broke the 1900 barrier, found the printing press, scratched the Challanger


Bronze Member
Mar 1, 2007
SE Virginia
Detector(s) used
Minelab Explorer SE Pro / Whites Prism II
So I drove by the church where the construction is going on and saw they had scraped another foot or two off the top. This is the same location I found this padlock.,121367.0.html

Knowing my time is limited to "no detecting" this weekend and most of next week, I just had to (cough) take some time from work and get on the site before they paved over all the good stuff. No more than 20 mins I had been there when a 1899 Barber Quarter pops out of a hole. My First Barber quarter and second Barber coin of the year. Strange I have not found any Rosies, Mercs, or any other "newer" silver. Anyhow after that I got only some clad the rest of the day.

Shortly after the silver the workers started showing up. I offered to leave and get out of the way several times to multiple workers and they all said it was OK and I could stay :). They informed me that the paving is about a month away and they still have some more areas to scrape, so I should be able to hit this for a while.

The last trip I had found some strange plates and a strange valve.,121443.0.html
(scroll down to see the plates)

Found another Valve.
Valve 2.jpg

and found some more plates and some more strange metal stuff. Not till I got home and cleaned them did I realize that they had words and images on them. It would appear I have found the remains of a printing press. The words on one plate read ONE OTHER WEEKLY PAPER. The other I cant quite make out but it only has one word and 5 rows of dots. Two of the plates had images on them.

plate 1.jpg
plate 2.jpg

Confirmed there must have been a Shoe repair shop, Zipper shop, Button shop, Buckle shop, Hinge shop, and Beauty shop on the property. The porcelian thing had Woodbury on the bottom.


Lastly while getting ready to leave I had a terrible accident. While jumping in through the window of the Dixie Challenger to book it on out of there, my digging tool went flying out of my pocket and across the hood leaving a scratch that will take me all weekend to fix. ;)

Dixie Challanger.jpg

Thanks for looking and HH

Upvote 0
I really like checking out old stuff like this. You must have been in hog heaven.
Hope you find more, congrats. ;)

KirkPA said:
Nice Barber quarter, buddy. How deep was she? :)


Not really sure, it was in the big pile of dirt they had scraped. it was just a few inches in there.

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