Hello Sarah,
The stone shows abundance of natural abrasion, with many surface indents signifying the less hardness minerals more easily abraided.
The outer rim of the hole section shows some man induced working: the many semi-concoidal chip-like faces composing the outer rim.
Thank you, Geochem, ... someone is seeing the same as I did.
outline of the hole seems to have a
(I'm thinking pecks rather than chips.)
1)one pecks a tiny bowl on the tip
2)one pecks the bottom of the bowl to start and continue the hole inward.
Op ignores the needed question ... Does the hole break into a hollow rock or does the hole continue in a man-made fashion.
4)If the hole is indeed man induced ... and it goes half way through ... what would the next procedure be ?
5)One would then start the same procedure on the opposite tip to meet the first hole halfway.
What do we see if we examine the opposite tip ?
I'm seeing the hint of a
Poor picture ... But it appears to have a ring of pecks that form a slight bowl ... followed by a second pattern of pecks at the bottom that begin the second hole.
That's three patterns, all very suspiciously located in exactly the right place to form a hole through a stone. The first hole already half way through and the second one barely started, BUT, matching the first tip hole ... VERY suspicious of man-made workmanship.
Nothing conclusive, but requires closer examination.
Place this in my hand, and I'll have answers for you in a matter of seconds.
The definitive answer lies in the manner of the hole inside.
Ask and get ignored ... it's a sad waste of time.