I'll go get it. :P

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