Books with leads.

Not till am done hunting the spots that I have found.

The book I found has maps and history of this one spot that we have been hunting most of this summer yet it is out of print.
And to top it all off your in the south and am in the north ... Wouldn't help you much anyways.

The local library of your town should have books on your town's and surrounding town's history. Take FULL advantage of this opportunity.

<can't stress this strategy enough> :thumbsup:

I really do not think you will find any one here that will give up good info on there or other they know about hunting spots.. We are all trying to find good spots for our selves.. Not to give our work and info out .. And all the books out on treasure spots have been read by most on here and i really do not think those books are worth the paper they are wrote on … WHY ..The reason every one has read them ..

Thanks for the replies guys. I understand what you are saying. Not only am I looking for books with good local leads, but I would like a book that has good overviews of more notable treasure. Here's an example, the Lue treasure, I don't know much about it, but I would like a book that gave a good overview of it and other legends.
If anyone has anything to share please do.

Go to the top right hand corner here on this page and were it says …Enter Search phrase .. type in .. lou treasure .. and click on it it will take you to treasure legend's that one's are talking about..

If you don't search you won't find it, but those sites closer to home and locally known would be easier to find, with more info available to you, especially if you ask the older folks.

What ever you hunt for I wish you success!

You probably want leads for your area.

Search Ebay.

for My area I would search key words like

PA county history & look through this

PA county history | eBay

then I would change it to PA Township History

PA township history | eBay

even PA area history

PA area history | eBay

you would be surprised what leads are in these books written in many cases by Local Historians
who took the time to talk to old Timers.

don't forget to also change area to Village then Borough then Park,
possible even town , Centennial etc for more surprises.

even if you don't want to Buy, it can give you a list of titles to ask for at the Library, & historical societies.

Don't forget to also look at Post cards and Photographic Images
maps & Historical Atlas for the local stuff

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OK I see where you are heading. You want a cache to work on. Here's a tip, forget the Lue, the Dutchmans mine etc. What you want is a lesser known, but worth going after cache. The United States Treasure Atlas has most listed. There are 10 volumes. I don't know your state or I would tell you which one you need. If you PM me and give me your state and county, I will look for a cache lead for you. Frank five star.png

111-1 profile.jpg

Harry H. Rainey, Jr., compiles state by state guides to now gone forts, camps and batteries.
Although my copy on Ohio, hasn't led me to one of these sites, it has led me to maps that shown great detecting locations. One of which, has produced great finds.
Good luck

If the lead is in a book then it is no longer worth chasing as everyone and their mother has been looking for it.
Look for the obscure leads in newspaper articles and old diaries.

Ok, your state is in volume #1 of the atlas. I will check my files and some some other books to see what I can find. Frankfive star.png

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