Cops ran us out again!

She drives by and pulls a U turn onto the sidewalk near where we detecting and drives atleast 20 miles an hour with children present on bikes and playing.

Sounds suspicous to me. I would immediately take down the make/model of her car, as well as her liscense plate #, and call the police to alert them of a possible drunk driver with children in the car.

Some on this thread have mentioned that if you cross her, she can probably get a regulation passed. This is probably true, if you choose not to fight it. Public parks are owned by the public, not ignorant officials. Write every politician you can think of. Write letters to the local newspaper and television stations, and have your friends and family do the same. Attend every hearing on new regulations. Write a petition and have it copied and sent to every possible state and local official. Find out of this woman is a political appointee, or a municipal employee who worked up through the ranks. If its the former, generating even a threat of negative publicity for the municipality and patron of this women will often be enough to get her off your back, if not removed from her position all together.

Just think about her like a pull tab on the beach. It's easier to leave it for the next man then bend down and pick it up, but you're doing everyone a favor if you toss it in the garbage with the rest of the trash.

find a new hunt. do cuffs fit your wrists? is it worth the bull? if so, go for it! the police do not lose. i don't always agree with them but they have to follow the penal code. if you want to f. with them, do you what you think is right. don't call me for bail. their are millions of sites to hunt.

Life is too short and there are too many other good places to hunt. I have been kicked out when I shouldn't have because of one ladies "perception". Just TEMPORARILY cross it off the list of places. Maybe hunt it next year or something.

Some battles are worth the effort, others aren't. Does the negative outcome out weigh the gain. If you get all the parks in the city declared no detecting zones for all detectorists would that negative be worse than the positive of you being able to hit that one park for yourself?

Does pissing off the police for all detectorist whether on public or private land worth the battle? Police have a considerable amount of latitude when presented with a situation. I would not want to predispose them in negative way towards metal detectorists.

Finally - "You can't fight city hall" - That "crazy ladies" job is to protect the parks for all people from what she perceives as permanent damage. See her point of view and work out a solution if you haven't totally burned that bridge. If you have, I suggest you walk away and repeat the above phrase "You can't fight city hall". A hot headed response will ruin it for us all.

I was chased from a park by a staff person - I found out when her hours were and I hunt when she is not there. Find out when she is not around and go then. Move on when you are told.


Hey all....glad to see some more discussion about this topic.

I have calmed down over the last week or so about this subject.

I have a few questions and ponderances (if thats a word lol).

1. If there is no law against metal detecting in the park and she calls the police and they tell me to leave and I refuse, what could I be charged with. Since I am breaking no law, the cop shouldnt have the power to ask me to leave. I may be wrong on this but if I am arrested for not complying to the officers command, and he has no ground to issue such a command, would the arrest hold water?

2. If I decide to pursue this and it ends up getting the park OFFICIALLY closed to metal detecting, wouldnt that be better for future would be hunters? Instead of comming down and yelling at them the nutcase could actually provide a written statute with all the appropriate laws and whatnot concerning metal detecting rather than making up laws on the spot and harrassing people.

Ok. to those who have suggested I let it go and that there are tons of other places to detect, I understand your logic and appreciate it. I feel a stand needs to be taken against the police and this nutcase. Laws CANNOT be created on the spot as far as I know. I believe there might need to be some sort of meetings and votes on whether to pass this law or not. Its not about not being able to detect a park. Its about being railroaded by a poor excuse of a woman and some cops who are to chicken shit to stand up to her and tell her that there isnt a law against what im doing.

We had the officers monitor several retrievals. They found no problems at all with our methods and even admitted they couldnt see the area where the target came from after we filled and recovered the hole. Last year when she pulled the same crap she told us we were "destroying public property.." I then asked her to point out what we had destroyed and she got up in my brothers face and said "I dont have to show you anything, as far as YOUR concerned I AM THE POLICE!!!!"

She couldnt point out and damage because there wasnt any. It infuriated her to be called out on her lies and BS. We did it respectfully and politely and she still flipped out.

I had permission granted for hunting this park last summer. The city manager told us it was ok. I refuse to get something in writing for permission I shouldnt even have to get as there is no laws against it.

I got the verbal permission last year to pacify the police. The woman was told not to bother us again. She refuses to leave us alone. I am considering carrying a small digital video camera and a can of pepper spray. They way she drives and the way she gets into personal space is offensive and IMO against the law. She is the type who if I pulled out a camera to film her antics she would go apeshit and try to take it from me.....hence the pepper spray. I am just thinking out loud here and not sure if i would really spray her but if she touches me or my equipment what should I do? Self defence is something im very good at but i wouldnt beat up a woman if she hit me. I would have to protect my gear however.

Anyways. Just a few thoughts and ideas ive been mulling over. I know the pepper spray thing may sound harsh and a little "off". But I have a right to protect my personal safety. Thanks and HH.

please go to the park and detect all you want! when the cops show up, tell them you have every write to be there. have fun.


Have a copy of written permission in hand when she bothers you again, as well as the camera.
The camera will give you all the ammo you need to rid the comunity of an overbearing, power hungry,
domineering headache. once you have her on tape go to the local Paper and TV station (or offer to).
My bet is she will forever leave you alone. She won't want the publicity.


I actually like the BBQ idea.... a 100 people with detectors. A video of that would be priceless.

Here is a novel idea. If you could somehow BECOME the new Director of Parks, what a difference that would make.

ryaan21 said:
Hey all....glad to see some more discussion about this topic.

I have calmed down over the last week or so about this subject.

I have a few questions and ponderances (if thats a word lol).

1. If there is no law against metal detecting in the park and she calls the police and they tell me to leave and I refuse, what could I be charged with. Since I am breaking no law, the cop shouldnt have the power to ask me to leave. I may be wrong on this but if I am arrested for not complying to the officers command, and he has no ground to issue such a command, would the arrest hold water?

Ok what could you be charged with...disorderly conduct... If a disturbance is causd in the park in which yelling, shouting, screaming occurs between the two of you...yes this could be considered disturbing the peace...and one or both of you could be arrested. So yes there are laws to cover everything. The arrest would hold water, but would be a simple misdemeanor..

2. If I decide to pursue this and it ends up getting the park OFFICIALLY closed to metal detecting, wouldnt that be better for future would be hunters? Instead of comming down and yelling at them the nutcase could actually provide a written statute with all the appropriate laws and whatnot concerning metal detecting rather than making up laws on the spot and harrassing people.

No, I do not think future hunters want any potential hunting spot eliminated... This nut case probably has a set schedule which means she has days off...for you to hunt.. :wink: :)

Ryaan, it is obvious this woman has a problem, I do not think there is a single person disagreeing with you! I also have a feeling the police officers could care less and probably laugh at her when they drive away... :D ;D But...she does run the park....

Oh about spraying her with mace :o do not do that! If the police feel your action against her was not needed you would get charged with battery and you might face the lawsuit! I would get the written to one of the officers when you see them in area a few days before you plan to hunt and that hopefully will be enough...or just hunt her days off... Boy Ryaan I hope this park is worth it! :D

Ryan,pass it by,it aint worth it! Plus youll be rewarded at the next place you hunt for the good karma,,I believe this,for every sacrifice you make ,you gain something too!!

Shoot her and toss a knife down saying you feared for your life. :-)

Simplest way to put an end to this harrasment is to find her boss and get an email or signed letter. This will show the police you have crossed your T,s and dotted the I,s. A phone number on the letter would be nice. Then if she bothers you agian the police should not back her, If they do go after her. I don,t know about you but if I don,t listen to my boss I would not have my job very long.

Ed D.

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