CW Tent Rope Fastener


Bronze Member
Oct 22, 2017
Ringgold, Georgia
Detector(s) used
Equinox 800, Garrett ATPro, ProPointer AT, Retriever II
Primary Interest:
Thanks to my bud Davers for id'ing this piece from his crappy phone the other day while we were both in the field!!! I hope I didn't cut in to your digging time too much D.

I can imagine if I had posted this in 'What is it', I would probably have received a half dozen 'pot handle' responses before being correctly id'ed.
CW Tent Rope Fastener - 2.jpg
CW Tent Rope Fastener - 3.jpg

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Nice find ,I have one of those to, never knew what it was thanks

Thanks to my bud Davers for id'ing this piece from his crappy phone the other day while we were both in the field!!! I hope I didn't cut in to your digging time too much D.
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View attachment 1571915

I can imagine if I had posted this in 'What is it', I would probably have received a half dozen 'pot handle' responses before being correctly id'ed.
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View attachment 1571930

Hey now , I did not see it until I got home after 9 pm & Only Guessed what it might be .
No you did not waste any of my digging time, actually I had pulled my 'Cheap' phone out from the depths of my Cargo pants to make sure it was on Vibe 'in case the Land Owner needed to move my Car , etc. & To take a picture of the Case Shot I had just dug , originally took my picture with my Camera then sent you one while I was at it 'Right before it (the phone) frustrated me enough to take a Nose Dive onto those RR tracks I pictured & sent to you.

You must be a psychic cause once I start hunting the only thing that Stops me are 'usually' Buttons , uncommon relics , or Box Turtles.

Thanks for the Honorable Mention.

I may have this dated wrong. It could very well be late 1800's to WWI.

They were patented November 30, 1880. I have several from a Spanish-American war camp site near my house. Here's one with the patent date on it.


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Here's one I dug in a WWI dump site.



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I see exactly where I have errored. When I searched for "civil war tent rope brass" yesterday, the results came back with exact images of my piece and a few other variations. After going into only two links and reading those descriptions, I was satisfied the were CW. I then posted my thread and went back to the search and started finding debates on how old these were. Of course, some say Spanish-American, WWI.

These are many links mis-identifying these as CW and I got caught by it. The last thing I would ever want to do is post incorrect information.
Should I delete this thread?

I say leave it on, I learned from it, maybe someone else can also.

I would say leave it too. This is commonly mis-identified, so it could help someone who may find one.


I've modified the Thread Tags to reflect the Patent Date.

There is no doubt this is mis-identified a lot!!! I could list a dozen links that all say it's CW.

Thanks for all the clarifications gentlemen.

I see exactly where I have errored. When I searched for "civil war tent rope brass" yesterday, the results came back with exact images of my piece and a few other variations. After going into only two links and reading those descriptions, I was satisfied the were CW. I then posted my thread and went back to the search and started finding debates on how old these were. Of course, some say Spanish-American, WWI.

These are many links mis-identifying these as CW and I got caught by it. The last thing I would ever want to do is post incorrect information.
Should I delete this thread?

I'd leave it up; I thought these were a point of debate , some still swear 'some' are Civil War era.

I totally forgot about the Pat, marked ones.

Maybe the unmarked ones were used for Years then somebody realized there was no 'Patent' on them , then applied & reaped the benefits .

That's the way I would like to think it was.

Still a nice Keeper of a find.

As a matter a fact ; my club has given away Cases with these & other CW relics as prizes at our club hunts. Sooooo?

It is the other way around. I think that a patent is good for 7 years and after that anyone can make the same item. Or the original maker doesn't have to put the date on them anymore. Of course I could be wrong about all of this. If so, hopefully someone will set me straight.

It is the other way around. I think that a patent is good for 7 years and after that anyone can make the same item. Or the original maker doesn't have to put the date on them anymore. Of course I could be wrong about all of this. If so, hopefully someone will set me straight.

This sounds right to me. & Makes good sense.

I have a couple of them, and am aware of the mis-dating issue. Mine were ID'd as WW1.

Still a nice find. Good luck sir!

I am one of those stubborn guys who think that maybe.....Just maybe, they were produced earlier than the patented examples by some poor fellow that never thought to get his idea patented. I have found these among CW artifacts that I think never got camped on with tents as a post war site. But I now state my disclaimer....I have been wrong before, my wife tells me so often enough:laughing7:

I am one of those stubborn guys who think that maybe.....Just maybe, they were produced earlier than the patented examples by some poor fellow that never thought to get his idea patented. I have found these among CW artifacts that I think never got camped on with tents as a post war site. But I now state my disclaimer....I have been wrong before, my wife tells me so often enough:laughing7:

Ahhhhh, The debate continues. lol

I think until someone comes up with an authentic period(CW) photograph of a tent with these on it instead of the dogbones, we have to go with the patent documents.

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