Cleaning buttons, bad idea?


Bronze Member
Dec 3, 2004
Long Island New York
Detector(s) used
White's XLT
I recently came across a cigar box half full of old military buttons (1800's) after I started cleaning one with a tooth brush and some Noxon I realized, as with a coin I may be doing more damage then good, anyone have any experience in button cleaning?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? thanks, kenb

just knock the crud off,don't try to restore original shine.The beauty is the aged patina.

Thanks for the reply sapona, there's no crud on them they were in a box in my grandparents basement. I'll get some pics up tomorrow great selection of old assorted buttons

oh man dont scare me like thing is to really never clean anything.Thats if your going to sell.In my case I clean all my buttons lightly to get detail,or I dont bother at all,it just damages them.If your good you can pick the crud witha needle and it comes of flaking great.Dont try this If you already rubbed the dirt off witht your finger or a tooth brush.It's a technique that takes a while to master,becasue on soil that is acidic it eats away the button and just touching the face of it will disinegrate the button,eben at times when the button air dries it will do this.
Depending on if you find confederate buttons or scarce buttons dont clean them.As in my case Ive found hundreds of plain general service eagle buttons,and I used to clean them,now I just leave em be.If your buttons seem to be fragile soak them in olive oil just like with coins.yeah you might get a shiny gloss to it,but it puts moisture back in the button and preserves it.Best of luck dude,and what kind of buttons where they?

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