CONTEST.......The Best Story About A Hunt

bigscoop said:
Just this past spring I was on a hunt for a lost fortune in gold in the Idaho mountains. As the story went, in order to save his own neck a fleeing privateer had left his Caribbean home for the wilds of the rugged northwest, taking with him a fortune in gold coin. Sure, it was probably just another wild tale, and that’s what I was thinking too, but in any case it did give me the opportunity to depart on another adventure and I wasn’t about to pass up that opportunity.

I spent three weeks in those mountains in search of the small cave where the gold was suppose to have been buried, but I never found it, if in fact it really exist at all. However, one event that happened during my last day in those mountains makes me think that maybe the treasure does exist, and that the fleeing pirate really had roamed the same mountains I had searched. I was on my way out of the mountains when I ran into another man who was somewhat drunk and using a goat as a pack mule. The man told that he hailed from California and that he use to work in a Halibut processing factory. As I our conversation continued this homey looking fellow proceeded to tell me that had found solid proof that the pirate had indeed been in those mountains, and then he offered to trade me what he had found for a couple of old mercury dimes, which I happened to have in my pocket at the time. I wasn’t quite convinced the smelly chap was telling me the truth until he reached in the bag hanging from the neck of his goat so he could show me the item he had found. I was stunned, for in his hand he held one of the legendary daggers the pirate was rumored to have crafted by his own hand, it’s blade was strong, shiny, and sharp, the craftsmanship was superb and in a class all to its own. In a secret compartment inside the dagger’s handle there were a few old copper coins, and it was while I was admiring those copper coins in my hand that the drunk fellow leaned against his goat and said, “I hear some of them have silver in the handle, but this one just had some copper. If you want it, I’ll trade you for a few pieces of silver coin.” I need not tell you that I wasted little time concluding that deal. As soon as the deal was concluded the fellow grabbed hold of his goat’s leads and then he said, “Come on Gretchen, time for us to find a place to bed down for the night.” And that was the last I ever saw of him.

So today I’m happy to say that I now own one of the pirate’s exceptional homemade daggers, and to think that I got it for the cost of just two silver dimes. Today I am convinced that the old pirate did roam those Idaho mountains and who knows, one day I might actually find the gold that is rumored to still be hidden there. Personally, I believe the gold was in the handle of his personal dagger so let me show what one looks like just in case you ever happen upon one in those Idaho mountains. You know, it’s odd, but I’ll bet if that old pirate was still alive today he’d really be curious as to how I came to own one of his personal daggers? And if you ever do get your hands on one, you best hold onto it because it’s worth a whole lot more then a couple of silver dimes. Here’s what they look like: (All that other stuff is just some hidden loot I found in an old treasure chest about 3 feet under ground. Had to use that strong pirate dagger to get at it.) Oh darn, tornado warnings here!

I woke up this morning after having a strange dream, and tonight i checked this post and found out some one else, wrote it up in story form for me!!!! reverse deju vu!!!!!! but i think it happened in the spring of 2011!!!! after winning the digger!!! but i don't remember a drunk goat???? :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Oh but sweetie, the drunk old goat was at our wedding all those years ago!!! Red :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Thank you AP, Chug had a bad day at work today, and I was trying to make him smile, worked better than I thought it would, he read all the comments and started cracking up laughing, especially when he got to mine!!! ROTFLMAOOOOO :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :angel7:

I use to take my pet monkey treasure hunting with me but he committed suicide right in front of my very eyes. Very sad day indeed. I caught it all on film.


My drinking problem is my own and should not be discussed and found humorous on this public site. Any further mention of it or things I have done while inebriated will bring an instant lawsuit and possible middle-of-the-night visit from some of my friends. This was not a vague mention of it, it was a blatant attack on my character.

packerbacker said:
My drinking problem is my own and should not be discussed and found humorous on this public site. Any further mention of it or things I have done while inebriated will bring an instant lawsuit and possible middle-of-the-night visit from some of my friends. This was not a vague mention of it, it was a blatant attack on my character.

Sorry Packer, no ill I recall we have had some fun in this area before. Personally I think you are a fine fellow, quick witted and always up for some fun. Was just hoping to inspire you to finish your tale in your usual humorous, and most enjoyable fashion. No blatant attack of any kind intended. I'll gladly remove any post I may have made that possibly suggest otherwise. I hope there are no hard feelings.

DAMN'IT PACKER! I should have known that was an unscrupulous ploy! :laughing7:
God, you had me worried that you might be having a bad or something, been running around here barring all the damn doors and installing a new security and video surveillance system! Is there no limit to the level of tactics you will use! When AP gets hold of this I'm going to take a pounding! :laughing7: :laughing7: Whooooooo....who's the fish now? That hook is sunk so deep I'm gonna have to have surgery to get it removed! (Sigh...hangs head in shame.) God! I can't believe I bit! I'm gonna go outside and dig a hole and stick my head in it! I feel like that damn monkey in the video! :laughing7: :laughing7:

PS: If you finish your story I'd better not end up being AP's cabin boy! :laughing7:

LOL!!! Had me goin too Scoop..........I had to PM him to ask if he was really angry at you! :laughing7:

Oh, and Scoop.........where the hell is the rum I asked for?? After you get my rum I think my boots need another polishing. :whip2: :evil6:

Oh, and Scoop.........where the hell is the rum I asked for?? After you get my rum I think my boots need another polishing. :whip2: :evil6:

Oh it comes already. Thanks Packer! :laughing7: :laughing7:
And to think I actually removed those post! And a story! What was I thinking! :laughing7: :laughing7:

ROFLMAO everyone start diggin the hook out of your mouth....I think we all either fell for it or were too afraid we might be wrong to bite. :laughing9: Packer certainly won that round!!

That was fun; let's see, now what?


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bigscoop said:
bigscoop said:
Cynangyl said:
aw now....continue on mr packerbacker!! I would love to hear the rest of the story!

See what you've started, and he's not even back here yet! :laughing7:

Remember that warning? :laughing7:

aw c'mon! If I believed EVERYTHING you said I would be in deep hurt! ROFL

packerbacker said:
That was fun; let's see, now what?

Dare I ask? lol

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