Chance of finding something - site already hunted


Sr. Member
Nov 30, 2017
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Virginia & Collier Cty FL
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Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Hi Folks! I have a waterfront farm about 40 miles south of DC - outside of Fredericksburg. It's a known site and I have pictures of the lower fields during the CW showing lots of tents and soldiers on horseback. It was heavily hunted prior to our ownership and I was wondering if it's worth it for me to get a metal detector and fool around down there. I have only looked for Indian artifacts there - much indian activity on this site. I have been told it's "hunted-out". Thoughts?

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Nothing is ever hunted out. I would jump all over that.

Its worth a try.Nothing ventured ,nothing gained.:)

I wouldn't even hesitate getting a metal detector... GOOD LUCK

Hi Folks! I have a waterfront farm about 40 miles south of DC - outside of Fredericksburg. It's a known site and I have pictures of the lower fields during the CW showing lots of tents and soldiers on horseback. It was heavily hunted prior to our ownership and I was wondering if it's worth it for me to get a metal detector and fool around down there. I have only looked for Indian artifacts there - much indian activity on this site. I have been told it's "hunted-out". Thoughts?

I'd "fool around" there every chance I could. Hunted out might mean "Hunted out" IF your talking say a 20' square area, but a waterfront farm outside of Fredericksburg?, If everyone on T-Net could go there at the same time, might not be enough room out there to hold us all. I'd say "Yes", you have a great place to detect there Shorewalker.

Anything in the area of Fredericksburg, is a dream site. Nobody can completely clean out 40 acres of history.

I say GO FOR IT! I would bet you will find lots of cool relics. As previously stated no site is really hunted out!

I have been told it's "hunted-out". Thoughts?

My thoughts are...your sitting on a gold mine! Turn it into a business, Charge people to access the property. Daily rates! Lets face it...people can't find permissions. Set up snack stands maybe even a bed and breakfast! BTW...i want free access since i came up with the idea first:icon_thumright:

One of the sites i detect at, I have to walk a couple hundred yard trail through the woods between an old farm house and a back field.

After detecting the trail two times I figured I had everything on the trail, but everytime I detect it again I at least find a few shotgun shell brass or something.

No way that place is hunted out.

I'd with the others here. Get yourself a detector. No Such Thing as "HUNTED OUT. You are in a prime area for some great CW Relics. We'll be watching for some posts of your finds in the very near future. Best of Luck to you.

I'm with the others here. Get yourself a detector. No Such Thing as "HUNTED OUT. You are in a prime area for some great CW Relics. We'll be watching for some posts of your finds in the very near future. Best of Luck to you.

I agree with other posts... it is worth a look. A good machine is worth the investment. ONE nice find could pay for it. Perhaps you have a friend that would lend you a good machine; if not you could quickly "make" some friends that would lend you a machine for the opportunity to go with you.

Good luck.

I agree, too heavily used to be hunted out. How long have you had it, or how long since hunted? Newer detectors are better than ever, if it was "hunted out" with 20 year old detectors, I think you will be surprised.

I agree, too heavily used to be hunted out. How long have you had it, or how long since hunted? Newer detectors are better than ever, if it was "hunted out" with 20 year old detectors, I think you will be surprised.

We've had it 15yrs. Around 8 yrs ago we got a call that a bunch of people were there detecting. Our caretaker and the local trooper escorted them off the property. Turns out they had bought tickets and were given maps to OUR property. They were not pleased to have to leave. I can't remember what the tickets had cost them (a few hundred?). The guy across the road told me that he has had people in his fields at night - with lanterns. He said he shoots his shotgun into the air and watches the bouncing lanterns as they run out of there. I know people have searched the water - I see them out there, waist deep.

It sounds like it would be worth looking. I'd be interested in anyone local who might want to spend a day or so with me and split whatever. Obviously, I don't know the ins and outs of how this type of thing works. Any advice on this would be appreciated!

Oh, and prior to our ownership (15yrs ago), it was heavily hunted for a few years just prior. The longtime owner (60 yrs) would not allow any detecting and I don't believe he detected. I don't know how many times, etc. So...there may be little left.

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You never know until you try.

I would be all over it in ONE minute.

Good luck sir!

I've been detecting an old house foundation that was hunted out so I was told...was said i'd never find a nail there but the last 2 times I hunted the place I did find a bunch of cut nails and one old hinge, hinge maybe a homemade one from the looks of silver of gold yet but you never know .this foundation is suppose to be from around the early 1800's so not much there just the stacked foundation stone . I plan one going back once the weather settles down so I would have to agree that nothing is ever hunted out

I have been hunting a 1741-1789 store / fort site that has been detected heavily since the 1970s and it still produces. If you can ID the tent site from your pictures, you might want to take a few inches or more of topsoil off before you detect to pick up those deeper targets and maybe find some firepits, trashpits or winter hut sites. I live about 3 hours away but would gladly drive that far for a site like that.

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