Best Metal Detectors Reviews


Oct 23, 2010
Detector(s) used
Garrett,Whites,Bounty Hunter,Teknetics,Fisher
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Welcome to visit ! gold.jpgEach month we will randomly pick one of the folks who likes us and who write one review on your metal detector or headphones or your metal detector coil and we will give them a free gold nugget ! The gold nugget will wait around .10 to .15 gram ! This Gold nugget is a great way to check how your metal detector is able to detect ! Just write your comment on this page provided ! It's as simple as that !Just a fun way to say thanks to our visitors ! Good Luck !Best Metal Detectors Reviews - Best Metal Detectors Reviews

Do you have reviews on the Bounty Hunter TK4 or the Teknetics metal detectors? I am still trying to figure out which one to purchase but I am still looking for reviews. I am kind of stuck between these two brands. I found a review for the Bounty hunter here
Top 3 Metal Detectors | Device Raters

Do you have any more info on the Teknetics or other good brands?

My Bounty Hunger Tracker IV is working for me. Just got it like 3 weeks ago and found some interesting stuff. Check out my pictures

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