Blood Sucking Oil Companys and Bush

Urban Prospector said:
Don't forget the "electric" waterpipe, I mean Aquatune. That guy wants to get rich on your desperation too.

Whatever makes people happy I guess. If you believe your gasoline burning car will get more mpg if you inject water into the process, go for it :thumbsup:


...a vehicle half the weight of a playing card... LoL

Now that's funny, right there, I don't care who yah are!

...After only a couple hours reading the sites I've come up with a preliminary...

Fuel cell technology uses expensive components.
The mass represented by the storage batteries is the cargo I would need to leave behind.
Unfortunately, my skill set is such that I earn a living by using tools and transporting materials.
I'm NOT just looking for personal transport to a paper shuffling office job. I build things of lasting value.

The HHO electrolyzer process seems to be an application that could be workable in a pinch,
which is where we are at, today.
I haven't yet seen practical flow regulation methods, but perhaps that's what autotune is selling???
Seems like something I can experiment with here at the house... I'll do it!

Some time ago, I was advised by an intelligent fellow, that what we need here is a directive from the top, to spur a national effort on the scale of the Manhattan Project, to develop a new energy system for common use.

It can be done.
But it will take our best, and brightest, in a concerted effort.

Apparently preliminary work has been done in garages and university labs, but we need considerably more.


blurr said:
Urban Prospector said:
For every action there is an EQUAL and opposite reaction.
Sterling engine is the answer now we just need to figure out how to make an auto and passengers half the weight of a playing card. To the prevailing brain trust here I propose telepathic transportation is just as close as all options discussed. A major drawback is the LSD makes it hard to concentrate on work once I get there.
Do ya'll realize your talking about perpetual motion machines thinking you can get more out then you put in.Welfare system is the only of that type.

I didn't want to say anything, but you started it ;D I saw an ad for a 300 mpg carburator, add that to the fuel line magnets that "line up" fuel molecules, and we should have this energy thing licked ;D


OK the thread has gone to $hit. So will the world. Lets all just sit back and it will fix itself.

We are not even anywhere near talking perpetual motion. We are talking about getting off gas!!!!!!!!!

You guys really are talkin out your arse! Ford and AMC both built fully operational Stirling powered cars in the 70's. They didnt get the green light because It took about 20 seconds from start before the car could move. And nobody would buy it for that reason. Friggin pretty sad.

If you really don't know what your talking about you shouldn't provide others with dis-information. This will surely lead to us all being stuck paying for gas or hydrogen because nobody "believed" any other solution was real.

Its not some fairy tale. The solutions exist and you are too friggin cheap to buy them even though they will save your money and do less environmental damage long term.

Alternatives exist, and every day you are not an active part of the solution you are part of the problem!
And I do mean YOU the one reading this. YOU are the problem.

HERE is the solution-

Here..... If you are really cheap just start small. I promise you will like it.
A solar/battery bicycle

rmptr said:
Some time ago, I was advised by an intelligent fellow, that what we need here is a directive from the top, to spur a national effort on the scale of the Manhattan Project, to develop a new energy system for common use.

It can be done.
But it will take our best, and brightest, in a concerted effort.

Apparently preliminary work has been done in garages and university labs, but we need considerably more.


A directive from the top? I believe Bush has the country's best interests at heart, and is sincere, but with the VP in bed with Big Oil, it ain't gonna happen unless there is some way Big Oil can control it and keep the status quo.

People in this country are VERY ingenious . . . why do you think the govt wants the schools to dumb down our kids that don't get aborted?

Computers as we know them, began in someone's garage. Air travel became a reality because two bicycle mechanics had a dream of flying. First two examples that pop into my head.

What I don't understand is: why hasn't someone invented a solar powered electronic means of launching a projectile from a tube which would rival the firing of a rifle? Quiet. Efficient. Don't have to worry about a gunpowder shortage, as long as the sun is shining. Just imagine the range you could get if you turned it all the way up!!!

Rennwaggen said:
What I don't understand is: why hasn't someone invented a solar powered electronic means of launching a projectile from a tube which would rival the firing of a rifle? Quiet. Efficient. Don't have to worry about a gunpowder shortage, as long as the sun is shining. Just imagine the range you could get if you turned it all the way up!!!

It already exits ...Its called a rail gun. It shoots projectiles using electro magnetic principals. If you wanna use solar power for it then have at it. :)

Metal Head said:
blurr said:
Urban Prospector said:
For every action there is an EQUAL and opposite reaction.
Sterling engine is the answer now we just need to figure out how to make an auto and passengers half the weight of a playing card. To the prevailing brain trust here I propose telepathic transportation is just as close as all options discussed. A major drawback is the LSD makes it hard to concentrate on work once I get there.
Do ya'll realize your talking about perpetual motion machines thinking you can get more out then you put in.Welfare system is the only of that type.

I didn't want to say anything, but you started it ;D I saw an ad for a 300 mpg carburator, add that to the fuel line magnets that "line up" fuel molecules, and we should have this energy thing licked ;D


OK the thread has gone to $hit. So will the world. Lets all just sit back and it will fix itself.

We are not even anywhere near talking perpetual motion. We are talking about getting off gas!!!!!!!!!

You guys really are talkin out your arse! Ford and AMC both built fully operational Stirling powered cars in the 70's. They didnt get the green light because It took about 20 seconds from start before the car could move. And nobody would buy it for that reason. Friggin pretty sad.

If you really don't know what your talking about you shouldn't provide others with dis-information. This will surely lead to us all being stuck paying for gas or hydrogen because nobody "believed" any other solution was real.

Its not some fairy tale. The solutions exist and you are too friggin cheap to buy them even though they will save your money and do less environmental damage long term.

Alternatives exist, and every day you are not an active part of the solution you are part of the problem!
And I do mean YOU the one reading this. YOU are the problem.

HERE is the solution-

Here..... If you are really cheap just start small. I promise you will like it.
A solar/battery bicycle

Electric cars are nothing new, they have been around as long as the automobile has. Problem is that a great number of people need to drive more than 50-100 miles at a time. A great many of those people can't, or don't want to be stuffed into a bread box that can only go those 50-100 miles before getting a recharge. Sorry but there are multitudes of ripoff devices "guaranteed" to give you unlimited mpg for your existing car/engine. They are frauds. If there was technology out there that weaned us off gasoline right now, GM, Ford, or Chrysler would be on it! these car companies are hurting. If they could corner the market on a new technology (stirling motor) they definitely would. Sorry, didn't mean any disrespect. Heard this stuff many times in the past, that's all.


blurr said:
Electric cars are nothing new, they have been around as long as the automobile has. Problem is that a great number of people need to drive more than 50-100 miles at a time. A great many of those people can't, or don't want to be stuffed into a bread box that can only go those 50-100 miles before getting a recharge. Sorry but there are multitudes of ripoff devices "guaranteed" to give you unlimited mpg for your existing car/engine. They are frauds. If there was technology out there that weaned us off gasoline right now, GM, Ford, or Chrysler would be on it! these car companies are hurting. If they could corner the market on a new technology (stirling motor) they definitely would. Sorry, didn't mean any disrespect. Heard this stuff many times in the past, that's all.


The problem with electric, outside of Blurr's comments here, is that they are really terribly expensive and thererfore outside of the reach of the type of people who would be willing to use them.

As for the car companies adopting a new technology, they are too smart to do that at this point. The oil companies still have a firm hold on their privates, and they know the cost of retooling without a firm commitment to a new path by everyone.

That is why the next innovation will come from some other source . . . such as the guy with the 300+ mile car that is going into production, mentioned in another post under "everything else".

It will be solved by some kid in a garage, or an old guy who figured it out long ago but couldn't get his idea accepted because of resistance from persons working for the oil companies, or a complete accident while trying to solve another problem --- if society doesn't collapse first.

MD Dog said:
My vote is a society collapse. Too many problems all at once for too many people to solve all at once. :wink:

THere is alot going bad right now. The most I have seen.

Well, If it gets too bad I'll Just pack up the guns and survival necessities and hed into the hills.

Work sucks any way. Workin for someone else that is. :)

MD Dog said:
My vote is a society collapse. Too many problems all at once for too many people to solve all at once. :wink:

How much do you think is attributable to the oil situation?


Such as a beached whale, collapsing of it's own weight?

Yup, it's likely.

There are too many people sitting at each table who produce nothing.

A large percentage of households in this county are supported by city, state, and federal jobs.
Frequently, their bureaucratic edicts must be overcome to accomplish nearly anything.

Yes, I just got tagged, again. standards...

It will be costly, always is...

They will continue to draw their salary, as my ability to pay it is reduced.


Like my grandmother always said " If you give a dog enough rope he
will hang himself" !

LOL ! Robin

There are two simple cheap feasible solutions. One is Compressed Natural Gas. Most carborated cars can be retrofitted and there is an abundance of natural gas in America waiting to be drilled. Therein lies the rub no drilling allowed so suffer sucker. Another is alcohol I've seen with my own two eyes a 71 Datsun pickup that ran for years on an alcohol produced with a solar still from ingredients that were noting more than discarded , rotting fruit. The problem with that was that it is illegal to operate a still and that an alcohol burns invisible so if your on fire the heat is the first warning.
People like to blame "Big Oil" but they aren't the ones passing the laws and stifling legitimate solutions. Some day better answers may come along but My opinion is it ain't going to be some super genius technology. As with most mechanical repairs check the simplest answers first as catastrophic failure is rare combared to a simple tweak.
Any mechanical device that will produce more power then it consumes is a virtual perpetual motion machine, otherwise we would simply make an electric generator that was electric powered. The electric drive would use partial power from the generator and pass the balance on for another use. That is not now possible, just as it is not now possible to produce a battery that gives more energy than it takes to produce and maintain. Not to mention the 3 to 8 hour "fillups" and if you run out of go juice you better have a long ass extention cord or a gas operated internal combustion tow truck to take you in for that recharge of electric. You can all wail and moan but that is the simple physics, reality bites, hard.
You want answers and cheaper energy VOTE for people that want that too . If you want happy Caribou in a place that is dark six months a year and mosquito infested the other six than it will cost ya, plenty when you add in the administrative costs and a cut for the snake oil salesmen. Maybe your worried about a hole in the ozone or untaxed booze or more tar on the beach then is already naturally occurring, well ditto, pay up sucker.

Big Oil is simply symptomatic of a world awash in a pandemic malady known as "Greed". The Oil companies are greedy, the oil producing countries are greedy, the speculators in oil futures are greedy. The average worker wants more money so they can afford more stuff that requires more money to operate it. The average employer wants more money for what ever they sell, and at the same time they wanna pay their workers as little as possible. The 5% at the top of this food chain who own most everything want more for less. It can't continue in this manner for ever. Sooner or later the people at the top want more than the other 95% can give and then the system breaks down. The ones at the top won't get anymore because most of those at the bottom stop trying to give back. Which means the ones at the top no longer have income. It basically means, the top 5% have all the gold and the rest of us decide we no longer want any thus the Gold they have is worthless. You can't eat gold !

Add to that dramatic climate changes or at least significant events which seem to be unfolding everywhere at once. As well as Wars and rumors of wars, Terrorism, Famine, and throw in a bird flu pandemic or some other Bad a$$ bug and this whole world is due for the big one. There are far to many fires coming down in too many places all at the same time for them to be solved by mankind. We haven't even begun to organize our committees and do the research studies followed by open discussions about what to do followed by another round of debate with another faction of people who think it should be done differently.

Yeah, I believe in the doom and gloom, but hey I've learned through trial and error in my life that being optimistic only sets you up for heart ache. Being pessimistic allows me to expect and prepare for the worst. From there the only thing that can happen is as I expected or better.

Murphy was an optimist.

If something could go wrong, it would.

...A number of years ago I stumbled upon an opportunity to take over an interesting enterprise.
A marina concession at a lake.

It involved a contractual lease of government property, various services, and equipment, so I needed to begin with a larger impact than I could afford at the time.

I went to see SCORE to ask those experienced fellows advice on obtaining a Small Business Administration loan.

First meeting, the old fella asks me, "Where's your business plan?"
I said confidently I intended to do this, that and the other, using what I had, and knew, but needed funds for a couple other things that would be very beneficial.

He shut me right down and handed me a thick bunch of paperwork for a business plan.
Then he asked, "How much do you expect to make yearly, from this venture?"

I replied, "That's why I can make a go of this, the last guy did X $'s and I can do very well on $60 - 80k."

The old bart said, "Forget it! Go to work for somebody else. If you don't want to make at least $200k a year, don't bother going into business."

Now, the SCORE people are supposedly successful businessmen who have retired, and donate a bit of time to younger people interested in improving our economy, and life in general, through good business.

Yes, I'd say greed has pervaded the whole system.

I would have been quite pleased just to have earned a good living for my family.

As it happened, the government entity violated their own process and awarded the contract to someone without investigating any other bids for the contract.

Later, circumstances changed, and the party that was given the contract lost everything, because their overhead was too high. ...I could have made it work!

But that's how it goes... Life's a beach!

Bush and big oil....easy to blame him and the lbierals LOVE doing it.
I wonder how many democrats are stockholders in oil companies and recipinets of their lobbyists money??
The democrats swore there would be change if the got voted in and got control of the House and Senate...well they did and we got do you like it??
Now they are saying we need change again for the Presidential election...I;ve seen enough of what they call change. Obama gets in and there will be change...drastic change, and not for the better.
Only change I would like to see is....I do wish there was actually someone to vote FOR. The Presidential elections and the candidates the last few times have been a total joke, on both sides...sad, really sad when that is the best they can come up with. >:(

Mainedigger said:
I do wish there was actually someone to vote FOR. The Presidential elections and the candidates the last few times have been a total joke, on both sides...sad, really sad when that is the best they can come up with. >:(

Well, they tell us that the people of the United States chose these two to face off in November. Do you realize how they have insulted the intelligence of the American public? Do you really believe that your neighbors voted for this pair?

Personally, if any of this was real, I would just say I'm surprised that Obama is still breathing after taking on the Klintons like he did. He must have some really powerful folks backing him up . . . but it's probably happening as it was scripted by the powers that be. There is no way that they could allow the citizenry to really have a choice.

MDDog, you are right! Too many fires to put out at once. Jeremiah 10:23 correctly said: "It doesn't belong to man who is walking to direct his own step."

These are critical times, hard to deal with. Like you said, those people are self centered and greedy, they live for money, they're not open to any agreement, lovers of pleasures with no regard for the one who made them, they have no love for their fellowman, no self control . . . I heard that described somewhere before . . . Paul of Tarsus, I think. (2 Tim 3:1-4)

Very glad that you see it. If you believe it, as I believe you do, you will know what those things should make you joyful as it means better times are just ahead.

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