Central Park

You need a permit in the 5 boroughs and the park needs to be on the list of those you can hunt. I will get you the info.
HH Glenn

From what I know about Central Park, it is big and old. There could be a ton of great finds there. Be careful. I have heard bad things about Central Park.

ikes4ever said:
Anyone know what the rules are for metal detecting in Central Park, NYC.
As others have already said, there is no metal detecting allowed in Central Park, 843 acres of silver coins, gold coins, silver & gold jewelry, old coins medals, EVERYTHING! I know, I removed a lot of each of those objects. The enforcement of the no detecting rule is what got me to retire from metal detecting 2003. Even though I knew it was not allowed I still made forays and when I was approached by a Ranger (on horse, on foot, in vehicles) I would feign ignorance and volunteered to leave immediately. One wrong word could have resulted in my equipment being confiscated and a citation issued. I stopped taking chances.

My last permit is for 2003. On the back they list the parks in the 5 boroughs where detecting is allowed and the 6 beaches. NOTE: even with a permit, Rangers still approach to see if you're getting carried away with your holes. Since I rarely make holes due to my using homemade fiberglass probes I never was given a warning and the Rangers enjoyed my showing them my finds. Additionally, the permit is also a Significant Object Find Report that you are required to fill out and you gotta turn in jewelry ["The applicant agrees that any significant object(s) found at any time in any New York City park are the property of the City of New York."] No, pulltabs are not considered significant objects! I don't know how much the permit has changed although I'm going to find out this year when I come out of retirement.

Here is the park breakdown per borough in 2003:
Manhattan - 7 parks
Brooklyn - 6
Bronx - 3
Queens - 8
Staten Island - 3

PARK AREAS (Open fields, rough lawn areas only.)

Of course, when you get the permit you can read ALL of the restrictions.

i just sent in for a permit request today. lets see how long it takes to get back.

ikes4ever said:
i just sent in for a permit request today. lets see how long it takes to get back.

It doesn't take long... Got mine pretty quickly. Are you going to the Tri-State hunt in Staten Island on April 26th?

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