Better times?

The post about cycles made me think f the Weimar Republic.
I'm not sure the hippies would have much in common with the current left.
I've met people throughout life who I would define as hippie-like as I understood it. Laid back, not quite conforming, non judgemental and not participating in striving for the American dream. Problem is that you are gonna get old and have health issues. Which becomes someone's problem if you have no funds.
Should be interesting with Denver and the mushroom experiment.

I don't know about my old man, but yeah it is.

In fact, the have exactly opposite effect. Booze is the search for unconsciousness.

It can be challenging to accept consciousness for some. I read a David Hawkins book some time ago - Power Vs force - that said it was something like only 1 in every 100,000 seek enlightenment.

Technically speaking was there a difference between beatniks and hippies? I thought they were similar but the word seems to have dropped out of popular culture?


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50 years later and the hippies are still pissing people off. That look like success to me. lol

So the Hippy intention was to pi$$ people off? I never really thought of Hippes as dirty... but only because of my age and the remnants portrayed through popular culture - tie dyed t shirts, long GREY hair, smoking pot, the peace sign , VW camper vans, round sunglasses, brown vests and flairs.....

At the time Jim Morrison for example had long hair and a bit anti establishment but would he have been considered a hippie?


"a difference between beatniks and hippies?" oh my, yes

from a SF perspective (not dictionary);
beatniks were hip, avant
guard, almost always musically involved/interested, sometimes with money
hippies in northern Calif were positively bucolic

edit: HP - death is an ok option too

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despite that a beatnik was still frowned upon (at that time) by conservatives?


"a difference between beatniks and hippies?" oh my, yes

from a SF perspective (not dictionary);
beatniks were hip, avant
guard, almost always musically involved/interested, sometimes with money
hippies in northern Calif were positively bucolic

edit: HP - death is an ok option too

Yeah but when do we let people face the consequences of their life choices? Not very often.
At the risk of having this post removed perhaps, people call for the legalization of drugs. Fine. But when someone is dying from a heroin overdose will they be content to let them die? Will business owners be happy to be continuously robbed because an unemployable addict needs money to buy meth?
Are people willing to deal with being harassed by drug-addled zombies as they try to go about their lives?

most certainly, conservatives frowned on everything - and still do

Not sure I would pass the test for being a conservative, depending on whose definition, but I abdsolutely support our Constitution.
What do you believe conservatives frown on?

sorry, freedom also includes bad choices; a choice without consequences is yet another freebie - no to the FSA
6 kids + no male supporting; I accept no responsibility, I will conserve my compassion and help for those I wish to help
starving Africans? -> get real (it seems ok to try to starve Iranians)
drug od = sweat it out, pass/fail time

but this is a slippery slope; where does universal (in fact) health care fit? and hospitalization? etc. (special diet paid for by others?) - where is the limit?

do I let a dog wizz on my leg?
and a "drug-addled zombie" has a right to "harass" me?
here we go again, actions without consequences lead to more of the same
look at Calif today, is that success?

I bet the kind of conservative BillA is describing are more accurately labeled as statists.

Some people want to conserve the social order, those are statists. Others what to conserve the principles found in our Declaration of Independence, those are conservatives.

the conservative tribe (and any other) rejects/denigrates outsiders
the label is quite meaningless as everyone has a different definition, all howling at once unintelligibly

looking for reason among humans is arduous

Declaration of Independence, lets be cool and not let some jackas provoke the closing of the thread

yes, I've read it; its applicability to the 'controlling system' is about zero - for me this is so obvious it's not worth typing
I am a volitional
expatriate, voted with my feet.
I would like to see a return to the applicability of the DoI, but that is a dream as power is never relinquished.
Gonna take a revolution, from whom? I've shot my wad.

edit: Duckshot my use of the word 'conservative' is not to identify a group, rather I am referring to the resistance to change.
(sometimes also called bigotry, point of reference)
"statists" need to be hung, drawn and quartered, hung in chains 'till rotted, and buried under a major intersection

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"and there can be no progress found."
a quick translation ?

That was a poor attempt to paraphrase on my part. I linked the speech. I'm not going to quote it as it might upset the sissy pansy feelings of some people and we don't want any of that. You should read it though, I think you will be fine with it. :thumbsup:

Coolidge, July 5, 1926 speech in part-

".... If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers."- Calvin Coolidge

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sounds like he has the almighty on his side, I'm not convinced
in any case our difficulty today lies with the present system
society is fractured and the educational system a fraud
? ? ?
we see conservatism similarly, resistance to change

sounds like he has the almighty on his side, I'm not convinced
in any case our difficulty today lies with the present system
society is fractured and the educational system a fraud
? ? ?
we see conservatism similarly, resistance to change

What change are they resistant to, in your mind?
Can't remember who said it but I think about this sometimes: Free men are not equal, and equal men are not free.
If you were going to be an expat, why not Hungary or Poland?

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