Could it be?


May 13, 2008
Ok guys, I have a question for you all. I have a very very very strong potential site in southern Phils. My wife actually has inherited the land from her mother. So the site is secured in terms of our ownership. Through years of farming and other work that has gone on on the property there have been numorous finds. Mostly things that are said to be "signs". such as animal skulls with japanese markings, large stones with japanese markings. The most recent find was a massive boulder covered in japanese symbols. From what i have read around the net, these seem to be pretty strong signs. So I guess I have two questions.
First, are there any confirmed stories of finds? (other than the marcos thing) (like independent parties or companies successfully finding treasure??)
Second question, what is the next step? So we have this big rock and there may be something behind...maybe $$$$ maybe a bomb so what should i do from here? Also in order to accomplish a full blown dig, how much (roughly) should I expect to spend?

Thanks alot guys

PokerStar said:
Ok guys, I have a question for you all. I have a very very very strong potential site in southern Phils. My wife actually has inherited the land from her mother. So the site is secured in terms of our ownership. Through years of farming and other work that has gone on on the property there have been numorous finds. Mostly things that are said to be "signs". such as animal skulls with japanese markings, large stones with japanese markings. The most recent find was a massive boulder covered in japanese symbols. From what i have read around the net, these seem to be pretty strong signs. So I guess I have two questions.
First, are there any confirmed stories of finds? (other than the marcos thing) (like independent parties or companies successfully finding treasure??)
Second question, what is the next step? So we have this big rock and there may be something behind...maybe $$$$ maybe a bomb so what should i do from here? Also in order to accomplish a full blown dig, how much (roughly) should I expect to spend?

Thanks alot guys
Question 1. Yes
Question 2. Bombs, gas, spikes, flooding, and cave-ins are some of the boobytraps placed over the gold. Spending well lets just say it not cheap. I lived in the PI for two years and know several people that do this. Besides this you may not even be able to keep if you found it. They(Philippines government) are cracking down on non filipinos looking for these treasures. Still I keep hear of one near my wife's place. Peace and happy hunting. Ward -=La Beep=-
Ps PM an email address and I can answer some of your questions if needed, I not going to get into it here. Also most of the caches are rigged to make the treasure unrecoverable should you mess up. I know of one that the shaft flooded and the cache sunk though the sand into an under ground river that washed it away. That was after they dug around a 500 lbs bomb and got gassed. Find a good sign reader to read the signs he should be able to tell if there is treasure and how much..

Ok, I've been digging a little deeper into the history of my wife's property. I have found out through historical accounts that the japanese did in fact occupy that area for around 3.5 years. Although the place of the landing and main occupation was actually about 8 KM from our property. The surrounding geography of the property, I believe, would suggest it as a favorable place to "hide" something. I have also found out that the property is at the center of much legend and "ghost stories" amongst the local population. The large stone that is now exposed is approx. 8 by 5 meters with an unknown thickness. What do you guys who have experience in these parts think? Is it probably that I have something of value?

hi pokerstar,

i have read that you are actually recovering lots of signs and markers and in big sizes with japanese markings, did you say boulder, wow it must be difficult to hide it from onlookers or passersby. Logic will dictate that if there is a smoke there is a fire, ergo if you are seeing things coming from under with signs and markings then somebody must have burried it from that place.
It might be a treasure or anything that is of importance, who knows, unless you decide to do something to confirm your curiosity.
Don't listen to those personalities that try to destroy treasure hunters especially filipinos , believe me they haven't seen a thing that were talking here. I'am from mindanao and these balikatan exercise with the american soldiers, my God they are here just because of that treasure, if they don't believe me go to Zamboanga now and visit a memorial park there, you might even see those bastards now digging.
This is very a expensive thing to do so you better think twice, and look for the veteran Thunters for their advice there is a lot here in these forum and they will help you, and you can count on your fellow filipinos.
Good luckand God Bless.

I know of one that the shaft flooded and the cache sunk though the sand into an under ground river that washed it away. That was after they dug around a 500 lbs bomb and got gassed.

You guys should write adventure novels... ::)


La Beep said:
PokerStar said:
Ok guys, I have a question for you all. I have a very very very strong potential site in southern Phils. My wife actually has inherited the land from her mother. So the site is secured in terms of our ownership. Through years of farming and other work that has gone on on the property there have been numorous finds. Mostly things that are said to be "signs". such as animal skulls with japanese markings, large stones with japanese markings. The most recent find was a massive boulder covered in japanese symbols. From what i have read around the net, these seem to be pretty strong signs. So I guess I have two questions.
First, are there any confirmed stories of finds? (other than the marcos thing) (like independent parties or companies successfully finding treasure??)
Second question, what is the next step? So we have this big rock and there may be something behind...maybe $$$$ maybe a bomb so what should i do from here? Also in order to accomplish a full blown dig, how much (roughly) should I expect to spend?

Thanks alot guys
Question 1. Yes
Question 2. Bombs, gas, spikes, flooding, and cave-ins are some of the boobytraps placed over the gold. Spending well lets just say it not cheap. I lived in the PI for two years and know several people that do this. Besides this you may not even be able to keep if you found it. They(Philippines government) are cracking down on non filipinos looking for these treasures. Still I keep hear of one near my wife's place. Peace and happy hunting. Ward -=La Beep=-
Ps PM an email address and I can answer some of your questions if needed, I not going to get into it here. Also most of the caches are rigged to make the treasure unrecoverable should you mess up. I know of one that the shaft flooded and the cache sunk though the sand into an under ground river that washed it away. That was after they dug around a 500 lbs bomb and got gassed. Find a good sign reader to read the signs he should be able to tell if there is treasure and how much..

can you draw the signs from the rocks and send it to me, i have a book regarding those signs, i may decipher it, thanks

[email protected]

I have heard stories that Japanese soldiers may have buried large quantities of US currency (looted from banks) when they left the Philippines when the US took over in WWII. I understand that under current Philppine law, only Philippine citizens are allowed to treasure hunt, and the government now takes 50% of the treasure. So, I have some questions. If I was working in partnership with a Phil citizen and we found some buried treasure that consisted of this US currency, how would we go about verifying the authenticity of of and how would we cash it in? Would we need to have a lawyer versed in Philippine law on this subject? Would we need to get an expert to verify the bills, as they would be from the 1930s and maybe 1940s? How would we find a bank that would take this money?

garya505 said:
I have heard stories that Japanese soldiers may have buried large quantities of US currency (looted from banks) when they left the Philippines when the US took over in WWII. I understand that under current Philppine law, only Philippine citizens are allowed to treasure hunt, and the government now takes 50% of the treasure. So, I have some questions. If I was working in partnership with a Phil citizen and we found some buried treasure that consisted of this US currency, how would we go about verifying the authenticity of of and how would we cash it in? Would we need to have a lawyer versed in Philippine law on this subject? Would we need to get an expert to verify the bills, as they would be from the 1930s and maybe 1940s? How would we find a bank that would take this money?

I would worry about that after you actually find all this US cash.

SWR said:
Kinda putting the cart before the to speak.

I agree with your assessment ...they are stories. You are also correct in only Filipino's are allowed to purchase treasure hunting permits. The Government split depends on the terms of your permit.

Good luck!

Let's just say, for argument's sake (i.e. hypothetically speaking), that the horse is in the lead, so to speak. What would you do then, get a permit after the fact? I would imagine (again hypothetically speaking of course) that going this route would be safer than doing something crazy like attempting to take a large amount of cash out of the Phils without giving the Phil govt their cut. I hear that Philipine prisons are not too nice. And then there would be the matter of bringing that much money into the US (I believe the limit, without declaring it, is $10000US). I suspect you would be wise to get a Filipino lawyer to handle the messy details. But assuimg that is a good way to go, then how would you find such a lawyer?

SWR said:
I don't really see where all this "hypothetical" scenario is going. :icon_scratch:

Maybe some of the other posters can help

Where it is going is this. Assume for a minute that you found such a buried treasure as I described. The question is, how would you deal with it? Needless to say, one thing you might not do is tell too many people people you actually found it.

Montana Jim said:
Maybe the big rock rolled over on top of him.

Not yet. Actually I was looking for real advice from people who might have experience with this sort of situation, or at least had some serious ideas on how to deal with it.

garya505 said:
Montana Jim said:
Maybe the big rock rolled over on top of him.

Not yet. Actually I was looking for real advice from people who might have experience with this sort of situation, or at least had some serious ideas on how to deal with it.

garya505 - are you also PokerStar? I must have missed something...

Montana Jim said:
garya505 - are you also PokerStar? I must have missed something...

No, I'm not PokerStar, and yes I believe you missed something. If you read my posts again maybe you will get it.

Take a picture of the rock, get the picture on EBAY, and sell the rock!!! :tard:

hikeinmts said:
Take a picture of the rock, get the picture on EBAY, and sell the rock!!! :tard:

Actually I just talked to the guys who found the money, earlier today. Some small bills ($20) were converted to pesos in Cebu but the bank didn't want to convert the $1000 fed reserve notes (not sure why, due to the language barrier). From the description of the container, it may be a Japanese or US ammo can, but I'm not 100% sure of that either. I hope to get a look at it before I leave here. I'll get photos if I can.

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