Cutoff years in your collection?


Bronze Member
Apr 3, 2004
Southern Appalachia
Detector(s) used
Whites CM2 BFO, Harbor Freight 9 function, BH Pioneer 202, Fisher F22
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
My collection only goes up to my birth year (1976) and decided to collect only North America and European nations. Even with those constraints, my collection is "housed" in 33 3" binders. I say "housed" because a good portion of it is currently residing in plastic totes waiting to be placed into their binder homes. Great hobby, but definitely a time consumer. Wish I had more time to dedicate to it.


My collection runs probably around 50k stamps. I much prefer to stick to worldwide stamps up till the end of ww2

I'm a collector of just about anything. I do collect stamps when I run across collections or the books. other than that I don't know a whole lot about them. I have hundreds of them from collections I bought or found at Goodwills, auctions, garage sales, etc......So, basically I don't have a cutoff, I just grab boxes or books of them whenever I find them, look through them, throw them in a box. I wanted to eventually get into it a little more....Just haven't gotten that far yet. I don't search anything out, just grab whatever I stumble across and not real picky.:laughing7:

I would like to pay more attention to my hobby. I mostly gather Europe, after World War II.

My interest cut off is pre 1955. With a keen interest in back of the books. So interesting and varied

I've collected stamps for 70 years. It's time to unload.
Email me your address and name the top 2 or 3 countries you collect.
I'll see what I can do regarding sending you some stamps; for free !
[email protected]
This applies to all those on the thread.

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My cut off is 1966 in U.S. stamps. That is because Two stamps found buried in a junk store were published in 1932 and the other in 1959 I think, they contained a large number of US and Foreign stamps. Transferring them into new albums, (The others had some water damage) the second new album only went to 1966. Good enough, it has turned into an interesting part time hobby.

1966. Discovered two older albums in a junk store, a little water damage, but the albums themselves were in good shape. The oldest stamp (American) was in the 1870's, and the 2nd album ended in 1966. There were a good number of stamps in them. There were also Many foreign stamps dating back into the 1800's. Have since bought new albums from Mystic Stamp co. and have transferred "carefully" all the stamps since. Kept the old albums, they were so well done, that to me, they are worth keeping. One copyright in 1930. The second album copyright 1952. . I have since been buying stamps from Mystic Stamp Co. Some used, some Mint, to fill in where I could afford to, or for what I was willing to pay. Years ago, who would have thought that I would have an interest in stamp collecting. The only ones I have bought are American issue, and only up to the date I mentioned. I have dealt with Mystic, but Kenmore seems more then equal, any thoughts on those two? An Edit. The second album found was as I said copyright 1952. The reason for the 1966 date is the two new albums I bought to transfer the stamps to, the second one ended at 66, therefore, the "cutoff" date.

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My cut off is 1966 in U.S. stamps. That is because Two stamps found buried in a junk store were published in 1932 and the other in 1959 I think, they contained a large number of US and Foreign stamps. Transferring them into new albums, (The others had some water damage) the second new album only went to 1966. Good enough, it has turned into an interesting part time hobby.
I only now proof read this? It should of read, Two stamp ALBUMS found buried in a junk store etc. Anyway, small new discovery, I was told about an Estate sale, "my first" and was told that they had featured some stamps. When the day arrived I was not going to bother, but then thought, It's not like my dance card is full, I am retired, so off I went. Did not see any in the house, so in leaving I found them piled up outside. On top was "The Comprehensive World-Wide Stamp Album", (Copyright 1966) and in typing this I JUST NOW realized that the pages of the "The All American Stamp Album" (Copyright 1960) was added to the World Wide Binder. Domestic, dates ranged from 1867 to 1960, and the World stamps from say 1858 to 1960? Have not even began on those yet. Many Domestic I had, but there were a number I transferred to my albums that I did not have, so...good for me? They had a price tag of $400 on it, I asked if that was just for the two books? There was also a smaller one, and they said that was for everything on the table, "Impulse Buyer" I bought it. They boxed it all up, (3 Boxes) and I took them home. At first I did have a bit of buyers remorse, thought I overpaid for the number of stamps I had transferred, until I really started digging around into the rest. Sheets of Mint state stamps, all told at retail approx. $780 worth, and MANY 4 to 6 stamp blocks again in Mint, about $1300 retail, and have now found a whole bunch more that I am still sorting out and assigning Scott cat. #'s to. Also a number of Postage Due, Document stamps etc. That I have not gone through yet, there are also a number of loan document's with the document stamps on them all from 1913 to 21. World stamps? again, haven't even begun to explore them yet, and now have found packages of even more boxed up. All things considered, I think the Novice did OK. Kind of like a Treasure Hunt without the detector or getting down on one knee to dig, THEN trying to get back up again. All righty then, My short story is finished. Well.....for now at least.

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