Crawl space update, sifted, detected, probed, pooped!


Silver Member
Aug 17, 2006
Sunday after I posted I informed the boys they would NOT be working in there Wed. afternoon, it was mine. Ahhhh we just put the floor on. No problem I'll crawl in through the hatch with a flash light. Ahhhh I'm insulating under there Mon. >:(. I am not a happy camper and I start throwing a temper tantrum like you read about! :'( So in order for me to stop turning purple.....they admit they took 2 - 2 1/2 yards of dirt out of there and DUMPED it over the bank. "I sure as heck hope you didn't break anything?" Reply...."I checked every shovel full there is nothing in there." ::)

Today.....I rush home get my screen a shovel, my detector, my probe, and start sifting like a mad woman. I sifted until I ran out of room in the drum and the granite rock. Took out the detector and the probe and continued with them. All in all about 3 hours. I am far from done. You would not believe the rusty crustys, one window latch, lots of unidentifiables, glass, ceramic plate & cup pieces, arrow head shards.

Finds...ceramic button, piece of clay pipe bowl & the rest piece of a clay pipe, clay marble, most of an arrow head :'( (there were words), a tiny buckle, half of an old cork. Saving the best for last........the last thing I found and with the detector, yup a bell! It is soaking now.

The first it was so heavy I thought it was a large musket ball while it was in my hand. One look I knew it was a bell, but why so heavy? I brought it inside washed it off, it seems to be filled with lead? The silvery material inside is even comming out the 4 holes on the bottom of it. Any ideas why it would be filled with lead?

Here are some pictures of me and my friend's day. I told you she was a treasure seeker. :D


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Nice finds! About a month ago I did pretty much the same thing. I dug a half dozen old figurines and a trade token.

Sometimes the screen is the way to go.

Good work.


That is awesome Sis! So glad Micki is helping out....better that then the shoes! ;) lol Looks like you guys had a great time and found a lot of cool stuff too! Ever hear any ideas as to why the lead was in the bell?? maybe someone got tired of hearing it ring?? lol

Wow Kimmie...ya did good! Lots of interesting little things there. I don't think the lead just "found" it's way into the bell...possibly used as a weight for who knows what and it certainly didn't have a place to attach anything. Can I borrow your helper this weekend? :-*

A lot of work and some really cool finds. You got it girl!

I do believe there will be a coin or two in there, that's one of the reasons I started using the detector when I was running out of time. I will be searching some more, trust me.

The history of the area suggests I would find arrow heads in the dirt. I used to screen all the time as a kid,but had better luck eyeballing the arrow heads after a rain or early spring when the frost was comming out of the ground. I really am glad for the suggestions of screening the dirt, some neat stuff under an old house with history dating back thousands of years.

The bell from research is mid 1800's and the house was built in the late 1800's so I don't dare melt the lead out until I can figure out why they would have melted lead into it? I'd be afraid to open that clay marble too, just in case there was nothing inside, then I wouldn't be able to put it in my display case.

I have found a bell that I believe is from the early 1800's a few years ago. It only has two holes in the base and no design on it.

It will probably be a few days before I can get back at it. Gotta work :-\.

Kim, looks like you had a hard day's are you feeling this morning, sore? You're a go-getter. ;D Still nice finds at least you had a helper. I too, glanced under the house where I was yesterday, it's up on moving jacks ready to roll out, I want to get back over there to detect and soon as it moves. You think I was going under there? It looked too spooky.

;) RR

Leon those are some cool finds you found under there.

Yeah RR it does look scarry, but let the guys go first and clear out the critters :D!

Yeah RR you can borrow her anytime ;), fair warning she starts to dig do NOT be standing behind her :D. Oh yeah I'm a little sore myself today, just a little ;).

Oh my god!! Kim! I haven't been on in a while and look what you did!!!! You're awesome, girl!

LOL, too tired today, have had insomnia for three nights :-[ but maybe tomorrow? Got plans already?

Gotta clam bake to go to :-\. Awesome time. You think Gerry would notice if I kept disappearing for a bit. When I came back with dirt on the knees and under the fingernails, it might be a give away :D.

Awesome post and finds CG, glad it came back up as I somehow missed it! You are having some fun with that. Great points as well. Don't open that clay marble, you might find a wire and more clay, LOL. Does the clay marble have a small dark spot on it, maybe two? Should be from the wire, don't know why they put the wire in them, maybe to pull them from the mold, most of clay marbles have a wire spot on them. They should pre date 1850. A Clam bake? Man I am drooling on my keyboard, I have not had clams out of the shell in at least 20 years. HH and enjoy that clam bake, Mike

Clam bake done the old fashion way. Rocks and sea weed, fire and friendship. Watch Daily snap shots, What Country is all about :D.

I think the marble is Indian, I'm pretty sure. It would make sense with the other relics and history.

I searched for another couple of hours today.........I'm trying to get another couple in the morning :-\?

Way to go Country Girl!

Nice finds on the arrow heads Kim, I hope you find a couple of old coins as you continue.
Keep up the good work. I loved all your pictures by the way.

Best of Luck,

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