Cape Girardeau

My wife,s maiden name was Koelzer,kin to a bunch of Craigs who lived there and still live there.
I'm not sure I know them. I knew one Craig in college. He was pretty wild. That was back in 1995'ish though. Generally, it's kind of like Kevin Bacon in that city though. Everyone knows someone that someone else knows. It's weird. There's a lot of history in Cape Girardeau and the surrounding area.

I'm not sure I know them. I knew one Craig in college. He was pretty wild. That was back in 1995'ish though. Generally, it's kind of like Kevin Bacon in that city though. Everyone knows someone that someone else knows. It's weird. There's a lot of history in Cape Girardeau and the surrounding area.
Lots of history indeed! I enjoyed visiting there.I live just a few miles form the Mississippi River down here and was interesting to see it way up there too. I,m thinking that the Craigs my wife is kin to are older than you.We were married in 1974 at the Catholic church there.

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