Cops ran us out again!

Interesting post... funny right away everyone talks about their rights being violated. Seems to me if you have permission, you should be able to hunt. But like buckleboy said...arguing, having the police come and all the other it worth it? As far as can you be arrested...yes sure you can... The police are the police...I know...I handle these type of disagreements all the time. As far as getting a lawyer and all this other crap...give me a break...hopefully you have more than one place to hunt....does not sound like the aggravation is worth it....

As buckleboy said...lets preserve our good name..... Remember this...the police get a disturbance call from the park manager...they respond and the simpliest way to end it is to move on... A police officer has the right to try to maintain peace and an orderly situation.... Lets not be the ones to ruin it. Also it sounds like the officer in this case was more than reasonable in your case and seemed to agree with you. What did he get for trying to help calling him a pig...go figure... Then people wonder why police are the way they are.... ??? If he reads your post...which hopefully in your case he does not... I doubt you would have to worry about hunting there again...

ryan hope you get it worked out, it is a nice big park, i would imagine there is quite a bit of history there, would like to hit it my self while on my way to MQT

haha you guys would continue to leave every time the cops came out...ya know what i would do? tell the cops that youhave permission in a PUBLIC park and that they escort that dumbass lady away from you before sue her for her actions. lol disorderly my ass......i would laugh at those cops.

Back, well, way back in the early years of ultralights, me and some of my Friends used to land our ultralight aircraft in Zilker park in Austin Texas. There was no law against us landing and taking off in the park. However, it was not long until some of my fellow ultralight pilot friends got into a confrontation with the local police. Instead of following the officers request to take off and not use the park as an airport, they decided to argue the case with the officer. Well today the city has an ordnance prohibiting ultralights from landing in city parks, except in case of an emergency.
Had my UL fellow pilots just said yes sir, and then approached the city counsel with a request to use part of the park, they most likely would have had much more success than doing the hardline ditty with the local police.


My advice, don't get on the bad side with the cops........go along with them....they're just doing their job and covering their butts, but I bet you deep down, they're on your side and see this lady in the same light you do. They'd probably throw a donut at her if they could get away with it for interupting their coffee break with that BS. I would DEFINATELY file a complaint against her and consult a lawyer on how to bring about a suit. She's wasting tax dollars and people's time by calling the police for issues that don't exist. I'd check on the possiblity of talking to a captain or above about her at your precint, and as mentioned earlier, have the person who ok'd you guys sent the police chief/captain, etc a memo. Work with the cops.........their not the enemy, she is.

Wreck, while I understand what your saying Ill offer this.

If no laws are being broke, what right does a police officer have to ask anyone to leave? Ifthey are being dangerous and ignorant to others personal space thats one thing,you didnt mention it but Im guessing they were.

If im in a park with no laws against metal detecting,and leaving the place in good order when I leave, where does a cop get the right to ask me to leave? Im not concerned with him being a cop. Im not breaking any laws and had permission to be there. Thats why im so irate.

We asked the officers to look at the turf where we were detecting to inspect it for damage. They looked and couldnt even see an inkling of a dig area.

We had permission. The woman was told to leave us alone last year. She drove on the sidewalk with children present and 2 kids on bikes had to swerve out of her way. I understand alot of people would walk away and leave it be. I understand the reasoning behind their decisions to do that.

I dont understand why I should have to get permission again. I dont understand why I have to be subjected to harrassment by someone who was already told by her BOSS that she has no authority.

Im taking this as far as I can because im sick of the discrimination. Atleast this way someone will pull their head out of their ass and make a frickin ruling one way or the other which is visible and concise for all people involved. If they do make a law against metal detecting in this park I would be glad. Atleast I saved some poor guy/gal from having to deal with this poor excuse of a woman.

I have a problem with people in no position of authority creating laws on the spot without the use of the legal system or the use of the town council.

If im breaking no laws, why should I leave? To me thats the ultimate form of discrimination. It means the cop, who already admitted we were in the right and asks us to leave anyways is not taking our rights into account. He is basing his decision on something other than the facts and LAWS at hand.

I know its one park in one town in the thousands throughout the USA. But if I dont get clarification on this matter what will be next?

While I understand where you are coming from you are going to succeed in getting yourself banned from the park you are trying to hunt.

But if you must prove your point despite it being against your best interest then good luck.

ryaan21 said:
Wreck, while I understand what your saying Ill offer this.

If no laws are being broke, what right does a police officer have to ask anyone to leave? Ifthey are being dangerous and ignorant to others personal space thats one thing,you didnt mention it but Im guessing they were.

If im in a park with no laws against metal detecting,and leaving the place in good order when I leave, where does a cop get the right to ask me to leave? Im not concerned with him being a cop. Im not breaking any laws and had permission to be there. Thats why im so irate.

We asked the officers to look at the turf where we were detecting to inspect it for damage. They looked and couldnt even see an inkling of a dig area.

We had permission. The woman was told to leave us alone last year. She drove on the sidewalk with children present and 2 kids on bikes had to swerve out of her way. I understand alot of people would walk away and leave it be. I understand the reasoning behind their decisions to do that.

I dont understand why I should have to get permission again. I dont understand why I have to be subjected to harrassment by someone who was already told by her BOSS that she has no authority.

Im taking this as far as I can because im sick of the discrimination. At least this way someone will pull their head out of their ass and make a frickin ruling one way or the other which is visible and concise for all people involved. If they do make a law against metal detecting in this park I would be glad. At least I saved some poor guy/gal from having to deal with this poor excuse of a woman.

I have a problem with people in no position of authority creating laws on the spot without the use of the legal system or the use of the town council.

If im breaking no laws, why should I leave? To me thats the ultimate form of discrimination. It means the cop, who already admitted we were in the right and asks us to leave anyways is not taking our rights into account. He is basing his decision on something other than the facts and LAWS at hand.

I know its one park in one town in the thousands throughout the USA. But if I dont get clarification on this matter what will be next?


I am having a hard time understanding why you don't just go see the City Manager again.

If she has an anger problem and endangered kids don't you think he needs to know, if she is disobeying him then also don't you think he needs to know too?

In my opinion, the officer asked you to leave for one reason the Director of Parks or what ever her title is told him to have you leave and by her position of authority over the park I would say he made the right call telling you to leave and go see the city manager again.

It is your decision only and I respect what ever course you drive down. Good luck


Ryaan, I totally understand your frustration with this woman and I wish you all the luck
in the world in dealing with this situation.

Even though you are clearly in the right, she will unfortunately make it her mission in life to find some
way to win this vendetta. . . which may include the addition of another "Rule" to the park regulations
that would prohibit "excavating, digging or disturbing manicured grass areas" in ANY public park.

All I'm trying to say here is you should be VERY careful. . .

Take care & good luck,

I think I would rather pay a lawyer to get an injunction against this nutcase, than pay one to get me out of jail and defend me in court. The preemptive strike would probably be cheaper, certainly be more convenient and controllable, and would cost her money to oppose it.

Ryaan... it gets are some recent ordiance violations which get passed very easily that I have seen.

No skateboarding
No dog walking
No golfing
No soccer playing! (See video below) :o !!!
No grilling
No metal detecting

Different parks can pass different ordiances...enjoyed talking to you in private here take a look at this...the most unbelievable park ordiance and enforcement I have seen!

Click on video link below to see how bad this can get!

I fully understand your rights. But have seen this before, and the woman ( and i use that term lightly) was pretty well known in town. Fellow detecting ran into the same problems. He finally went to higher lvls and stirred up the mud. He won his right to detect. However said (woman) started a petition and knew most of the towns elderly and cranks who hate everyone. Next session in city hall didnt go well for detectorists. Now the whole towns off limits to detecting. Can only hunt houses with permission. And if your caught off said property your detector and equipment is taken and your eating beans with a guy named Bubba. As some said yes you have rights but at the same time you can loose your rights and the rights of others who enjoy this fine hobby. Walking away isnt easy for any of us but sometimes the short term solution out weighs the long term results.

al-nm said:
I fully understand your rights. But have seen this before, and the woman ( and i use that term lightly) was pretty well known in town. Fellow detecting ran into the same problems. He finally went to higher lvls and stirred up the mud. He won his right to detect. However said (woman) started a petition and knew most of the towns elderly and cranks who hate everyone. Next session in city hall didnt go well for detectorists. Now the whole towns off limits to detecting. Can only hunt houses with permission. And if your caught off said property your detector and equipment is taken and your eating beans with a guy named Bubba. As some said yes you have rights but at the same time you can loose your rights and the rights of others who enjoy this fine hobby. Walking away isnt easy for any of us but sometimes the short term solution out weighs the long term results.

Great point..sometimes it is not worth it... I would try to get her schedule and detect around it...or hunt somewhere else... but if you watched the video I posted...not even digging got those people playing soccer in trouble. Remember this...the police do not make the laws they just enforce them. Also who do you think usually calls the police...a neighbor, a friend, a relative... People call the police... Once the ordiances are past it is like you said all is lost then...

Just organize a little BBQ get to together at the park with about 100 treasure hunters, all with detectors in hand. This lady will have a coronary, and walla, problem solved!

wreckdiver1715 said:
Just organize a little BBQ get to together at the park with about 100 treasure hunters, all with detectors in hand. This lady will have a coronary, and walla, problem solved!

LOL funny :thumbsup:

i'm getting a head ache. think i'll go dig up my sorta manicured lawn, leave some holes, throw some trash around and have a beer while my wife bitches at me! one more pull tab to dig.

Talk to your city council-person. I don't know the size of your municipality (I'm in Cleveland) but whenever I have a gripe I direct stuff to him.
The sewers here were getting worked on a year or 2 ago. I live on a main drag & they were trying to tell me I couldn't pull into my driveway 'cos it'd muck up the project. I got no results with pitching a s*%^fit at the contractors. Called the councilman, WHAM, by the end of the day they'd jury-rigged me a driveway entrance. And this is in Cleveland.
I imagine you're out in the 'burbs somewhere so your council-person is a lot more likely to run into Mayor McCheese at the office and say "Hey, Mayor, one of my residents is having a problem... Can you fix it?"
And NEVER get s*^##@ with the cops. Even if you're right...

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